View Full Version : Don't touch my records . . . ever!

07-01-2012, 22:19
Just watching Diner and in case you hadn't seen it, thought I would share this classic scene with Ellen Barkin & Daniel Stern. Made me smile and wonder if any here have similar tendencies :eyebrows:


08-01-2012, 00:41
Funny as fuck! :lol:


08-01-2012, 07:43
Good posting- the making up with Ellen Barkin would be ok:eyebrows:

08-01-2012, 08:20
I used to file my records like that
I remember going out with one girl watching her handle her records really badly and thinking I am never letting you touch my record collection needless to say the relationship did not work out

Thing Fish
08-01-2012, 08:39
I don't file mine in any particular order but I know where they all are (pretty much)

But handle them wrong and I will F**k you up. Needless to say everyone is too scared to go near them...:lol:

08-01-2012, 11:35
I used to file my records like that
I remember going out with one girl watching her handle her records really badly and thinking I am never letting you touch my record collection needless to say the relationship did not work out

I guess much would depend on how she handled my other 'prize assets'! :eyebrows:


08-01-2012, 11:43
Lol judging by what i saw a bit rough but that might be a good thing!

The Grand Wazoo
08-01-2012, 12:35
Made me smile and wonder if any here have similar tendencies

Alphabetical & chronological for me, but my Charlie Parker would be mixed up with the rock & roll. I only keep the classical records filed separately as a genre (but not the CD's for some reason).

And she tells me off when I've got my alphabet wrong!

Spectral Morn
08-01-2012, 13:01
Yep I file by genre and alphabetically but not by year etc as that's way too complicated.

Frankly I would be more concerned about condition, you don't pull singles out (where are the sleeves) like a pack of cards and say pull one out :doh: :steam:

Lots of snap crackle and pop in that clip......

Agree re Ellen Barkin, anyone seen her in Sea of Love :eyebrows: :) lovely slice of modern Film Noir

Regards D S D L

08-01-2012, 13:43

I bet a few here are like it. :lol:

Alphabetical order is good enough for my couple of thousand.

Now where did i put that Eva Cassidy. :scratch: under E or was it C. :D

08-01-2012, 23:32
Been there, done that, worn the t-shirt. :lol:

Now my records are all over the place. But I come across gems I'd forgotten about while looking for something I hadn't forgotten. :D

08-01-2012, 23:43
Alphabetical & chronological for me, but my Charlie Parker would be mixed up with the rock & roll. I only keep the classical records filed separately as a genre (but not the CD's for some reason).

Almost the same - alphabetical & chronological for me too (and I get really bent out of shape if I can't remember the chronology of an artist!) but bizarrely I let my vinyl classical nestle amongst the rock and pop, and it is only my classical CDs that are kept separate!

Of course, switching to file based audio does present somewhat of a challenge, because James Brown does very much now belong in the "J's" :eek: It's ok, though - the counselling is working well so far...!

09-01-2012, 00:21
I'm thinking of rearranging the vinyl to match the order that XBMC uses for its library after spending five minutes trying to find a Miles Davis LP under "M" today.

09-01-2012, 01:39
Just don't screw up my Itunes.

09-01-2012, 05:10
If he handled my records the way he handled those 45's... I'd beat the feck out of him... twice... and then jam the heaviest 1960's squared-off broadcast tonearm I could find up his bum! You just don't shuffle records like playing cards. FFS! Why aren't they in covers!?!?! :steam: :eyebrows:

Everything but classical, together first by last name/artist then chronologically. Parker, Parliament, Pink Floyd Classical by composer then alphabetically by type of work (ie. concerto, sonata, string quartet, symphony). I give myself the luxury of disregarding Opus and/or BWV. ;)

09-01-2012, 07:08
Funny clip, Tim (and Barkin is a babe). Mine are sorted by classical and everything else, then by artist/composer then by title/work.

My ex-wife once shuffled my CDs around to amuse herself while drunk. The next day, I was not amused at all. Not at all.

12-01-2012, 18:55
I just got my new stereo; whilst it's not worth nearly as much a lot of people's on here, it's precious to me and so (much to everyone's amusement) I've asked everyone just to never touch it, that way if it gets broken I can only be the one to blame.

Came in the other day to find 3 cup rings on it's polished surface :steam:

Words will be had.

12-01-2012, 20:03
Came in the other day to find 3 cup rings on it's polished surface :steam:

That's just ignorant disrespect for your belongings. I'd be having 'words' too.

When we had a gathering many years ago, someone put a beer glass on the piano lacquer finish of my speaker. I was across that room so quick it was like time travel. The 'guest' was never invited to my house again.

13-01-2012, 13:32
hold on now! do i file pink floyd under p or f? its under f at the mo lol dammit i have ray charles under c and the duke under e aaargh!!

13-01-2012, 13:37
hold on now! do i file pink floyd under p or f? its under f at the mo lol dammit i have ray charles under c and the duke under e aaargh!!

Don't be daft - the Floyd stuff goes under P.
You'll be telling me you file Led Zeppelin under Z next, and ZZ Top under T :eyebrows:
What happens when the band's name is prefixed with the word "The"?

13-01-2012, 14:43
Band names under first letter but exclude 'The'.
Artists under surname.

