View Full Version : Slightly inebriated purchase.

27-12-2011, 13:32
After having one to many sherbets yesterday I went and ordered a Schiit Asgard headphone amp for my AKG 701's :eek:
I hope it turns out to be a good decision.

27-12-2011, 13:35
I'm sure it will be a fantastic buy and I think I speak for most of us (except Werner, who's way ahead) in hoping you'll give us a blow by blow account of it's performance, together with loads of piccies :)

Rare Bird
27-12-2011, 13:54
Nice but please produce them in Black or gunmetal.

Ali Tait
27-12-2011, 14:11
Not as bad as my mate - he bought a Lotus Elan from ebay once when he was pissed!

27-12-2011, 17:05
Not as bad as my mate - he bought a Lotus Elan from ebay once when he was pissed!

How satisfied was he with the purchase a couple of monts later? :)

wee tee cee
27-12-2011, 17:39
One of my mates bought a ducati 916 whilst pished,,,,,cost him his marriage, nice bike though!

27-12-2011, 17:46
Lucky chap. At least the bike has a resale value, so he can recoup some or all of his expenses in due course.

27-12-2011, 17:50
My mate woke up one morning after an all day session with a receipt (and bill )

for a £950 engagement ring and no idea who he gave it to .

27-12-2011, 17:57
Think I've told this story before, but I almost won an auction for a Ford Mustang at £12k when pissed one night... Luckily for me the seller pulled the auction at the last minute and I never had to own up! The only time I have been happy when an auction has been pulled from under my nose!

Ali Tait
27-12-2011, 17:57
How satisfied was he with the purchase a couple of monts later? :)

He loved it, and kept it for about three years. His missus wasn't very happy at first though!

27-12-2011, 18:48
After having one to many sherbets yesterday I went and ordered a Schiit Asgard headphone amp for my AKG 701's :eek:
I hope it turns out to be a good decision.

That's one pissed decision that I'm sure you won't regret.

I myself did similar and ended up with a CEntrance DACport and it's bloody great! :cool:

10-01-2012, 15:03
Well it has just arrived, build quality looks excellent.
I may get the chance to give it a whirl later but work beckons shortly:(
Its cost approx £196 +£42 taxes/fees

10-01-2012, 23:31
My mate woke up one morning after an all day session with a receipt (and bill )

for a £950 engagement ring and no idea who he gave it to .

:eek: That would have to hurt.

11-01-2012, 13:31
Well I have a couple of hours listening on the clock now and I am more than pleased with the results, at last I am hearing what the AKG 701's can really sound like.
I was on the verge of giving up on the 701's due to their apparent lack of bass with my previous setup(ibasso D1) but the arrival of the Asgard has changed that, they now have glorious, powerful, textured bass with plenty of detail in the highs without any sense of fatigue.
The combo does not take any prisoners though, if its a shit recording it will sound shit, no glossing over of dodgy poorly produced tracks here.
So I am one happy bunny and can highly recommend the Asgard/701 combo to anyone looking for a decent headphone setup.