View Full Version : IC/ Croft Pre and Power.

07-01-2012, 00:24

Thinking of possibly selling my Croft's

Super Micro A with off board supply, recently updated,

and Twinstar 3, also recently updated.

All work carried out by Glen Croft, previous to my purchase in 2011.

Due to small children my music listening is compromised, thinking of scaling my system down .

Pictures will be provided to interested people, Pre amp and power amp running Sylvania VT229's also other NOS spares including red base RCA's.


The Grand Wazoo
07-01-2012, 01:09
Sales ad's always work better with a price and some pictures matey.

07-01-2012, 09:17

Point taken, not sure what they are worth to be honest.

Pictures will follow.


07-01-2012, 10:25
I appreciate money's tight for many of us, but is there ANY way the Croft set could be retired for a few years and replaced by a "safe" SS amp (apologies for the plug, but the Rega Brio R is popular round here as a good little integrated with some quality)? After all the work that's been done to the Croft pair, it would be such a shame to pass it on - my first preamp was passed on to a mate, who then had it stolen - Lord knows what happened to it and it was a good sounding example.........

07-01-2012, 14:23
Any pics? Price?

07-01-2012, 15:19

Pictures will follow.

Cheers Carl.

07-01-2012, 19:58

Pictures as promised.


07-01-2012, 21:15
A Series 4 preamp with external supply? The power amp looks more like a Series 7 "R" and both with fancy valves...

Can you PLEASE keep them? Since the preamp especially appears to be a custom item I couldn't possibly suggest a price, except to suggest a Series 25 "R" preamp as a modern replacement perhaps?

07-01-2012, 21:28
Can you PLEASE keep them?


Carl, is your good lady selling her handbag and shoe collection or [insert her favourite material possession(s) here] to facilitate the recent invasion of little ones?

What sacrifices is SHE making, or is it all 'one-way traffic'?? ;)

It always intrigues me why, when people have kids and need to make some sacrifices, for whatever reason, that the hi-fi system always seems to be the first thing to go............ :scratch:


07-01-2012, 21:33
Very intriguing. I wish I lived nearer, in which case I would be pestering you for a listen. Can you tell me any more about the pre? Are they dual mono volume pots, with one at each end of the case? I can't really see what else is on the front from the picture.

08-01-2012, 07:24
PM'd Carl.

08-01-2012, 14:21
Hi all,

Thanks for all the posts so far

I Know Marco it does seem like a big sacrifice on my part, but somehow my obsession with all things musical does cause a few problems.

Maybe I should keep hold of these and deal with the consequences, after all the general opinion seems to be that these are indeed very good amps.

A few people have asked me about a price, well a standard Super Micro on a dealers web site is £395.00 and a new 25R is £1400.00, never mind with off board supply.

Obviuosly I'm aware that it's an old amp, but has been re worked, I would hope more than £395.00.

The Twinstar 3 seems to be more or less 7R spec £1400.00, again I can't find a standard one to compare against, again hopefully more than £395.00.

Thanks Carl.

08-01-2012, 15:43
Hi Carl,

My earlier post was a little tongue-in-cheek, but had a serious message behind it, too! ;)

If you can at all keep hold of the Crofts, then please do so, as I can promise that you will both regret selling them later and find them very difficult to replace!

These amps are special, mate. Do not let go of them easily.


08-01-2012, 15:46

Lots of helpful advice and for free?


08-01-2012, 15:58

Lots of helpful advice and for free?


No, I think Marco invoices you at the end of the month ;-)

08-01-2012, 16:16
No, I think Marco invoices you at the end of the month ;-)



08-01-2012, 20:29

08-01-2012, 20:43

Carl, is your good lady selling her handbag and shoe collection or [insert her favourite material possession(s) here] to facilitate the recent invasion of little ones?

What sacrifices is SHE making, or is it all 'one-way traffic'?? ;)

It always intrigues me why, when people have kids and need to make some sacrifices, for whatever reason, that the hi-fi system always seems to be the first thing to go............ :scratch:


A fair point I'd like to add. I worked ******* hard when my kids appeared (still bloody do years later!), but the HF went nowhere.

08-01-2012, 22:39
A fair point I'd like to add. I worked ******* hard when my kids appeared (still bloody do years later!), but the HF went nowhere.