Reid Malenfant
13-01-2012, 14:47
Band names under first letter but exclude 'The'.
Artists under surname.
Precisely how I do things :)

13-01-2012, 14:53
Precisely how I do things :)

Me too, but my computer-based player files everything under the first letter (excluding "The"), so Pink Floyd under "P", The Beatles under "B", but Duke Ellington under "D" and Ray Charles under "R". This seemed so wrong at first, but now I'm so used to it that I have to think when I'm looking for an LP - I spent ages looking for Miles Davis under "M" in my record racks recently :doh:

13-01-2012, 15:02
lol i shall look to revise my filing system, i only own about 50 lps so it shouldnt be too hard! seriously tho im still laughing at how i have them sorted...diana ross and the supremes is filed under s lol lucky i havent any jackson 5!


13-01-2012, 15:03
Why don't you file them, e.g. Ellington, Duke?

13-01-2012, 15:15
Why don't you file them, e.g. Ellington, Duke?

mine are like that except for some bizarre exceptions, soon ill place them in separate shelf space according to genre and surname for artists firstname for bands. currently the duke is under e, sarah vaughn under v, peggy lee under l etc. it was done without too much thought that even nancy wilson with canonball adderely are as confused where to go as i am as to where to place them lol

Reid Malenfant
13-01-2012, 15:35
<snip> but my computer-based player files everything under the first letter (excluding "The"), so Pink Floyd under "P", The Beatles under "B", but Duke Ellington under "D" and Ray Charles under "R".
Ah, just found another excuse to keep with the silver discs :rfl:

However I do agree with the PC about not filing under "The", I ignore that...

13-01-2012, 15:41
lucky i havent any jackson 5!

Put it next to 2001 A Space Odyssey :eyebrows:

13-01-2012, 15:54
Why don't you file them, e.g. Ellington, Duke?

I could change all the 'artist' and 'album artist' tags to "surname, forename", but I don't really want them displayed that way and it would mean editing the tags for 3,000+ albums by 800+ artists. Also, my next batch of incremental backups would take forever as every file (35,000 or so) would have been changed - and I have 3 seperate backups (one of those kept 'off-site'). So too much work really.

13-01-2012, 16:22
I just got my new stereo; whilst it's not worth nearly as much a lot of people's on here, it's precious to me and so (much to everyone's amusement) I've asked everyone just to never touch it, that way if it gets broken I can only be the one to blame.

Came in the other day to find 3 cup rings on it's polished surface :steam:

Words will be had.

My sentiments exactly. If they mess with my hi-fi and bugger it up, they pay for it to be either fixed or replaced but If I do it... what a silly bugger as I have to pay.

13-01-2012, 22:45
eek as mental as i sound i can agree with that sentiment, im just not winning any arguements in my house. the other humans want the 2 cats to have free roam. other side of it is that they both are very attached to us so stay closeby for company. well I placed a cover on my gyrodec only to come home to find a cat curled up asleep on it :steam: she has done this couple of times since then. we had meows and so far she has laid off my gyro in preference to a bag with bubblewrap in it...

14-01-2012, 00:11
However I do agree with the PC about not filing under "The", I ignore that...

Where then do we file "The The"??? Do we just not file them at all and pretend the band and their recordings don't exist?? ...the band that never was? :lol: :D

I'm thinking of a song. I think it's called, "Obsession". :lol:

The Grand Wazoo
14-01-2012, 01:02
The The go under the T's in my shelves, because after you've discounted the initial 'the', the next word begins with a 'T'.

My method is as Martin recommends, but I have trouble with people like Taj Mahal. His name isn't a band, but his surname isn't 'Mahal'. Muddy Waters presents the same sort of problem.
You have to make up your own rules for these weird ones - it's OK, cos no-one is checking up on you! As if to prove the point, I file Taj Mahal under 'T' & Muddy Waters under 'W'.

14-01-2012, 07:56
The The go under the T's in my shelves, because after you've discounted the initial 'the', the next word begins with a 'T'.

My method is as Martin recommends, but I have trouble with people like Taj Mahal. His name isn't a band, but his surname isn't 'Mahal'. Muddy Waters presents the same sort of problem.
You have to make up your own rules for these weird ones - it's OK, cos no-one is checking up on you! As if to prove the point, I file Taj Mahal under 'T' & Muddy Waters under 'W'.

I have it on good authority that the AOS police do spot check collections whilst one is away. To which, you've now failed the test. :wetkipper: Taj Mahal should clearly be filed under "F". :D Honestly, until I just wiki'd it, I would have filed him under "M" under blind assumption.

14-01-2012, 09:42
I'll go with Chris on this one.

As for the spot-check police, please allow me some more time. I still have a couple of hundred CDs on the floor awaiting insertion :eek:

The Grand Wazoo
14-01-2012, 10:58
Taj Mahal should clearly be filed under "F". :D Honestly, until I just wiki'd it, I would have filed him under "M" under blind assumption.

Yes, Henry Saint Clair Fredericks, Junior. .............but hang on; Frederick - that's a first name isn't it?!

14-01-2012, 12:41
All simples here, I always use the first letter to match the sorting in my Excel spreadsheet... John Mayer is 'J'. Pink Floyd 'P' and any 'The' is the band name first, i.e. The Unthanks in my spreadsheet are Unthanks,The - so they go under 'U' :eyebrows: