View Full Version : Is there any point of using one of these?

24-08-2011, 13:18
I have changed my preamp, and for a change I am very happy bunny in deed, that is what comes to my audio system :).

Instead of using balanced long interconnects, as I did earlier, now I need to use pair of RCAs. On my new pre there is only one pair of RCA outputs, so I have ordered a pair of phono splitters for a staggering price of £3.35 for the pair. And I also managed to find a pair of 5 meter long subwoofer RCA interconnects/cables from my loft, which seems to do the job no problem what so ever.

I remember reading that one could split the signal coming from the preamp with one of these and by doing that better better/stronger bass.


Is there any point trying this?

I have a pair of XTZ Sub Amp 1's and as you can see from the first picture each amp has RCA left and right channel line level inputs, which I will be using.


Currently I am using only one line level input per amp. So is there any practical advantage for splitting the signal to two inputs using one of those subwoofer splitters. I know it is not a big spend to try it, but just like to know if anyone has tried this before.

25-08-2011, 19:01
I am sorted now :). Quick visit to fleabay and found these.


Gamma Geometry - must me great :eyebrows:

26-08-2011, 05:20
I use a splitter from my pre and have a 2.4m run to sub plates and get great bass
Let us know how you get on

26-08-2011, 15:55
I got the cable today, but unfortunately there was mix up on the shop and they only sent me one cable kit :rolleyes:. Just need to wait to next week until I get the second cable for the other plate amp.

First impressions are that splitting the signal to Left and Right channels before the plate amp using the splitter provided will definitely make a difference. When using the kit received today I can do with 9 o'clock volume on the plate amp and without the splitter kit on the plate amp end I need to turn volume control between 10 and 11 o'clock.

But can be that I am comparing apples and pears here, because I am using different manufacturer's 5 meter cable on the other side and comparing it to the 3 meter cable from the another cable. But it all will be revealed early next week :).

wee tee cee
31-08-2011, 09:43
Just watch using really cheap splitters,I went through two types off e bay.One of which fell apart,the other fried a mono block on one of the channels.Maplins do a rca splitter that was about a fiver that I found far more sturdy.
Regards Tony.

31-08-2011, 18:58
Hi Tony.

I found these splitters on e-bay and really like them.


These are actually exactly same ones that came with the subwoofer cable kit I bought earlier.


These splitters I bought have splitted male part of the connector, so it should have better contact when plugged in.

Just watch using really cheap splitters,I went through two types off e bay.One of which fell apart,the other fried a mono block on one of the channels.Maplins do a rca splitter that was about a fiver that I found far more sturdy.
Regards Tony.

Now I am sorted what comes to the speakers. I have one pair of splitters on the preamp end to divide the output signal to the power amp and to the plate amps. Then I use another splitter on the each plate amp end to divide the signal to left and right channels. By doing this I will gain another 3db from the plate amps :).

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