View Full Version : Thiel CS2.2 speakers

02-11-2011, 20:42
I acquired a pair of these last year as part of an exchange, and I must say that they do sound quite good once warmed up. But looking on the net, I can find hardly any mention of them, let alone a review. Ebay has not been any better. None has come up for sale in the last 12 months, which leaves me with nothing to go by as for their value and sonic perception.
Has anyone else ever owned a set, and if so, what did you think of them?

The Grand Wazoo
02-11-2011, 20:46
I know it's not what your asking for at all Stan, but there is this (http://homepage.mac.com/beechwoods/AOS/library/Thiel%20CS2.2.pdf) in the AoS Library, which you may or may not already have.

03-11-2011, 00:22
I did stock Thiel in 2003 to 2005 with limited success. They are not an easy load and their explicit presentation requires careful system matching.

The CS2.2 is quite an old design, well obsolete when I first took on the brand. I would guess they are at least 10 years old and not widely (if at all) distributed in GB.

03-11-2011, 00:39
Thanks for the info guys. So I might be the owner of a grey import :lolsign:.

03-11-2011, 00:41
There is a pair currently for sale at £750 from a dealer

The Grand Wazoo
03-11-2011, 00:46
I kind of half remember spending a few hours with what I think may have been Thiel CS2.2's back in the early '90's (maybe '91 or '92). They were certainly Thiel's anyway. My memory of them would back up Dave's description - very explicit. But also very American in that they did soundstages & images very well. I also remember a quite complex cabinet construction leading to quite substantial weight.

03-11-2011, 00:49
That's a lot more than I figured it might be worth :eek:. I skipped a pair of Ditton 66 about 4 years ago and saw one go on eBay for about £1K in the last two weeks.

03-11-2011, 07:18
I had Thiel CS2.3 for quite a while - I very much enjoyed their no-nonsense approach. Dynamic, fast, explicit - I loved 'em! For my tastes they easily saw off some Yamaha NS-1000 (that I seem to recall I sold to a certain chap called Stanley ... ;)).

I bought & sold 'em for about a £grand.


Yes, I know the Yammies should be closer to the wall ;) ... they were when I used them, here they were just hauled out for the photo-shoot after having being relegated to the For Sale category! :)

03-11-2011, 16:38
I found a nice bit of reading material on the Thiel HERE (http://www.stereophile.com/floorloudspeakers/492thiel/).
One reason I like them as R&D speakers is because of the low bass. Since getting them I haven't really had to use my subwoofer. They have come in handy when trying to squeeze the best possible bass out of my DACs.
Mind you, the NS1000M has a lot more bass ability than many give it credit for. The low frequency ability of the Bushmaster DAC was a revelation with both the CS2.2 and NS1000M. It's just a pity I only have one room that I can use them in. Ah well, The TC-7220 speaker selector comes in handy on occasions :lol:.