View Full Version : PS Audio GCPH->Phonomena II: Crossgrade? Downgrade? Or...Upgrade?

16-01-2012, 16:08

Further to my "1210M5G so bloody dull" thread - I had a lot of folks (both here and in other forums) gentle prod me in the side saying it may be time to rethink the PS Audio GCPH in favor of another phono stage.

As usual - I always keep my eyes open and are always on the look for interesting items. Oddly - just as I am in the throes of worrying about my sound - a Musical Surroundings Phonomena II has become available to me and I have read that it is a fantastic little stage. I love it's massive flexibility to adjust loading etc on almost any cartridge possible.

However - not having ever heard this - I am not sure that I want to dump a bunch of cash and end up being less than thrilled - when it is placed in a side-by-side with my PS Audio GCPH.

So - what say you? Anyone have any real world experience with both to share? Anyone have a Phononema II that kicks butt and really shines in your room? Anyone have a GCPH that could never be pried out of your hands for anything?

This Phonomena II unit is in mint state and the price is definitely right. Just want to put this out to the gang and see what sticks....just to stoke my decision a bit more.
