View Full Version : IsoKinetik - who are they?

26-01-2012, 02:37
I've read a fair bit around the internet about IsoKinetik and their mods for Rega decks and arms and other bits and pieces but never seen or heard anyone representing them in the press or any marketing at all - some good reviews but even they don't actually say who they are..

Curious, I went to their website and couldn't find mention of a Ltd company nor even a VAT registration number.. Don't come up as a company either when googling a quick company check.

Are "they" just a one-man band operating out of their home somewhere?

Good on them if they/he are/is .. only mention of a person is Karl Smith, their data officer for Data Protection Act purposes.

Anyone know?

I'm curious more out of interest in how people develop their businesses by just having a good web presence (and of course a solid, well regarded set of products).

26-01-2012, 07:46
If they have a web site then by law it needs to have both electronic contact details, physical contact details and their trading address. A quick enquiry with the tax man should fix that.

26-01-2012, 08:35
Their contact page is here with email and phone number: http://www.cabezon.eu/contact_us.php

I was in mail contact with them a couple of months ago and received answers from a couple of people so they are more than one. They told me they are not registered for VAT. I use the Isodek IF-2 platform which works very well.

26-01-2012, 10:05
If they are based in the UK their website is breaking the law.

26-01-2012, 12:30
I did wonder that - no sign of a physical address on the website.

I'm certainly not questioning their products or customer service, just wondering how big an operation they are.

I looked at a Hifi World review earlier and it does mention Karl Smith as being the contact but then he's only mentioned on the website as Data Control Officer or whatever the DPA title is. Then again, a little more snooping gives their eBay shop, Duo-phonic that does have an address, which, with a quick search, is the home address of a Karl Smith..

So I presume this it is a one man band by Karl Smith who has someone else helping out?

In other cases some well-ish known dealers and manufacturers do look like they're operating out of their shed with eBay style photos with a big mess in the back ground. Isokinetik on the other hand have an immediate image of a bigger company but maybe in fact are just operating out of their shed too (with a company contracted to manufacture the gear of course).

Kind of brings it home that doing something like that is down to will power rather than needing some special skill, once you've a product or just some secondhand gear to shift.

26-01-2012, 13:34
Most smallish internet businesses operate from their house or the 'shed'. Thats how they are viable with minimal overhead costs. Isokinetic are probably just as ligit and no more likely to fold suddenly as any small business that is a member of this forum. No VAT suggests they have a modest turnover at present or for the last tax year. They have been prominant on Ebay for a considerable time.