View Full Version : Sumiko Blue Point

24-10-2011, 10:09
Iv just bought a 2nd hand Sumiko Blue Point high output MC cart and was wondering has anyone had any experience of one?

Anyone got any thoughts / comments or experiences of it? Its a temporary replacement for my ortofon 2m blue untill I raise more funds for something better. Can I expect much of an increase in sound / performance (its priced about £200 new compared to the 2ms £150 ish). Or will it be more of a case of different rather than better?


24-10-2011, 10:44
The Blue Point No.2 is £149 and the Ortofon 2M Blue is £155.

The two cartridges are different - the Ortofon is brighter, cleaner, the BP is a touch warmer and images slightly better. Not a lot to choose between them.

24-10-2011, 10:59
I thought I would possibly get that sort of answer. Looking forward to trying it anyway seeing as iv not heard an MC cart before.

24-10-2011, 12:48
I had the Blue Point 1 for a while and found it a bit lively. It was designed as a T4-P mount and benefitted from more solid bracing of the mounting bracket. I thought the mk2 was more expensive than it is, but apparently, the mounting and slightly bright issues were addressed in this version. Therefore it should be something of a "steal" I think - the BP mk1 was £120 IIRC back in 1995....

24-10-2011, 13:16
I had a Blue Point mk2 some years ago on my GyroDec/RB300 into a Musical Fidelity LPS (I briefly had the Blue Point Special too, but I'd rather forget about that :doh:)

I remember the BP2 to be slightly on the 'lively' side of neutral and pretty enjoyable. The BPS was somewhat more refined and rather better, but not safe to handle after a few drinks :steam:

24-10-2011, 13:33
I reckon that every other BPS we sold was broken in a short time and had to be replaced, usually at an exchange price. It's about time they produced a cover for that very vulnerable stylus..:eek:

24-10-2011, 13:52
Hi Ben,

I'm reluctant to post for 2 reasons: 1) I don't like to be critical when someone's just spent their hard-earned cash on something and, 2) It's all very subjective - just like w/ music, what nourishes me and what nourishes you may be completely different but equally valid. But, I always appreciate it when someone gives me a different perspective as long as they're being considerate.
That said, I have to say I (again, subjective) was not happy w/ the sound. I found it to kind of be an all-around performer that didn't do anything particularly well. I also thought it sounded a little "strange" or unnatural compared to a cheaper Grado. A couple of the glories of MC carts is the speed and transparency, and with the few high-output versions I've heard it seems like they sacrifice this.
I'm not trying to dump on your cartridge, perhaps it differs w/ what type of music you listen to, and if not who's to say I'm right for all?


24-10-2011, 13:56
It's not a bad cartridge, and is for its price quite exceptional value. Sadly it doesn't do anything for me as I reported here (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=9138&highlight=old%2C+new%2C+borrowed%2C+blue).

24-10-2011, 15:46
Hi Ben

I use a BPS with my LP12/Ittok VIII and find it very good value for money in that it does deliver a good soundstage with precise images. However,as Barry pointed out in his review it can be a little 'souless' and compared to my previous AT OC9 at almost twice the price it was a little flat!!.
Just enjoy it for what it is!!!!;)

24-10-2011, 15:55
Should a cartridge add "soul" to what's there in them grooves?

I find the top cheaper Grado's rather bland and dull (not the few wooden bodied ones I've heard though), the cheapest "Black" being the funkiest, despite the "life and sparkle" being of a resonant nature. The BPS is anything but bland and offers a clean and crisp performance which if anything is a bit "raw." I haven't listened to the standard Blue Point 2, which is what we're supposed to be talking about. The dearer "Blackbird" supposedly has the refinement and grace to complete the picture.