View Full Version : fiio E7

Rich Conroy
16-09-2011, 16:50
I've got one of these. A great little device for my laptop along with Superlux HD 668B headphones.
Can I (and how do I if I can) use it with my iPod?


wee tee cee
16-09-2011, 17:40
You will have to buy the specific I pod lead,Its about £6.It lets the internal dac do its thing.Alternatively use the supplied lead,it just amplifies the output signal from the device,It will let you run harder to drive headphones at reasonable volume.
Regards Tony.

18-09-2011, 22:38
Hey Richard,

Could you post a brief review of how the E7 sounds once you've got that cable? Interested to see if it'd be an improvement on my 160GB iPod's standard output.

Ta :)

24-09-2011, 22:03
Hey Richard,

Could you post a brief review of how the E7 sounds once you've got that cable? Interested to see if it'd be an improvement on my 160GB iPod's standard output.

Ta :)I'm interested too. The E7 seems to be one of FiiO's high end models, though there are other cheaper ones available - see http://www.theheadphonecompany.co.uk/manufacturer/fiio-headphone-amps.php?gclid=CLzniaHwtqsCFQUNfAoddVCafw - some of which might work for less critical applications.

I suppose the difference between the L1 and L3 cables shown on that page is something to do with quality. The L9 cable has the cable coming out at a different angle.

24-09-2011, 22:41
I bought their official line out cable for my Sony Walkman to use with the E5 and found it was made by Oyaide. Line out on the walkman sounded better.

25-09-2011, 07:01
I bought their official line out cable for my Sony Walkman to use with the E5 and found it was made by Oyaide. Line out on the walkman sounded better.Colin

Do you mean the "FiiO"/Oiyade cable was not an improvement? Sorry to point this out, but your original text is ambiguous.

25-09-2011, 09:49
Yes it was an improvement using line out. I fancy a E7 myself for laptop headphone listening especially cool that you can buy the E9 headphone/dock amp.
There is one on ebay 2nd hand about to go in 2 hrs.

25-09-2011, 09:51
The oyaide cable is very thick by the way so could be troublesome when stuffing a mp3 player into the pocket. Unbreakable though.

19-11-2011, 13:22
Try routing it through your hi-fi amp with QED Cable outstanding DAC Quality puts lots of DAC's to shame could do with an RCA. Anyone know who could mod mine ?

Interesting Article here: http://nwavguy.blogspot.com/2011/05/fiio-e7-usb-dac-amp.html :)

19-11-2011, 13:46
Until 2 days ago I was completely unaware of FiiO and their products, but on the recommendation of another forum member 'twelvebears' I bought an E10 (I was looking for a portable USB/DAC/H'phone amp).

They really seem to have put a lot of thought into their products, very ingenious, and if the E10 is anything to go by I'm sure their other offerings are equally impressive.

Very happy consumer here...:)


19-11-2011, 16:37
I also own an E10 and it's a cracking little device!

It drives my K701s very nicely and handles high res files up to 24/96 very nicely and still works with files higher than 24/96 by down-sampling.

Combined with Audirvana, it makes for some very nice sounds from my Macbook. :)

19-11-2011, 17:07
Sorry Steve, got my 'bears' mixed up...now corrected ;)

02-03-2012, 17:57
I also own an E10 and it's a cracking little device!

It drives my K701s very nicely and handles high res files up to 24/96 very nicely and still works with files higher than 24/96 by down-sampling.

Combined with Audirvana, it makes for some very nice sounds from my Macbook. :)

That's exactly my combo at the moment. :thumbsup:

Sometimes I use the E10 via my FiiO E9.

Just been researching the E17 - UK stock seems non existent at the moment. :(

02-03-2012, 18:31
The E17 isn't available yet in the UK. Long gone are the days when I needed the latest and greatest, I wait now:)
I woke up one morning couple of years ago thinking "there has got to be better than this" with regard to the output of my I Pod and enter stage left FiiO products. I too have an E7 and it has transformed my commute. I used to think spending a bit more on IEM's would improve things but even mediocre headphones/IEM's sound good through this combination (iPod/FiiO7). And it's not a lot of money in the scheme of things.
Some people have derided the combination and others have told me 'nah! can't hear any difference'. I put it down to <whatever> as I can certainlt tell and it has increased my enjoyment of my music. Which is the only thing that matters to me really.

wee tee cee
02-03-2012, 18:41
Try and get a listen to a cowon player.....even the most basic wee device rag dolls a i player sonically....