View Full Version : Transmissin Line Speakers for sale - Twin CHR-70

08-09-2011, 08:08
These speakers were built as prototypes on behalf of a friend, with the object of proving the basic concept worked as expected, and to fine tune the performance from the theoretical design.

I must say these have proven to be a big success and the delivery from these little 70cm drivers is quite something. Two Mark Audio CHR-70.2 drive units are used in independent transmissions lines. The cabinets are constructed in 18mm MDF, and measure 152.5cm high x 17.2cm wide x 34.5cm deep. The spiked outrigger supports add a little to the O/A height.

They can handle a variety of music genres and have a fast and crisp presentation with good bass. I’m quite impressed with the sound these CHR-70 gen2 drivers even though they have only around 20-hrs total play time. Things will only keep improving with careful break-in of the drivers over the next few hundred hours. They are a big step up in performance over the original CHR-70, of which I have 2-pr in a MLTL design. I know Chris Firth (Stratmangler) was impressed with the performance when I enlisted his help in the fine tuning of the finished speakers.

However, I do not have the space to keep these boxes and so, with the consent of the designer; they must go to a new home. So here is your chance to purchase a unique pair of speakers and for the low asking price of £350 for a quick sale.

I’ll gladly audition these at my place and is highly recommended. These speakers do sound really good. Due their size these speakers will have to be collect only. Or I could perhaps arrange to bring them to the next Owston meet for collection from there? Or perhaps deliver them for the cost of fuel. Assuming they fit in car , that is

I can fully veneer these cabinets for any prospective buyer and I think these would look stunning in say Oak or similar veneer. If interested in this option please pm me and we can talk prices.



Thanks for looking. I'll answer any questions regards these speakers.