View Full Version : Pioneer Pl 71 and Sony Cartridge

Laz Baz
27-08-2011, 14:26
Hi all,
I bought the TT with the red Sony fitted. I can find no markings to say what model it is. The sound is satisfying but would like to fit the best possible cartridge the tone arm can take.
Can any of you advise.
I do have an AT 95E and ADC XLM on separate head shells but when I connect either to the tone arm, there is a substantial mains "Hum". The Sony is absolutely silent.

27-08-2011, 14:57
Maybe try the others on the same headshell.

27-08-2011, 21:30
It's usually the ther way round, but please can you check that the tonarm is earthed to the deck and preferably via its own earth wire and not, as was common in European made decks, via one of the signal earths.

Am I right in saying the Sony pickup is metal bodied? if it is, using the separate deck earth wire would have caused a hum loop (why Shures and Stanton/Pickerings of old had a cartridge body to signal return wire strap/link). In your case, the Sony may be completing the circuit and the plastic mounts on the ADC and AT95E aren't doing this :scratch:

Hope this is helpful to you, fingers crossed...

28-08-2011, 15:44
Can you keep us updated with your findings with carts for the pl as i have just got one and trying some out.

So far have tried the sl15,m3 and m75ed.

Both the shures i prefer but going to try a mc15 super later.