View Full Version : Loving my new Thorens TD-165!

16-11-2011, 16:11
It was worth the wait, I feel as if I've reached a pinnacle of sorts. I've been collecting turntables seriously for a couple years now, starting with a Dual 1225 I bought at a thrift for $12, and after a $27 AT cart I was spinning. I'm at a totally different level now, and I'm not even TOTL with the 165. I've been spinning vinyl, comparing to flac all morning, and I must say that vinyl has the depth and inner detail that flac lacks. Flac-2 dimentional in SQ, vinyl-3D SQ, and I'm burning countless tens of calories everytime I change sides. I'll be the Thin Man in the corner Casting No Shadow. :lol:

17-11-2011, 11:14
I have a 165 with original arm and an A&R E77 cartridge, which sounds wonderful. For such a low value turntable, with a little bit of tweaking, you can really have a super turntable, for not much money. Its great to see someone really enjoying vinyl.......well done that man!!!

17-11-2011, 19:48

Can you comment on tweaks you've done to the 165?

Barry :)

17-11-2011, 22:57
Not too many tweaks really, I've just optimised thing really. I put a much more substantial base board on it, which seems to tighten everything up. Then sat this on RDC cones and cups, which further cleans the sound, reducing background noise. I then renewed the oil in the bearing, put a new belt on and it really does start to sing.

I've got a Linn Valhalla power supply I'm thinking of trying too.

The original RCA plugs were really filthy, so I polished them and put deoxit on them. I also did the same with the cartridge pins and plugs. This also seemed to bring more information out from my records.

I ensured the bounce was right and everything was set up correctly.

My 165 had come from a chap who must've smoked 40 cigs a day, it had a lot of nicotine staining, which seemed to have got everywhere.

I tried to get it back to original...plus a little bit (base board and cones)

There are several anti resonance tweaks to try yet, which are discussed in other forums (mostly bitumin based and/or rubber band based) but I'm not too keen on overloading the bearing/springs too much.

I may yet, try rewiring the arm with cardas wire, but thats in the future.

Hope this helps:)

18-11-2011, 21:48
Hi Stuart,

One last question re: set-up: Is there anything else you are supposed to do to insure proper bounce (sounds kinky :eyebrows:) other than to have a strictly vertical (or as much as possible) bounce? This is all I've ever heard...


20-11-2011, 14:27
Hi Barry,
I got a friend who is well versed in the art of Linn set up to help with the bounce...but if you go go google and put Linn LP 12 set up, thta should get you some help......what your looking for is a "piston like up and down bounce" no sideways wobble.
Sorry I cant be more help, but it took a while, tweaking and re-tweaking to get it right....its well worth the effort though. TD165 is a great cheap classic.


20-11-2011, 20:08
I have a TD166 Mk II, and despite what some say, I think it's a good turntable. More reliable and not the rumble of My TD124 II