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View Full Version : Spendor SP1/2R's. For Sale.

20-10-2011, 10:06
Hi, After something a bit smaller for my new flat, have decided to put these on the market.

For sale at £1500.

They were made in March 2010 and are in perfect condition except the underside of one speaker has had some marks repaired.
This was done on my request by the dealer I bought them from via a professional French polisher.

I have the boxes manuals and test sheets.

Also for sale on PFM and WW. I'm well know on PFM and have good selling and buying history. :)

The dots on the photos are just reflections from the flash photos, they are in mint condition.


20-10-2011, 12:16
Good speakers these, and I'm stunned you were able to buy them from a UK dealer. Back in my day, when we asked to hear the Classic Spendor range, our request was politely but firmly turned down, the reason given that the then new S and Se series was better!!!!!!! :(

Amazing that Derek (in the first instance) was able to get the SP1/2 to sound like the BC1 (compared the two side by side) as so much was different about them :)

Good luck with the sale.

20-10-2011, 12:27
Cheers Dave, they really are superb speakers and TBH, I'm only changing them becasue my amp can handle much more difficult loads and i want to see how far i can push it! These SP1/2R's are almost to easy to drive :). My amps not even breaking a sweat....

20-10-2011, 12:46
I've just bought a pair of these - in Cherry - to go with my Croft integrated amp.

Still about a month to arrive here in Brazil, can't hardly wait :)

20-10-2011, 12:55
Cool, hope you enjoy them - they are really special sounding. They're so listenable, we've had music playing almost every night since i got them and nothing ever seems to sound wrong, a real masterpiece of speaker design :)

Heres a cracking review of the slightly older 'E' version. http://www.regonaudio.com/SpendorSP12Loudspeakers.html

20-10-2011, 13:22
I'm sure I will :) Seems to be a cracking combination for classical music.

20-10-2011, 13:31
Weeks go soo ssllooww when waiting for new toys don't they :)

20-10-2011, 13:37
Oh tell me...4 weeks to build them in cherry and another 20 days to arrive and go through Customs and delivery...
Xmas present ;)