View Full Version : Replacement for Black Mambas

07-10-2011, 10:19
I need to find a replacement speaker cable for my Black Mambas (they're too short and fat :)).
I'm running Acoustic Energy Radiance 2s from an XTZ 100D and it all sounds great with the Black Mambas, so I'd like something which sounds similar.
I was recommended single wired copper cables by the AE people.
Suggestions ....?

07-10-2011, 13:24
Without knowing the length of cable you require, I would suggest buying it loose "off the reel" and fitting your own connectors.

I can recommend this cable:


It is a biwire cable but all you need to do is twist the pairs together and treat it as single wired

07-10-2011, 13:31

The Arrow cable is great, had it in my system for a long time.

electric beach
08-10-2011, 15:48
Hi Tom

I haven't heard the Black Mambas but with reference to single core copper I strongly suggest you try this before spending any more money:


If you like the effect you can easily dress the cables up a bit...



I've used these for many years now and never found them wanting. Used them with an ipod desk system, big power amp with 86db sensitivity speakers and now a 2.5w valve SET amp or Mini-T chip amp with 96db horns.

Ali Tait
08-10-2011, 16:11
Not using the mambas anymore Gaz?

08-10-2011, 19:55
Thanks for the suggestions.
Re the Arrow cables: I actually have some in my office (tri-wiring Linn Majik 109s) but I now need cables for my system in the living room which I share with people who actually have a sense of aesthetics and the purple/green of the Arrows, I'm told, doesn't go well with the red carpet (don't ask me why, I'm not an artist). So I suppose I should have put in my initial post that the cables need to be non-offending to the eye.
Re the single wire, I meant to say that they shouldn't be bi-wire but single, which does not mean they can't be stranded - in fact, I believe stranded is what I was recommended.

Mark Grant
09-10-2011, 08:57
Any colour preference ?

Van Damme do a range of reasonably priced speaker cable,
You could have blue, black, clear jacket from the hifi range.

4mm blue or black or hifi should be excellent and similar conductor size to the Black mamba and does not cost much at all

( I only have the 2.5mm blue at the moment, to save you looking on my site)

google will find it.

search for van damme blue , van damme black, van damme hifi 4mm etc,

09-10-2011, 13:19
Not using the mambas anymore Gaz?

Hi Ali,
I was using the Arrow before I got the Mamba in my system.
still using the Mamba, probably need to upgrade my system before I change the cable!

09-10-2011, 17:35
Thanks for the additional suggestions.
I've ordered Gotham Kable 50150 GAC speaker cable, which I intend to double up (one cable for positive and one for negative) as suggested by Gotham at the bottom of this page:
Here's someone who did it and he's pretty positive about it:
I'm really hoping they won't be a disappointment after the excellent Black Mambas.
Fingers crossed ...