View Full Version : Indeed G3 headphone amplifier

06-01-2012, 10:41
I got this for Christmas as I sold my G2 to Hamish. I have decided to get a pair of Orthodynamic headphones which need a bit more power than the G3 can deliver. Really, I just wanted something to open on Christmas morning. Pathetic isn't it?
So I doubt if it has had more than two hours use. It comes complete with power supply and original box. Cost just over £70 but sounds like a £300 amplifier with the potential for upgrading by tube rolling. In fact here are a few comments from Rock Grotto:
The G3 trounces (yes, "trounces") the G2 in the sonic department.... the scale, the dynamics, the pace, the rhythm, the timing, the headstage, the detail retreival, the macro detailing.... this is one "kick arse" little amp.

I have been listening (mainly) to my Project Sunrise headphone amp the past few weeks and was expecting a bit of a "downgrade" in the sonic dept. switching over to the G3 but, NO! It's very hard to seperate the two of them SQ wise.

If anything, I would say the G3 has the edge when it comes to dynamics and sheer GRUNT.... close your eyes and you'd think you were listening to an amp the size of a domestic fridge.... open them, shake your head.... YES, "that" sound "IS" coming out of that little thing!
Its going on Ebay on Sunday so nab a real bargain at £35.

06-01-2012, 10:59
I'll take it!

PM sent.

06-01-2012, 11:03
Bloody hell Dave that was quick, I have no hand up my sleeve now!
Send me a PM with your details if you don't mind.

06-01-2012, 11:09
Lol, I just noticed the thread as I was browsing the forum front page and wasn't sure when it was posted. I've been fancying getting one of these, so I didn't need any thinking time. I'll let you have your arm back now. :lol:

PM sent. :)

06-01-2012, 11:37
Hi Jerry,
Hope the replacement plan works out :eek::eek: I shall await developments a little anxiously. (Private joke ;) )

06-01-2012, 12:44
Oddly enough I find headamps with too much dynamic range quite a handful with some headphones. The HD800 is such a can. It can give you a massive headache, unless you keep adjusting the headamp volume control constantly.

06-01-2012, 15:44
Stan-isn't that more to do with the recording engineers ability?
DaveK-yes you are right to be anxious-Sheffield is only two hours away from me:chainsaw: :lol:
And of course SOLD!

06-01-2012, 16:03
Stan-isn't that more to do with the recording engineers ability?
I used to think that for a long time, until I downed a pair of HD800 and plugged it into a myriad of headphone sockets. Some amps had me diving for the volume knob during loud passages in order to stop me from burning out my eardrums, but on a select view I had no such worries to deal with. What I did notice as well that the more dynamic headamps had less bass. I don't know if the two are related, but it's worth investigating further.

06-01-2012, 18:26
DaveK-yes you are right to be anxious-Sheffield is only two hours away from me:chainsaw: :lol:

Can I appeal to all impartial readers to take note of the above quote in case I disappear from the forum in the near future :lol: :lol:
My amp is now on it's way I'm advised, so not long for me to wait, perhaps even tomorrow but I doubt it, more probably Monday - and yours??

06-01-2012, 18:48
Just sorting out a power supply so mine will be a few days after yours Dave. Keep me posted though.

06-01-2012, 19:06
Just sorting out a power supply so mine will be a few days after yours Dave. Keep me posted though.

Jerry, for the price being asked for a SMPS to go with it, it's a no brainer - or is that what you're waiting for the seller to sort out?

06-01-2012, 19:12
No, I am buying a linear supply off the seller but its an ex-demo model that needs to be adjusted to 24v operation.

06-01-2012, 19:22
Ooooer missus, nice one. I already have a linear 24v DC PSU but I'm not sure if it will have the spare capacity to power this as well. If not, I expect to be treading the same path as you ;) .

06-01-2012, 19:28
a SMPS to go with it

Arrgh... Evil! :ner:

06-01-2012, 19:33
I wish i'd seen this, I've been fancying one for a while. Just out of interest, could you use this as a pre-amp for a regular amplifier, achieving a tube-like sound or are you limited to using the headphones?

