View Full Version : 2012 It all changes for the best

Rare Bird
30-12-2011, 01:40
In the New Year i'm glad to announce that no one will ever hear from me again on the net, i will be closing my laptop for the last time at the weekend.Ive been an internet user since it's early days, when their was hardly anything there, an avid forum poster for many years. hated by a lot, like by few .. But it's also controlled my everyday life for the worse, changing me from an easy going guy to a sometimes not so pleasant character! i now desperately need to live the life away from it all aswell as throwing in the towel regarding an hobby thats been my passion for near on 30 years, one of my grat great failures i might add.

So it's goodbye from me chaps, some might say 'yeh what ever you'll be back' but i can seriously promise you i wont this time.

take care.


30-12-2011, 04:51
The way you've explained it, I completely understand and respect that decision. Technology as a whole, such as it is today, has gotten to the point where many feel they can't live without it. But, we did once live without the internet, without smart phones, without GPS, without music downloads, even without super glorious hifi and somehow... ...humankind persisted. I have a feeling that even if we didn't see eye to eye on everything, if you lived next door to me, we could still enjoy listening sessions of some very good music indeed.


30-12-2011, 05:51
In the New Year i'm glad to announce that no one will ever hear from me again on the net, i will be closing my laptop for the last time at the weekend.Ive been an internet user since it's early days, when their was hardly anything there, an avid forum poster for many years. hated by a lot, like by few .. But it's also controlled my everyday life for the worse, changing me from an easy going guy to a sometimes not so pleasant character! i now desperately need to live the life away from it all aswell as throwing in the towel regarding an hobby thats been my passion for near on 30 years, one of my grat great failures i might add.

So it's goodbye from me chaps, some might say 'yeh what ever you'll be back' but i can seriously promise you i wont this time.

take care.


I'm calling Bull Shit on this one, sorry Andre but you are a regular and much appreciated member of this forum and your kingdom of Prog.
You may leave for awhile but you'll soon be home sick.
I'm going to be the 1st to say (WELCOME BACK).

30-12-2011, 06:01
you are a regular and much appreciated member of this forum and your kingdom of Prog.


There is no need for internet activity to take over your life. Just strike a balance :)

Thing Fish
30-12-2011, 07:02
I hope the new year brings you new opportunities Andre whatever you decide...:)

30-12-2011, 07:16
Andre I wish you the best whatever you decide but hope you stay. Whatever you think, you are well liked here and part of what makes AOS what it is. I for one would miss you.

Thing Fish
30-12-2011, 08:04
Its very hard to leave the collective...;)


Mr Nad
30-12-2011, 08:21
I don't know Andre, but I respect his wishes entirely.

There are times in one's life when one has to draw a line under some aspects and move on. I've done that myself. It's tough, VERY TOUGH, but each day gets easier.

Be resolute, and no matter what, do not look back at what you have left behind.

So, Andre, good luck. I wish you well.

30-12-2011, 09:11
Its very hard to leave the collective...;)

:eek: It is indeed. :lol:

30-12-2011, 09:35
It sounds like you may be going through a tough period. Seek professional help. I am 100% serious. I am on daily meds for depression.

Regards Rob.

30-12-2011, 10:10
hi Andre,
i can sympathise to a point why you may be feeling like this at the moment, but i am sure i am amongst many here here who doubt this place and the net in genral is the root cause of how your feeling, as others have said, find help, talk to people, you can pm me or many of the other members here who value your input, i wont pretend to know how your feeling [i dont think many of us can anyway] but it might help to share whats realy going on in your life.
Take care mate.:)

30-12-2011, 10:27
I am on daily meds for depression.

And just general daftness! :eyebrows:


Andre, mate, you know that you're always welcome here, so just dip in and out as you feel like it. I consider it a pleasure to have known you, and I wouldn't like that experience to end anytime soon.

Take care, dude, and have a nice new year :cool:


30-12-2011, 10:30
And just general daftness! :eyebrows:


I act my shoe size, not my age!:lol::lol:

The Grand Wazoo
30-12-2011, 11:03
Just do whatever feels right Andre, but most of all take care of you & yours. All the best to you mate.

However, we'll all look forward to a day when you might change your mind.

30-12-2011, 11:21
I sincerely hope we will see you again Andr'e - the place won't be the same without you - but if this is what you feel you need to do then good luck with it. Don't ever feel that you have burnt any bridges or closed the book. Like others have said, if you ever want to talk you have my email, at least.

All the best for the New Year.

30-12-2011, 11:37
All the best fella, I did a similar thing myself last year. I used to be on Facebook a lot and spent far too much time on a band forum and vowed to give them both up and have kept to it. The only snag is I joined here, so failed in giving everything up by replacing one forum with another :doh:

Take care and best of luck with the file based system, if you should fancy keeping in touch re anything 'techy' just PM me before you go to let me know and I'll send you my email address? If not, then see you on the other side ;)

30-12-2011, 12:39
Andre has been a staple of the forum and although I'm sure he feels the need to make some kind of change ,I really don't think he has carefully thought things through.
We all know you pretty well Bud. And you tend to over react at times then calm down and back to your old self,but seriously dude I hope you stay on here,you have sent me links and helped me out as um sure over the years you have contributed enormously.

You add a spot of color to the palate that is the art of sound and much like every family's crazy uncle, you know life would be bland with out him so Welcome back in advance as you belong here Andre and after a very short amount of absence you too would come to realize that this is like home 4 U.
Even if you leave AOS will not leave you... The people here are truly your friends even if thousands of miles from you,and even though some of us have never met you in person,
we have all been there with you in times of struggles and we have all supported you and hoped well for you.
At times we have teased you but not in a mean way but as one would tease a friend.
So calm down drink a warm pint of what ever it is you like and set some guide lines for web surfing that will help you strike a balance in life, but do pop in when it works for you for as little as you like or as much as you like,but do pop in!
Best of Luck Andre,youll get it sorted.

30-12-2011, 17:14
Andre, you seem to be in a kind of dark and defensive place right now - and I wonder if this place isn't so much a cause as a trigger. Martin's right about "balance". If nothing else, you love the music - And that should keep you coming back to check on the "Musical Compositions" section. I have been looking for that Schulze Homessessions
'75 LP for you with no luck, but in the process found this store called Downtown Music Gallery in NYC that seems to specialize in Prog (there web address is www.dtmgallery.com) I saw a lot of Schulze on cd so I e-mailed them and asked if they carry vinyl. They said they do but do not have that one at the moment. In addition, I think the Goldmine magazine published here in the US is all for record collectors and may have some resources who advertise (I think their web address is www.goldminemag.com but not positive, you may have to Google). I was going to post this info along with a few finds for others, resources I've used, etc. in the New Year, but if you're going to walk away I want you to have this info.

Best as always... and, don't take things too personally,

31-12-2011, 02:06
Hey Andre,I found the perfect Mclntosh for you at only $500.00.

Jac Hawk
31-12-2011, 02:49
Mate I hope you reconsider, and I think you'll find you have way more friends than enemies on here, of which I would be proud to consider myself one, what more can I say....... it's been fun, ohh and by the way if you fancy going to scalford in 2012 give me a shout and i'll pick you up no problem.

06-01-2012, 12:39
I thought Andre would have popped in by now!
I hope he's doing ok.

Rare Bird
14-10-2012, 02:15

14-10-2012, 03:36
I prefer to think of it as an honest thread André and I'd like to thank you too for all the advice and links you have given and sent to me over the couple of years I have been a member here. All the best buddy ;)