View Full Version : Wanted - AKG headshell

03-09-2011, 09:34
I'm looking for an original "vintage" AKG headshell (SME fitting) in which to mount my AKG P8ES Super Nova


06-09-2011, 16:23
I didn't know there was one Steve. :scratch:

All adverts for the P8ES and all reviews of it that I have seen, suggest using mounting it in an SME 3009 Series II arm (with the fixed headshell version being preferred) or the SME Series III.

If AKG shells do exist they will be a rara avis; I'm still looking for a replacement P8ES cartridge myself, and since AKG stopped making them in the '80s, they too are rare and now very expensive!

Good luck with your search.


12-09-2011, 11:24
Hi Barry - I saw an image of one a while ago - basically a light weight headshell a la SME (I suspect it was same manufacturer but with AKG logo instead of SME) :) I asked Alex who said he hadn't got one as opposed to they didn't make one so I am hopeful there might be one out there to be had. It's just a bit of BS really :eyebrows:

The SuperNova is performing very nicely in the Jelco 750 with standard Jelco headshell but I have just bought an ultra lightweight (7g) headshell to reduce the mass of the Jelco a bit more to try and improve the tracking. It was definitely designed for a low mass arm and the Jelco is a tad beefy but I have not been tempted to put the DECCA back as yet :cool:


12-09-2011, 12:04
I'm still looking for a replacement P8ES cartridge myself, and since AKG stopped making them in the '80s, they too are rare and now very expensive!

This might fit the bill http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200651043237&category=48648&_trksid=p5197.c0.m619


12-09-2011, 12:52
Thanks for that Steve. :)

Regarding the "AKG" headshell. It is quite possible that SME made a customised version for AKG, with the SME logo replaced by AKG. They made special versions for Shure (I have one) and for Radford (very rare!).

Keep looking - one might appear on eBay, though its rarity will mean it's likely to go for a large and unreasonable sum!


15-09-2011, 14:14
Hi Barry,

I really shouldn't read this forum - just gone and bought a SME 3009 II improved (new in box etc for £211) just so I can put the AKG in the appropriate mass arm (6.5g) :doh:

I am thinking of getting it re-wired by Audio Origami before installing.

Of course it means if I want to use the DECCA (or pretty much any other cartridge) I'm going to have to put the Jelco back - how's that for daft :eek:
