View Full Version : For Sale - DPA (Deltec) PDM2 DAC

12-11-2011, 00:35
Bah. Don't want sell this but my chimney needs rebuilding before it falls on my neighbour

A two box Dac - very well regarded and sounds superb. Totaly blew me (and the competition) away when I heard it at Jerrys and I bought it as soon as I could. Its pretty much as good as I've had, certainly on a par musically with my resolution audio opus 21. In fact the only reason I'm selling it instead of the RA is because I can't find a transport I like the look of.

Heres some links - to a previous sale (when Jerry bought) and to the Deltec fan page with links to reviews etc. Please ignore the comment about the optical leads being difficult to replace. I checked before I bought it and Colin from Chevron Audio has confirmed they can be replaced with standard opt cables - a moot point currently as the ones with the unit are in perfect nick. The units themselves are also in great condition - a couple of polish marks and a tiny dint but nothing to worry about.



£450.00 plus delivery or feel free to collect from Stroud, Gloucestershire. Email is lordmortlock(at)gmail.com

16-11-2011, 09:18
Now sold - thanks all :)

16-11-2011, 13:33
bugger - I would have gone for that...;)

16-11-2011, 14:47
Haha! Sorry Damian - some Irish chap with a great taste in music beat you to it ... ;)