View Full Version : Headshell query

20-12-2011, 16:31
This is probably a stupid question. I have several headshells of different weights. Those which came with the Jelco 750D weigh 12 grams. Some of those I bought elsewhere weigh 8.5 grams.

Now, I use most of the lighter headshells with Stanton 504V2 cartridge and styli for 78rpm discs, coupled with 3 gram extra weights to facilitate getting a VTF of 4.5 grams.

One of them however has a similar Stanton cart but with a stylus of 2mm for ‘very used LPs’, so I didn’t add on the extra weight for, in my pea like brain, I said to my self: ‘It only needs a VTF of 2 grams, so I don’t need the extra weight’.

I have never actually used this stylus, but the other day decided I would try it on a very used car boot sale purchase.

However, when I tried to use it, I found that the counterweight would not go forward enough to balance it at the correct VTF. (The arm was set up using another cartridge and Jelco headshell.)

So, obviously, I need to rethink my previous strategy.

I understand that the Jelco arm is a medium mass arm. But is it the case that this combination (8.5gram headshell with 5.5gram cartridge) simply won’t work with this arm?


21-12-2011, 09:34
Bump! Nobody out there got any idea about this?

(And, yes, I have read the other thread about headshells, but that is more about compliance, whilst I am on about weight).

21-12-2011, 12:13
Sorry Tea, I don't have any experience of the Jelco, but can you try some blu-tack and some extra weight such as a coin or two? I have to do this with my SME arm to compensate for the heavier Sumiko headshell I use.

21-12-2011, 16:21
The 2mil Stanton sounds more like a specialist "78rpm" stylus to me, as mono LP's need 1mil and stereo 07mil or finer...

Assuming I don't have my nickers in a bigger knot than usual, the 500 Stantons usually need 3g for best treble tracking and the "E" versions (Pickering V15-VE is the current one I beieve) need around 1.5 to 2g I think. Even the V15-TE I have needs over the recommended 1.25g to track anything like correctly..

Alex is right in suggesting a heavier headshell (with blu-tac or similar added to the counterweight if necessary) but watch the earthing with these Stanton/Pickerings. The fixing lugs are bare metal and you may have hum issues of you're not careful and don't use the supplied plastic mounts/shims they come with.

22-12-2011, 09:24
Thanks for that Chaps. Dave it is a Stanton body but with an Esoteric Sound stylus from their Archival Stylus Kit. I quote from their blurb: for 'worn Lps, some transcriptions', but I agree with you & think that 1mil would be a better size for older & worn Lps and am thinking of getting a 1mil for my Nagaoka.

Yes I very much use the plastic mounts and have had no hum problems.