Actually I think having a kid got me more and more obsessed with getting my hi-fi better. Since it means you are hardly going to go out for a couple of years, its all the more important for home listening to be good. And when my daughter was really young she appreciated everything I played. I was convinved that she preferred Coltrane when hungry, Miles when she was fed.

Saying all that, I'm still interested if you do decide to sell.

08-01-2012, 23:15
Exactly. The desire to sell your amps is simply an unjustified knee-jerk reaction :)

Get those bloody shoes and handbags sold first! :eyebrows:


08-01-2012, 23:22
Oh dear oh dear - all very well you lot coming on here who haven't got kids saying don't sell them - listen to someone with one kid and another on the way, I understand what you are going through, and sympathise - but still, don't bloody sell them! ;)

09-01-2012, 07:14
A fair point I'd like to add. I worked ******* hard when my kids appeared (still bloody do years later!), but the HF went nowhere.

Actually I'd better add a caveat..........until they went to university !

09-01-2012, 09:14
Oh dear oh dear - all very well you lot coming on here who haven't got kids saying don't sell them - listen to someone with one kid and another on the way, I understand what you are going through, and sympathise - but still, don't bloody sell them! ;)

Lol... I'm not disputing the need to make such sacrifices; merely that which is being sacrificed ;)

When such a decision is made, both members of the marital union (or relationship) need to share in the sacrificing, not simply the man, by selling his 'pride and joy'!

Perhaps the ladies are also making material sacrifices behind the scenes, which aren't mentioned, and if that's the case, cool. But so often it appears that in these instances it's the men who are making all the material sacrifices, and the first thing to go is the hi-fi system....

I don't get the rationale, and the decision making process seems distinctly unfair.


09-01-2012, 09:18
The thing is, and most importantly here for the owner of these items, is that the preamp at least looks to be a one off bespoke item. The power amp is rare enough too, so not a widely available naim, Quad or Arcam kind of item, let alone a Krell or ARC, both of which brands are quite popular amongst the Top End fraternity in the UK. Plus the fact that they've been overhauled by the manufacturer recently. No brainer to keep them really :)

09-01-2012, 09:36
Whilst I still fully support Marco's plea to keep the hi-fi in spite of procreation, we must surely admit that women invariably make most of the sacrifices in the early stages.

09-01-2012, 09:44
Indeed, Andrew. Hence why in my previous post I emboldened the word "material"...

Look, people can of course do what the want, and much of this stuff here is tongue-in-cheek. I just felt it was fair to point out that any material sacrifices being made should be voluntary, and made by BOTH parties.

I get the impression sometimes (although I'm not saying this is the case in Carl's situation) that guys are being 'forced' into selling their hi-fi systems, simply because their good ladies have decided for them that it is necessary! ;)


09-01-2012, 12:24
I think we are rather getting away from the subject in the original post aren't we?

09-01-2012, 12:31
Indeed, but AoS thread drift is legendary! ;)


09-01-2012, 13:31
Whilst I still fully support Marco's plea to keep the hi-fi in spite of procreation, we must surely admit that women invariably make most of the sacrifices in the early stages.

Accepting Marco's plea and the quote above, I should add that the Mum makes sacrifices of various types (material, emotional and spiritual as well) all her life, as even though her children grow up and leave home, the bond remains strong - usually - long after they've fled the nest. The fella getting rid of his expensive stereo for a few years pales into insignificance in comparison.

Had the OP got a widely available amplifier, then I'd have no issue at all. It's just that the amp system under discussion is a mixture of extremely rare and possibly a one-off..

Rest assured though, that Glenn makes modern descendants, but it'll be the "R" versions and possibly the proposed two-boxed "R" preamp that should be looked at in the future as modern replacements.

Of the cheaper and more "family friendly" integrateds out there (with a stability, safety and hopefully reliability as well) I still suggest the Rega Brio R at under £500 and don't give two hoots if I'm accused of blatant shilling (I know I will be elsewhere), as Rega amps last for many years with no fuss, have consistently performed at or very near the top of their class and they don't get replaced every year or two... This means they're usually worth something a decade or so down the line, when you can't/couldn't give Arcams, Rotels or Marantz's away not that long ago.

