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View Full Version : Album Club: 23.08.2011: Medeski Martin & Wood - Uninvisible

23-08-2011, 18:18
Medeski Martin & Wood - Uninvisible 2002 (CD, DVD Audio, Vinyl, Download)


You may be tempted to hot finger it to the forums and start typing “WTF is this” :eek:
Don’t bother coz I couldn’t tell you. Jazz/Funk maybe
I got introduced to this album by a 14 year old lad I had just banned from an online game for verbally abusing other players and spamming the HUD, who then came to internet relay chat to ask me what I had got against him :rolleyes:
During our conversation our tastes in music came up and when I mentioned I was rather found of Tower Of Power and Marcus Millar he suggested I checked this out. Thanks Adam :)

Just need to get all audiophile here for a moment and point out mp3 doesn’t do this justice. It has some incredibly deep and tuneful bass.

It’s certainly different. This is probably Medeski Martin & Woods most accessible album.
Not much doubt these guys can play, it’s just a question of whether or not you like what they play.
The drumming is excellent, good pace, not over complicated and well recorded for a change.

This should be the Spotify link.
Medeski, Martin & Wood – Uninvisible (http://open.spotify.com/album/0Vq79tx5GtV8hxrTccSguA)

If you don’t do Spotify, this UTube link should get you started. About half the album can be found on the Tube.


Your bound to want to buy the album so here it is ;)


@ Alex.
Did I do it rite boss?

Thing Fish
23-08-2011, 18:44
I quite like it. Unusual for sure. Bet it sounds hot on a good system.

Vinyl version currently unavaliable on Amazon Uk and US. Which means it must be popular.

Reid Malenfant
23-08-2011, 18:45
I have a stereo CD version of this & the 5.1 DVDAudio (http://www.discogs.com/Medeski-Martin-Wood-Uninvisible/release/2329819) version, so i know it reasonably well ;)

The DVDAudio version is incredible, it really does make the case for 5.1 surround sound more than anything i have ever heard :eyebrows:

Like John says, it's a bit eclectic but i'm sure most of you would enjoy it, i know i do :cool:

23-08-2011, 20:21
@ Alex.
Did I do it rite boss?

:thumbsup: - top notch, thanks, though my anally retentive nature meant I had to make a couple of subtle OCD titivations! :lol:

Excellent, choice by the look John - I look forward to giving this a try when I have the house to myself tomorrow. :)

Thing Fish
23-08-2011, 20:42
: I look forward to giving this a try when I have the house to myself tomorrow. :)

What the hell do you do whilst listening to music that you need to be alone...:eyebrows:

23-08-2011, 20:57
What the hell do you do whilst listening to music that you need to be alone...:eyebrows:
Well I reckon if Alex sent Avatar round to your place whilst you were trying to concentrate on some music, you would find out :lol:

23-08-2011, 21:03
Well I reckon if Alex sent Avatar round to your place whilst you were trying to concentrate on some music, you would find out :lol:

Not to mention the ear-bending from SWMBO for playing it too loud.

Oh, and the fact that I like to listen to new music in a basque and stockings, of course!

Reid Malenfant
23-08-2011, 21:05
Oh, and the fact that I like to listen to new music in a basque and stockings, of course!
When you are no doubt known as Alexandra ;)

Thing Fish
23-08-2011, 21:45
What a man choosed to do in the privicy of hid own attic...:wowzer:

The Grand Wazoo
23-08-2011, 23:55
Ooh no, sorry folks, this one's not for me!

I thought that in places it was a bit reminiscent of 'Tutu' era Miles Davis, but without the snap or urgency of that album's production. However, I got the idea that they were going for, but failing to achieve, more of a 'Bitches Brew' feel. Or maybe to confirm John's point about Marcus Miller - 'The Man With The Horn'.

I can recognise the musicianship & I can certainly see that this stuff would be a lot more compelling in a live situation. I was kind of interested in the third track 'Your Name Is Snake Anthony', with it's spoken word narrative.
Above all though, I just can't be doing with that organ sound!

Sorry for the negativity & thanks John for offering the impetus for me to give it a go. As always, I'd rather listen to something and decide it's not for me than to never try it - music's good like that: it can still enrich your life even if you don't like a given album.

24-08-2011, 00:08

Tbh Chris I’m not surprised. I didn’t think this was going to be a particularly popular choice ;)
As you write, it’s somewhere on the lines of Miles Davis and Marcus Miller, both which I like and play regularly.
It seems to be one of those albums that you either find interesting, mainly because you like drum and bass and get to grips with the electronics as you listen or, you come away scratching your head saying much as you have, yes they can play, but why do they play this :doh:

Absolutely no need to apologies for negative comments mate and thanks for giving it a listen. :)

24-08-2011, 08:43
Sounds excellent John, amazon clicked...I'll delay my voting 'till I've given it a proper listen...:)

24-08-2011, 10:52
hmmm interesting, something new to me. May need to get the album itself, can't really judge it properly from the youtube links.

I get the Miles links and it's from an era in Miles I'm not very keen on.

Need to give it a bit more space and so far I can hear enough to justify a purchase. Not going to rate it just yet though as I may have the album before voting closes.

24-08-2011, 11:23
Quick listen to the YouTube tracks. Sounds pretty interesting. Asked around the pub last night and a mate is fairly sure his brother has the CD, so I should get to listen to it properly tomorrow.

25-08-2011, 13:23
Borrowed the CD last night, but a couple of scratches caused it to skip badly. With the owner's permission, I spent some time trying to polish them out. Still wouldn't play in my Inca Designs Katana CD player, but eventually dbPoweramp managed to get a secure rip, so today I've been listening to that.

