View Full Version : Jeff rowland model 1 power amp & consonance pre-amp

29-10-2011, 17:05
Go to go to make way for my new amp and cd player, the details are in my e-bay shop (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350502767541&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT#ht_2426wt_1396), a few pictures are below, anyone interested please pm me or tel. to discuss.

I am looking for roughly £2500 for the pair but open to offers.




many thanks

29-10-2011, 18:33
Wow, thats some serious amp combo there Dave, offers on £2500 also! Well someones gunna get a bargain, if I remember correctly Im sure they were 6k.

If I hadnt have gone the tube route recently myself, I would be making u an offer :)

Christ this is a rare second hand sale to see!!

Spectral Morn
29-10-2011, 19:29
My fave solid state amp from years gone buy 1991ish, loved it at the time. Never heard the pre-amplifier, wish I had the dosh to find out but sadly I don't.

Good luck with the sales David.

Regards D S D L

14-12-2011, 10:22
I need rid of this if anyone can make me a reasonable offer please, the pre-amp has a very good phonoo stage board installed which was a £500 optional up-grade at the time.

Spectral Morn
27-05-2013, 20:08
Just saw this advertised on the Wam at a crazy price that I would have bought ( I could have scraped the cash together) loved this power amp when I heard it back in the 90's - no idea about the pre.

Its a shame David you didn't think to re-advertise here as I don't frequent the Wam just went for a look tonight and to say I am

Very disappointed I missed this :( is an understatement - big time. Oh well such is life.

Regards Neil

27-05-2013, 20:34

post 97 here dude


perhaps you should read my threads more often?

Spectral Morn
27-05-2013, 20:36

post 97 here dude


perhaps you should read my threads more often?

Indeed :(