SO THERE :lol: :ner:

09-01-2012, 13:42
Of the cheaper and more "family friendly" integrateds out there (with a stability, safety and hopefully reliability as well) I still suggest the Rega Brio R at under £500

I expect that's the right choice, but perhaps not worth the stress of selling to buy this at £500. If I were donwsizing I'd use an old Onix 21 (which I do in my office), perhaps the equivalent of the Brio R of 20 years ago in both sonics and styling (I say this without having heard the new Brio, I must admit).

09-01-2012, 13:51
Accepting Marco's plea and the quote above, I should add that the Mum makes sacrifices of various types (material, emotional and spiritual as well) all her life, as even though her children grow up and leave home, the bond remains strong - usually - long after they've fled the nest. The fella getting rid of his expensive stereo for a few years pales into insignificance in comparison.

No argument about that, Dave, but you're missing the point somewhat.

If the goal is to obtain funds and/or make space for the arrival of children, then why should the hi-fi system automatically be sacrificed, as opposed to something else of equal size and/or value, treasured not only by the man of the house?

The point I'm making is that when I read threads like this elsewhere (excluding Carl's situation) the language used by those selling their kit (usually male) clearly indicates that they've been forced into the sale and are rather reluctant to carry it out.

That isn't right, as any such decisions should have the blessing of both parties, otherwise you can bet your boots that it will cause resentment later. No way would I let Del get away with that pish, nor indeed would she impose such a thing on me, if I clearly was unhappy about it.

It would be a different ball game if that's what we BOTH wanted. Anyway, I've made my point now and so shall say no more on the matter :)


09-01-2012, 14:50
I agree with all your points hypothetically Marco, but I think we are carrying out this debate, in classic forum fashion, without exact knowledge of the OP's situation. The original premise was that children were compromising the ability to listen, which doesn't suggest any coercion.

It's for Carl to say, but to me the original post suggests the very common worry that we simply won't have any time to listen to music anymore. I found that I actually managed to make more time than before, but perhaps I was lucky, or just willing to accept being a recluse for a time. However I did shift my main system to a tiny spare room and had a habit of escaping there which may, in the long run, have caused some resentment.

With this in mind I don't think we can really make judgments in abstraction, although I still think that the audiophile-fathers-for-justice argument is an important one to make. I can see one of us now, deprived of his valves, scaling Buckingham Palace dressed up in a Bach costume.

09-01-2012, 14:58
I agree with all your points hypothetically Marco, but I think we are carrying out this debate, in classic forum fashion, without exact knowledge of the OP's situation.

Oh, absolutely! Let me make it 100% clear that I'm not referring to Carl's circumstances, as I don't know them. I'm simply making a general observation, based on threads like this I've read elsewhere on many occasions.

Anyway, I think enough has been said now on that matter. Let's see whether Carl's changed his mind, after all the hoo-hah! :D


although I still think that the audiophile-fathers-for-justice argument is an important one to make. I can see one of us now, deprived of his valves, scaling Buckingham Palace dressed up in a Bach costume.



09-01-2012, 16:51
As another general observation. I feel that an awful lot of guys tend to "blame" their wife when they are selling kit. I'm most definately not saying the OP here is. but just look through any of the HiFi classifieds and notice how many times the phrase SWMBO occurs. Either a significant proportion of HiFi enthusiasts are a bunch of spineless wimps who deserve everything they get or they use their other half as an excuse for something they actually WANT to do anyway.

Either way they should grow a set of balls and start taking responsibility for their own decisions.

p.s. like every ones else says keep them if you can, unless you really do need the money in which case sell them for their true worth. Mind you I could be tempted if the price was right.:)

09-01-2012, 17:11
As another general observation. I feel that an awful lot of guys tend to "blame" their wife when they are selling kit. I'm most definately not saying the OP here is. but just look through any of the HiFi classifieds and notice how many times the phrase SWMBO occurs. Either a significant proportion of HiFi enthusiasts are a bunch of spineless wimps who deserve everything they get or they use their other half as an excuse for something they actually WANT to do anyway.

Either way they should grow a set of balls and start taking responsibility for their own decisions.

Hear, hear (especially the last bit)!!

