View Full Version : Lightly modded Technics 1210 for sale...

Jason P
04-11-2011, 14:43
Hi all,

I'm fancying a change of direction turntable wise. So I'm moving this on...

It's a bog standard 1210, with a modded arm that gets about as good as you can with the standard arm without funking it up. It's been fettled by Johnny at Audio Origami, with a rewire (and possibly foam fill?) and has a Sumiko headshell, brass counterweight from Thrunobulaxx (once denizen of this forum) and a KAB fluid damper. It also has a Sound HiFi mat.

The deck is in good condition, but not mint. There are a few marks and general wear-and-tear scuffs, but nothing too bad. The lid is a replacement original item, but still has a few polishing swirls - these lids seem to attract them!

So all in all a good deck, not mint but not bad, with a fine sounding arm assembly. I'm happy to post and it will be very well packed to ensure safe arrival - though I'll have to take the KAB damper off and it'll need refilling with some silicon fluid. It's easy to refit.

So I'm asking £350 for the deck plus postage at cost.

Any interest please PM me.



Jason P
08-11-2011, 09:50
Still available, as is the Thorens.