View Full Version : Streaming question

campbell mac
02-11-2011, 19:13
Hello all, I have recently been listening to internet radio on my smartphone and I like the choice available. I am considering a streamer as my next hi fi purchase (probably the Cambridge) and would like to know what else a streamer needs to function. If it means I have to switch on my computer and get a connection to my stereo in the other room then I won't bother. So what is the minimum other gear involved. Any info appreciated, Mac.

Ali Tait
02-11-2011, 20:59
A Squeezebox Touch can connect to your network wirelessly and will play internet radio without the need for a computer.

02-11-2011, 21:03
You'll also need an internet connection :)

Ali Tait
02-11-2011, 21:19
I assume since the OP has a computer, he has an internet connection?

02-11-2011, 21:29
I did add a smiley

Ali Tait
02-11-2011, 21:38
:) Sorry, it's been a busy day.

Rare Bird
02-11-2011, 21:41
HRT Streamer is good, thats all that is required apart from a USB lead & pair of interconnects

Vincent Kars
02-11-2011, 23:24
Streaming audio players needs a connection to your router to play internet radio.
They don’t need a PC to be on to do so.
Whatever you buy, do check what internet audio services are supported.

campbell mac
08-11-2011, 18:51
Many thanks chaps.