View Full Version : Epiphany acoustics portable headphone amp

wee tee cee
10-01-2012, 22:20
Does anyone have any personal experience with the EHP-O2. Having sampled a couple of FIIO offerings I'm looking for something a little less sonically compromised but without breaking the bank. The graham slee stuff is just a bit too expensive for me.
I'm using a wee cowon player but just need to give it a helping hand.

wee tee cee
13-01-2012, 00:42
I will take that as a no...they do make some mighty claims in they're blurb.

Pete The Cat
22-01-2012, 16:45
This isn't a direct answer I'm afraid.

I'm not an expert but given your comment about budget I thought I'd mention that there seems to be a vibrant market in reasonably priced DIY headphone amps. On the simple logic that they can use higher quality components than commercially manufactured amps they may be worth a look. Some receive very strong support from the Head-Fi community and can be rated as highly as branded models costing more, and you could buy a second hand one already assembled if you're not comfortable with doing the surgery yourself. I've just tried a WNA amp and it's absolutely wiping the floor with my trusty Creek.

Just a thought...


Ali Tait
22-01-2012, 16:53
How much are you looking at spending Tony?

22-01-2012, 17:14
Take a look at the HA10 amp offered by custom.hifi.cables.co.uk. They are about to go into production and I know 2 members here (one being me ;) ) and one professional musician on another forum, who have auditioned the prototypes and been impressed with them enough for 2 of the 3 to buy the prototypes. They may not be in production for a month or so but get your name high on the list :) .
Other than as a very satisfied customer I have no connection with the seller.

wee tee cee
22-01-2012, 17:51
The budget was roundabout the fiio mark with a wee bit extra to try and get something that sounded half decent.
The Fiio E7 @ E 10 have both been SHITE....to quantify that, the headphone output on my cheapo dell lap top rips them up for arse paper sonically ( not to mention a cheapo cowon player that comprehensively surpasses the dell- it is its sole job though ).
Honestly, do we really have to spend more on a portable amp of any merit, in comparison to the plethora of excellent t amps we can employ in our main systems with change from a ton.

Ali Tait
22-01-2012, 19:05
I've got a Slee Voyager I'd part with if you're interested?

wee tee cee
24-01-2012, 16:56
I've got a Slee Voyager I'd part with if you're interested?Ali,
Thanks for the offer, it would however appear that I have entered into an agreement to buy a big cowon player In conjunction with my son.....The Bourbon has somewhat clouded my recollection as to how much I am paying and how much of a chance I will get to use it .

Stitched up like a kipper sounds about right.

Ali Tait
24-01-2012, 18:46
Haha, no worries mate.

Epiphany Acoustics
05-04-2012, 13:39
Edit: posted in wrong thread.. Sorry!

05-04-2012, 17:59
Take a look at the HA10 amp offered by custom.hifi.cables.co.uk. They are about to go into production and I know 2 members here (one being me ;) ) and one professional musician on another forum, who have auditioned the prototypes and been impressed with them enough for 2 of the 3 to buy the prototypes. They may not be in production for a month or so but get your name high on the list :) .
Other than as a very satisfied customer I have no connection with the seller.

the domain custom.hifi.cables.co.uk is a placeholder listing. You may want to look at that.

05-04-2012, 20:11
the domain custom.hifi.cables.co.uk is a placeholder listing. You may want to look at that.

Sorry guys, got my dots where my dashes should be - never was very good a morse code when I was in the Scouts :lol: . Instead, please see here: -


Sorry for the confusion,

08-04-2012, 17:02
I'm using/testing an 02 at the moment and initial findings would suggest that it is a very capable headphone amp for the dosh. I'm using Grado 325is 'phones and it certainly seems to do the business sonically. All my listening has been done indoors and on proper hifi rather than on an iPod or similar.
When it arrived I gave it to youngest son (14) who does pretty much all his listening on headphones and an iPod Touch and he was very impressed -though didn't go much further than "it's great".
My only comment so far would be that it's actually not that tiny - certainly purposeful, but not tiny. If I had an iPod and used it out of doors i'd be tempted to stick some velcro on the back of the amp and the i'pod and join the two together in piggy back style.

Should add i did Olivers website so could be seen to have an interest...