View Full Version : QED Genesis Silver Spiral Speaker Cable

04-12-2011, 14:15
Just upgraded to single run of this speaker cable and it is most definately an execellent upgrade in my system. Previously used (dare I say :lol:) QED SA, then QED Evolution - much better more inner detail and better bass but still a tad hard and slightly brittle in the treble. The Genesis though as I'd read is a different ball game, but should be at around £31.50 per metre at the mo. Didn't think I'd ever be able to afford it but some kind soul put 10.5meters up on da bay for £210.00 this included free delivery and he took the cables to well established main audio store and fitted Airlocks for an extra fiver which I supplied prior to despatch. If you do the sums 2 x 5.25 metres would normaly cost a fortune so it was a no brainer and the credit card came out which I rarely do but.......
Anyway, immediately much more realism, more natural tone and texture to instruments, vocals etc, Oh, almost forgot to mention no bass bloat or overhang, all gone, bass is more tuneful, proper notation, less weighty but better. I'm hearing more and with better seperation of all those parts, could go on but I wont - Very pleased indeed !! Just wanna keep on playing vinyl :)

04-12-2011, 15:44
just keep on playing your music, that's the point of cables like the Genesis, you forget about analizing and concentrate on the music. Sounds like you got a very good deal, pleased for you old bean :) :cool:

04-12-2011, 17:36
just keep on playing your music, that's the point of cables like the Genesis, you forget about analizing and concentrate on the music. Sounds like you got a very good deal, pleased for you old bean :) :cool:

Hey Mark, How you doin. Yes, a great deal and a great cable, so much so that I would love to try the Spiral Interconnects one day, which if built with the same aim will have the abundance of detail, naturalness, realism and protray instruments with the same seperation and texture accuracy - Id expect ? :)

04-12-2011, 17:40
QED Genesis speaker cable is indeed a great cable. Sorry to rain on your parade Rob, but I got 10 metres for £50 at an Audiojumble. I suspect that the previous owner had had less than great success with it as someone had tried to emulate the QED Airlock plugs and used some crap crimp type bananas that had succeded in virtually garotting the fine strands of the cable. Only a few were left as conductors.

I soldered on some good quality bananas. I found it needed a lot of burn in time, but well worth it.

At a hi fi show I picked up some off cuts of the interconnect stuff (jammy bastard) that is equally as good.


Spectral Morn
04-12-2011, 17:50
Just upgraded to single run of this speaker cable and it is most definately an execellent upgrade in my system. Previously used (dare I say :lol:) QED SA, then QED Evolution - much better more inner detail and better bass but still a tad hard and slightly brittle in the treble. The Genesis though as I'd read is a different ball game, but should be at around £31.50 per metre at the mo. Didn't think I'd ever be able to afford it but some kind soul put 10.5meters up on da bay for £210.00 this included free delivery and he took the cables to well established main audio store and fitted Airlocks for an extra fiver which I supplied prior to despatch. If you do the sums 2 x 5.25 metres would normaly cost a fortune so it was a no brainer and the credit card came out which I rarely do but.......
Anyway, immediately much more realism, more natural tone and texture to instruments, vocals etc, Oh, almost forgot to mention no bass bloat or overhang, all gone, bass is more tuneful, proper notation, less weighty but better. I'm hearing more and with better seperation of all those parts, could go on but I wont - Very pleased indeed !! Just wanna keep on playing vinyl :)

That sums up pretty much exactly what I think of this cable and why I did not get rid of mine when I upgraded to Atlas Mavros. Reason for holding onto it, to have an excellent lower mid market cable for doing equipment evaluations.

Regards D S D L

04-12-2011, 20:32
That sums up pretty much exactly what I think of this cable and why I did not get rid of mine when I upgraded to Atlas Mavros. Reason for holding onto it, to have an excellent lower mid market cable for doing equipment evaluations.

Regards D S D L

As a matter of fact Neil I owe you a nice drink :) It was actually you who introduced me to the Genesis Spiral in my previous thread regarding my intention to upgrade from QED SA to Evolution. You rightly stepped in as there was a bit of QED bashin' rearing it's head. Thats when you mentioned that not all QED cables display the same slightly harsh presentation and brittle treble of the SA. I'd never heard of the Genesis so looked it up and could clearly see this was a very good cable, I knew I was gonna like it, just didn't fancy £31.50 per metre so thanks to the guy who put some up on auction and a big big up to you :respect:

Spectral Morn
04-12-2011, 21:13
As a matter of fact Neil I owe you a nice drink :) It was actually you who introduced me to the Genesis Spiral in my previous thread regarding my intention to upgrade from QED SA to Evolution. You rightly stepped in as there was a bit of QED bashin' rearing it's head. Thats when you mentioned that not all QED cables display the same slightly harsh presentation and brittle treble of the SA. I'd never heard of the Genesis so looked it up and could clearly see this was a very good cable, I knew I was gonna like it, just didn't fancy £31.50 per metre so thanks to the guy who put some up on auction and a big big up to you :respect:

Thank you. You are most welcome and I am glad you are enjoying the cable :)

Regards D S D L

04-12-2011, 21:48
QED Genesis speaker cable is indeed a great cable. Sorry to rain on your parade Rob, but I got 10 metres for £50 at an Audiojumble. I suspect that the previous owner had had less than great success with it as someone had tried to emulate the QED Airlock plugs and used some crap crimp type bananas that had succeded in virtually garotting the fine strands of the cable. Only a few were left as conductors.

I soldered on some good quality bananas. I found it needed a lot of burn in time, but well worth it.

At a hi fi show I picked up some off cuts of the interconnect stuff (jammy bastard) that is equally as good.


Rob, Only just spotted this - £50 for 10metres at an Audio Jumble Sale :stalks::stalks: - MY GOSHHH !!!!!! Now that is Jammy - YOU Jammy **%%£$$ :lolsign: I need to get out and about wid YOU !!! :lolsign: