View Full Version : Ripping vinyl aids system diagnostics

01-01-2012, 12:49
So I decided to rip my new Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions albums my wife very kindly bought me for Christmas last night. Done this loads times before but not for ages and not since I got my TD 150/SME 3009 II up and running.

I take the output from the Quad 33 directly into my iMac or MacBook but this time as soon as I connected the input lead to the iMac the RCD to the Quads tripped, and continue to do so on reconnecting :scratch: It finally dawned on me that the Quads were on the dedicated balanced mains supply I installed since last ripping vinyl and the iMac was on the standard mains and clearly they do not work together :doh: Plugged the iMac into the balanced mains wall socket and all was good to go but uh oh whats this I see on the Audacity mixing screen? The left channel input was about 25% down on the right. At first i thought it might be down to odd mixing on the original BBC tapes but same thing happened on other albums I tried :eyebrows:

Sure enough when I put the headphones on and had a listen to the HfN test record the right channel was definitely dominant. Now this was bloody odd 'cos I'd been listening to the system on Boxing day (introducing my 23 year old daughter to the sonic supremacy of vinyl over CD as it happens) and certainly don't remember noticing the sound being off balance although it's fair to say we had both quaffed a bit :drinking: but I think I would have noticed before :(

Input from CD and radio sources was balanced so must be the disc system at fault :eek:

I'd just had my disc adapter board back from DADA and thought it might be this - swapped in my spare board - no difference which just left my beloved Sonus Gold Blue cartridge :eek: Swapped in the AKG P8Es Supernova and harmony and balance restored :)

Most odd. The Sonus was setup perfectly in terms of VTA/Azimuth/Bias and until yesterday sounded spot on :scratch:

Happy New Year to all on AoS