:clapclapclap: :clapclapclap:


wee tee cee
09-01-2012, 17:58
Get your self a mini t, the fella that sells them even does an AOS discount. I had to sell my motorcycle to bank roll family life. It took me eleven long years to to be able to throw my leg over one again. Tuck the crofts away somewhere safe until the ribena/milk spillage worry is over...maybe about school age. If you need a bit of help I'm sure one of us could send you an old ss amp to get you over the hump.
It will take an awful long time for your finances to recover from fatherhood.

09-01-2012, 18:53
Well I would be happy to give it a home! After having heard the 25r n monos very nice!


09-01-2012, 22:59

I never expected this kind of response from the possible sale of two valve amps.

There is an element of the wife not sharing my passion, but I suppose with these amps ultimately It will be my decision.

I had a pair of Zu Druids that I sold Because the wife really did hate them. I regret this.

They where big, shinny, dominated the room, I was paranoid about the kids scratching them but I thought they sounded great.

Can't understand why she didn't like them!

Anyway I built a Druid clone, smaller and fatter and less shinny, still sound good though, she hates these less.

Anyway the Croft's are very nice amps and I am lucky to own them, it's good to find a site where people are passionate about music, and the equipment it's re- played on.

The pattern with Croft and it's owners seems to be, bought some, sold it, regretted it and tried to buy some more.

Best Wishes


09-01-2012, 23:33
When my wife told me in 1987 that she was expecting our first child, I packed away all my equipment and put them in the loft. About 20 years later I unpacked them and boy am I glad I hadn't advertised them in LOOT (remember that paper?). I just couldn't afford to find better for the same price.

As for Croft: a few month's back I borrowed one to do some testing. Since then the owner of that one off Croft example has had quite a few potential buyers willing to take it off his hands.

10-01-2012, 08:16
I never expected this kind of response from the possible sale of two valve amps.
There is an element of the wife not sharing my passion, but I suppose with these amps ultimately It will be my decision.
I had a pair of Zu Druids that I sold Because the wife really did hate them. I regret this.
They where big, shinny, dominated the room, I was paranoid about the kids scratching them but I thought they sounded great.
Can't understand why she didn't like them!
Anyway I built a Druid clone, smaller and fatter and less shinny, still sound good though, she hates these less.
Anyway the Croft's are very nice amps and I am lucky to own them, it's good to find a site where people are passionate about music, and the equipment it's re- played on.
The pattern with Croft and it's owners seems to be, bought some, sold it, regretted it and tried to buy some more.
Best Wishes

I agree with you Carl, the sentiments and passion for our love of music displayed from other enthusiasts here is certainly heart warming.
I have met some really great guys (including yourself, Carl) through the other forums, and this forum (with such posts by other members) feels like the right place to be and hope to make some great friends here as well.

A bit of background that links me to Carl, I originally purchased my Zu Druid speakers new, I traded them in for a pair of Zu Essence speakers.
Through one thing and another, I saw Carl's ad for the Druids, I couldn't believe they were my original ones.

Carl hang onto the Crofts, as we need to do the dem with the Primaluna.

10-01-2012, 18:56
It's been said before by myself and others, but a product made by Glenn seems to have some of the man in it, and "we owners" tend to get defensive about them. The preamp I currently own was a heart purchase, as I missed so much the one I had (and which ended up stolen from its then owner....) and was lucky to get the one I did. It didn't sound too hot on receipt, mainly because of the fitted (by whom I don't know) line stage valves. Once these were changed, the sound was transformed and the updates Glenn suggested improved things a bit further. I just need Glenn to do the phono stage upgrade (my preamp is twenty years old) and give the thing a good testing and it'll be good to go for a few more decades..

Since we Croft masochists are used to twin volume controls (only a few models/samples had a dual control pot), I must admit to hankering after a pair of precision attenuators, since accurate volume tracking would be assured, compared to the varying law of the little things currently fitted.

10-01-2012, 21:23
I've really enjoyed this thread, it sort of summed up a collective perception.

Carl.....For sale, some Croft stuff.

All.......no, no, no, no no, you don't want to do that.

Following issue up for discussion...Bewilderment, sacrifices upon bringing children into the world, hifi, handbags, shoes, wives/partners.

I like this place.

No sale then Carl ;-)

14-01-2012, 01:00
Hi all,

Still undecided?

If anyone wants to make me offers on these amps and offers are reasonable, they may be sold.

If not, I'll lock them away until I can enjoy them.

