View Full Version : Inspire Quest TT

Lee Henley
26-09-2011, 20:54
Anyone heard one at all, I've been looking at them on the net and liked the look of them

Any help much appreciated


Lee Henley
29-09-2011, 16:05
Gone off the idea after to speaking to other guys on other forums, might look into one of these


Any one have any experience's


29-09-2011, 19:25
Hi Lee,
If I were to buy another turntable I'd be looking for interesting solutions and unique looks. I love special things made in small numbers or just for me and that Project turntable just looks dull and mass produced. Where's the passion and innovation there?:rolleyes:

I've just had a look at the Inspire website and their stuff looks far more interesting and also fairly priced to me. I'd get in contact and ask for a loan unit or a demo if you live close by.

You can learn a lot about small companies over the phone I think so give em a call and take it from there.:eyebrows:

29-09-2011, 19:40
Darren has made a good point there, yes we want the turntable to sound good but they are objets d′art so, look and sound good is the way to go.
Having said that my Thorens TD 160 could do with pimping up :o

29-09-2011, 21:15
Hey number 6. I think the 160 has a period aesthetic all of its own. The 166 mk2 was my very first turntable so holds a special place in my heart. :kiss:

But I do think that Inspire stuff looks interesting and to follow a theme often pursued by DJSR it also looks like fair value for money.

I wonder what the full LP12 mods sound like? Again, by the often silly standards of such things they dont seem too expensive.

OOH! just one more thing: Dont be put off by what you read on other forums Lee - there's a hell o a lot of bias and bullshit about. If it sounds good to you then it is good.

Lee Henley
30-09-2011, 13:13
Thanks for all the input guys, I do have a chance to goto the factory as its only about an hour from me, I will try to get there in the next couple of weeks, in the meantime Im keeping my options open as always!


30-09-2011, 19:23
Hi-Fi World have given the Inspire TT's and LP12 mod very positive reviews. Remember they only deal direct to customer so no dealer mark ups. BTW the Quest is an upgrade for Rega. Unless you have a Rega to work on the Appollo may be a better bet. What I like is that their top model can accomodate 12" arms.

30-09-2011, 19:30
Very interesting. Im off to see if inspire have a copy on their website.:stalks:

30-09-2011, 19:41
Found it.... mmmm! what a great review. Your 700 sheets gets not only all the mods but also a new plinth of your choice. You can fault that and HFW thought it sounded great.

Considering the truly stupid money you can pay for LP12 bits this looks like great value. I'd love to hear one of these myself. Anyone taken the plunge?

04-10-2011, 19:03
I bought an Inspire modded LP12 July 2010 and had the RB300 fitted off my Planar 3 with a 2M Blue and I absolutely loved it. However, in Feb this year I traded it in for their Eclipse SEv2 with RB1000/2M Black and love that even more.

I'd thoroughly recommend Inspire, Rob is a top bloke. Speaking with him recently, he's soon to launch a direct drive version of the Eclipse.....mmm, I can feel another upgrade coming on!!!:lolsign:

04-10-2011, 19:56
Hi Chris

A d/d version of the Eclipse SEv2 eh? I also have the SEv2, and I love it. However, it was recently supplanted by a Trio L-07D, which makes the Eclipse sound 2-D in comparison. I'd like to hear Bob's take on direct drive - could be very interesting, as there are precious few manufacturers of direct drives these days.

04-10-2011, 22:20
Hi Chris,
My second turntable was Project2. Similar looking to the one you pointed out.
But my was their new project version. Judging by the materials they used their It is better than my was. The sound my was very enjoyable, non offensive neutral enough for you to assess the cartridge you bought.
Of course. Turntable is down to physics alot. Things you can tweak like add on more weight (not too much) to the arm's counter weight. This would brings the counter weight closer to the pivot in turn you increased the arm inertia for it to turn quicker. You'll find it sounds quicker.
Others like isolation table mounting the cartridge right to the arm specified overhang. Get this wrong to plus minus millimeter the sound will sound bad.