View Full Version : Music Night

06-11-2008, 05:22
Would anyone like to be part of a music night. Each person to bring 3 of they fav pieces of music, perhaps share why its special and then to listen it. Also possiblity of beer and wine with some nice cakes to be shared anyone who comes along maybe bring something to share with the group

06-11-2008, 08:53
Sounds great, John! Where abouts are you again? :)


06-11-2008, 11:34
Yes mate, sounds good to me. :)

John is over in Cricklewood, North West London.

06-11-2008, 12:04
Ah, a bit too far for me...


06-11-2008, 14:14
M54, M6, M42, M40, M25 - you'd be there in a couple of hours or three.

06-11-2008, 14:42
LOL. We'll see!

Some of us are not quite as enamoured with the tedious monotony of driving long distances on motorways as others, particularly when you're not used to it ;)

If I don't make it I'm sure you guys will have a cool time :cool:


06-11-2008, 18:50
Maybe we could do this in different places For me it would be more about being in good company and sharing good music hopefuly people we walk away thinking ahh never heard that and loved it. It does not have to be my place can eaisly be somewhere else also could be a weekend day as well.
I have always loved discovering new music and talking about all subjects related to music
If at my place space the major issue only 3 maximum.
Perhaps HIFI will come into the equation as well but more about enjoying the music