View Full Version : FS: Headphones - Sennheiser HD580/600 and AKG K701

03-01-2012, 11:21
Due to the revelation of my ACS T1 in-ear monitors, my full-size cans are gathering dust and so up for sale.

Original AKG K701s - No box but with supplied stand. In perfect condition - no manky earpads here!

Sennheiser HD580s but with a difference. They have had the nasty reflective plastic grills replaced with those from the HD600s, giving a more open sound. They also have absolutely brand new earpads and headband foam, so are perfect a pair as you will fine anywhere.

Looking for about £150 for the AKGs and £100 for the Sennheisers

13-01-2012, 18:04

Would the Senn's need a dedicated headphone amp to drive them? I know nothing about driving headphones but I do think these could be a big step up from sr80's

13-01-2012, 20:10
When new, the HD580's in stock form were very smoooooooth and civilised and this pair should substantially close the gap to the 600's IMO. The 580's should also be a lot more comfortable than the clunky Grado's, which hurt me on extended listening - but then, I'm a specs wearer and get sweaty ears, so should have bought HD265's instead of the 25SP's I currently use regularly for short periods.

14-01-2012, 16:35

PM sent re HD 580


14-01-2012, 17:06

PM sent re HD 580


Thanks for the interest Remek, but both the Sennheisers and AKGs have gone to the greedy lot over at the Wam.

I would just say though, that a good option for top-end Sennheiser sound and bargain money is to do what I did and snag a pair of HD580s on German eBay (much more common and cheaper there) and swap the grills for about £20.

14-01-2012, 17:14
Are you able to answer my question Steve? I know they're sold but.....

14-01-2012, 18:12
Are you able to answer my question Steve? I know they're sold but.....

Oh yes, sorry Lee. I was about to and got distracted.

I short - yes, I'd say you won't get anything like their best performance without using an amp. They will work, and sound OK (unlike the AKGs, which are 'difficult' load and sound like a bag of spanners without an amp), but the volume will be very limited and you'll be missing out.

You needn't spend lots. I got very respectable results from my £60 Fiio E10 out of my MacBook.

14-01-2012, 18:21
Ok, thanks Steve. My budget is limited and I needed to know if I had to shell out more for an amp.