06-01-2012, 20:04
Arrgh... Evil! :ner:

Nah then thee, wash thy mucky mouth art!! ;)
I trust the seller based on previous business we've done and he's one of the really good guys out there IMHO - I expect Jerry to think the same after he's had a listen to his new HP amp, so there!!! :ner: . I've heard version 1 of this amp,with SMPS and was immediately 'hooked'. Since then the same amp has been audtioned by a well known professional musician with some very keen ears, based on which certain mods were made to improve it. The seller describes the sound as excellent with his SMPS and even better with a linear one, which is good enough for me. Be sure that in the unlikely event that it does not meet my expectations in any way the seller will get it back and I shall post accordingly - but don't hold your breath :lol: . As I indicated above, the ultimate plan is to feed it linearly anway, but at the asking price for his SMPS it was a no brainer :ner:
If you are good you might get an invitation to audition mine to form your own conclusion :) .

06-01-2012, 20:19

To the river with him. And bring the ducking apparatus! * :wheniwasaboy:

* - Stollen from DTB

Reid Malenfant
06-01-2012, 20:22
Arrgh... Evil! :ner:
Not all SMPS are equal ;) You need to look for key words such as "resonant power supply" or "zero voltage switching" (ZVS) & you are probably on to a good one :eyebrows:

Admittedly I wouldn't touch anything with a standard SMPS for hifi either :rfl:

Both the above result in far less spurious crap though & with a little snubbing can be fantastic....

06-01-2012, 20:24
Not all SMPS are equal ;) You need to look for key words such as "resonant power supply" or "zero voltage switching" (ZVS) & you are probably on to a good one :eyebrows:

Admittedly I wouldn't touch anything with a standard SMPS for hifi either :rfl:

Both the above result in far less spurious crap though & with a little snubbing can be fantastic....


To the river with him. And bring the ducking apparatus! * :wheniwasaboy:

* - Stollen from DTB

Reid Malenfant
06-01-2012, 20:25

06-01-2012, 20:42
I wish i'd seen this, I've been fancying one for a while. Just out of interest, could you use this as a pre-amp for a regular amplifier, achieving a tube-like sound or are you limited to using the headphones?

Sorry you missed out. Yes it does have a pre-amp out facility. There is a button for muting the headphone out.

06-01-2012, 21:06

To the river with him. And bring the ducking apparatus! * :wheniwasaboy:

* - Stollen from DTB


To the river with him. And bring the ducking apparatus! * :wheniwasaboy:

* - Stollen from DTB

And who's been on the witches brew then tonight, or have you been smoking her cat, or something similar? Two identical responses to two different posts from two different members? On you broomstick and away wi' ya!! ;). You're currently not going the right way to get to listen to my new HP amp at this rate :ner: :ner: .

06-01-2012, 21:19
And who's been on the witches brew then tonight, or have you been smoking her cat, or something similar?

Non of the above! :D

Much as I'd like to, I'm on-call and Santa's already raped my wallet anyway... So, there'll be an absence of grog chez Mike for a wee while.

Actually, I kinda went off drinking a couple of months ago thanks to having to take biblical quantities of pain killers! :(

06-01-2012, 21:28
Actually, I kinda went off drinking a couple of months ago thanks to having to take biblical quantities of pain killers! :(

Welcome to the club, mate. I was a great fan of real ale and good red grape juice but any alcohol acts as a trigger for my CH attacks so I've been on the wagon for a few years now - not much fun, is it? :steam: :(

06-01-2012, 21:39
so I've been on the wagon for a few years now - not much fun, is it? :steam: :(

Neither is a shoulder that feels like it's dislocated. :(

I'm quite happy to forgo the booze in exchange for a pain free existence!

Can't go on like this for much longer though, if I take any more pills I'll bloody well rattle. Best get myself back to the Doc's!

06-01-2012, 21:48
Neither is a shoulder that feels like it's dislocated. :(

I'm quite happy to forgo the booze in exchange for a pain free existence!

Can't go on like this for much longer though, if I take any more pills I'll bloody well rattle. Best get myself back to the Doc's!
I had a similar problem a couple of years ago. It went on for about 18 months and loads of pain killers etc., before I decided to try out some shoulder exercises. I started with some 2Kg weights and after a few days I could feel the pain slowly disappearing. The shoulder is fine now.

06-01-2012, 22:18
Well that's a few of us on the wagon. I love red wine but it doesn't go with diabetes. Over Christmas I only had one bottle of wine and a small bottle of Peroni.

06-01-2012, 22:59
I think the answer is becoming increasingly obvious - audiophilia lowers one's tolerance to alcohol, it's becoming statictically undeniable :lol: :lol: .
Let's not all do it at the same time, so as not to ruin the market, but I suggest we all eBay our hifi kit and invest in chillers for the beer and white wine and digging a cellar out for the red stuff - probably our leccy bills would be lower or we just wouldn't care if they were higher :lol: :lol: .
Cheers, :cool: :cool: :cool: ,