View Full Version : FVM biwire cables?

littlest hobo
28-01-2012, 10:47
Any suggestions for best value for money bi-wire speaker cable upgrade for my low rent set up?
I'm currently using long lengths of fisual dualcon that were given to me to feed Mk2 Castle Kendals from the sweet Mini-T amp and a erm playstation1 to play CD's...I said it was low rent! I'm scouting for a beresford dac and plan to upgrade over time, so ideally it needs to offer some future proofing but £170 is by far top end of my budget for now.

I'm looking at 4-2 rca plugs interconnected and have sourced the following to choose from all 2m length:

Van Damme tour grade black £52
QED original biwire mk2 £60
QED silver anniversary xt biwire £88
Chord carnival silverscreen biwire £91
Black Rhodium jive biwire £112
Chord rumour 4 biwire £155
Black Rhodium tango £169


28-01-2012, 10:57
Does it really have to be bi-wire? You could always try some decent single runs too.

The Grand Wazoo
28-01-2012, 11:19
As Mark suggests, bi-wiring with most speakers will give you a pretty marginal improvement (if any at all) and you may be better devoting your full budget to a single run of better cables. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against bi-wiring with the appropriate speakers - I tri-wired for years with SD Acoustics speakers that were designed that way from the ground up & truly came to life when powered this way.

If you decide to go single wired, the don't use blingy shorting bars or flash jumpers, just a short length of your chosen cable.

.....oh & if anyone comes near you with QED Silver Anniversary, shoot them & bury the cables in a very deep hole.

Ali Tait
28-01-2012, 12:46
Try these -


I've heard them and thought they were very good.

littlest hobo
28-01-2012, 14:12
Does it really have to be bi-wire? You could always try some decent single runs too.

Have considered single runs but thought easier to replace like with like (but better). However, just looked at an article on bi-wiring and now wondering if they were properly set up in first place.


States to bi-wire you need to remove the copper connectors between upper and lower binding posts - just checked and the copper connectors are still in place on my speakers with 4 plugs attached - does this matter? Presumably going to single wire is straight forward and would open up my options on second hand market.


littlest hobo
28-01-2012, 14:14
.....oh & if anyone comes near you with QED Silver Anniversary, shoot them & bury the cables in a very deep hole.

:lol: Have QED micro silver anniversary set up on a pair of scandyna micropods in living room - Very bright but ok for tv with the sub plugged in.

28-01-2012, 15:59
Have considered single runs but thought easier to replace like with like (but better). However, just looked at an article on bi-wiring and now wondering if they were properly set up in first place.


States to bi-wire you need to remove the copper connectors between upper and lower binding posts - just checked and the copper connectors are still in place on my speakers with 4 plugs attached - does this matter? Presumably going to single wire is straight forward and would open up my options on second hand market.


With the copper connectors in place between upper and lower terminals, it has resulted in a single cable run because there is a short circuit, with either the copper bar or cable having the lower resistance between the upper/lower speaker terminals. Taking out either the top terminal cable run or the bottom one will make no difference either way.

Spend as much as you like on just a single run of cable and use a short length of the same wire to replace the copper terminal bars.

28-01-2012, 16:27
As above.

The only benefit you get with bi-wiring is the removal of the cruddy brass links between the two sets of terminals. Far better to buy one good run of cable and join the terminals with speaker wire jumpers.