View Full Version : FS: Instructions Quad, Mission, Linn, Meridian, SME

29-11-2011, 20:01
I have no need for the following and would like them to go to a good home, They are free of charge and I will cover the postage, all I ask is that you make a donation to my favourite charity in the region of £7 - £10 depending how pleased you are with your Manual/brochure/instructions.

Please donate to http://www.justgiving.com/FlysFurryFriends and keep the dogs warm this christmas!

This is the first batch.

1) Linn Sondek LP12 with wiring layouts etc
2) Mission DAD 7000
3) Meridian 206B
4) Quad 66 Preamp & control panel
5) Quad 606 Power amplifier
6) SME Series III pick up arm (this one is okay but has a couple of stains)



30-11-2011, 01:55
Hi Dave!
Stray-Aid shop where I live,(Easington) bought a few bits from there,and donated stuff when possible :)
Is the donation per manual,or for the "batch"
Ill take the batch ,or the Linn/Meridian manuals if its per item :)

30-11-2011, 05:55
Hi Paul, it's per item if that's okay, I need to try and raise as much as possible - Just wail till you get them and donate to http://www.justgiving.com/FlysFurryFriends as you see fit, I have a feeling you will want to dig deep with those two as they are in good nick:)

I'll put those to one side for you and send them out if you PM me your address.