First impressions are mixed. Some excellent playing and nice deep bass (especially track 6 - Retirement Song), but as the cd progressed, I found my attention wandering a bit. I really don't like the turntable scratching that is on several tracks - think it sounds contrived and old-hat. Enjoyed the "Your Name is Snake Anthony" track with the spoken lyrics which came as a nice change amongst the other predominantly instrumental tracks.

Unlike Chris, I like the organ sound that features heavily in the mix and most of the electronic effects work well.

So a mixed bag, but glad I got to listen properly to it.

Thanks to John for picking something new(ish), different and interesting (thereby clearing the way for me to choose something old, predictable and dull next week. :lol:)

Edit: I've just voted and each of the five votes so far is different :lolsign:

25-08-2011, 18:40
I'm afraid I couldn't get on with this at all. I have listened all the way through twice and found nothing I liked, too eclectic for my tastes, but there is no doubt they are fine musicians and some of the bass playing is very good indeed. The loose improvised style just doesn't work for me. I'm not a fan of funk either, so those overtones didn't help.

Sorry John, a miss for me but I do know who they are now, so more knowledge is always a good thing - at least I won't buy it if I see it in the charity shop, so you could have saved me a quid ;)

25-08-2011, 19:04
I like the samples, and I've put a bid on a CD digipak on ebay.

26-08-2011, 20:19

Some very nice groove on this album. Some of the tracks are very entertaining and well thought out. It does have avant garde bits which don't always do it for me. But overall I quite like the flow.

I like the organ groove on some of the tracks as I'm a fan of the Hammond organ sound. I like the hip hop & funk elements that run in a number of tracks. This gave a excellent sea of sound. A mixture of ideas.

I "digged" the title track, smoke & Pappy Check very well. Nice!

I have heard of this trio before but not taken much noticed. May have a dabble into some of their other items.

This album is has a number of enjoyable high points so gets the thumbs up from me. I have ordered a copy.

29-08-2011, 18:44
I must admit I went into this album with a slight bit of skeptism, I think for me its one of those albums I have to be in the mood for but I can enjoy so thank you John for opening my ears to something I would of never of listened to

29-08-2011, 21:00
The only thing I have heard by Medeski, Martin and Wood is Moti Mo off 'It's A Jungle In Here'. I loved that tune, reccorded a copy off a late night 'Jazz FM' show back in 93/94 around when it came out, and still have the tape. Since then I've seen them become popular in the American 'Jam Band' / taper-friendly scene, but I've not checked out any of their stuff.

I'll sync this up to by Spotify offline playlist and see how it goes!

30-08-2011, 12:01
CD has arrived from Amazon...eventually!!!

Just re-indexing my SB server as we speak, time for a proper listen ;)

Edit; Just been through it once...excellent choice John, right up my street :cool:

Why haven't I heard of these chaps before :doh:

Superb musicianship, excellent dark funky grooves, great turntableism, magnificent cheesy organ ;)

I know it's going to get better with a few more listens, so I'm going to have to give it 5 stars, if there was a 4.5 I'd go for that, it's definitely worth more than 4 IMHO

It's reminiscent of a polish band called Skalpel, on Ninja Tunes, so if you like this you might want to give them an audition too...


31-08-2011, 15:37
Hey Will. I’m glad that someone at least likes my weird musical taste :)

I already have Skalpel’s self titled album; interesting stuff.

Thing Fish
31-08-2011, 15:41
Its funny that this thread has had 376 visits but only 9 votes?

I know that people visit more than once but thought there would be more.

31-08-2011, 20:00
Oh, and the fact that I like to listen to new music in a basque and stockings, of course!

Ah, that explains why Marco made you a mod - you share more than just an interest in music - sadly it means I shall never reach that lofty position :lol: .

31-08-2011, 20:20
You do have a thing for pussies big furry cats though Dave. That must count for something!

31-08-2011, 21:12
Hi Nick,
Yep, that's true, but so do an awful lot of others on this forum I seem to recall. That means it cannot be used as a selection criteria for elevation to the peerage (Mod status) as there'd be more Mods than ordinary members :lol: .
So Mods appear to be selected from that very small (I hope) minority of members who like to brag about their cross dressing fetish. Pleb membership is my only option I'm afraid ;) .

31-08-2011, 21:23
Me personally, I like to rise above such frivolity. Someone needs to maintain some level of decorum on behalf of Team AOS!

:facepull: :booty: ;)

31-08-2011, 22:49
What a lonely figure you must cut at team AoS meetings :ner: :eek: :lolsign:

01-09-2011, 07:30
Hey Will. I’m glad that someone at least likes my weird musical taste :)

I already have Skalpel’s self titled album; interesting stuff.

Music for both head and feet...there's nowt weird about that John ;)

RE. Skalpel their other album Konfusion is worth a listen too, although they do seem to have dropped off the radar a bit, nothing really since 2005/6

Do you have anything else by MM&W? I see from their website they have quite a few more recent albums but the only stuff I can find on youtube is from Uninvisible...

01-09-2011, 16:58
Hi Will :)
MM&W have made quite a few albums, sometimes a couple of them team up with someone else and do a recording.
This is an interesting album imo
MM&W Last Chance To Trance. Similar in style to Uninvisible

The Out Louder at the Bowery Ballroom is also worth a punt.

09-09-2011, 19:51
I loved this album, with great jazz/funk grooves and deep bass. Well produced and very entertaining. I also love the mellotron which gives it a sort of spaced out quality in places.

09-09-2011, 21:04
I'm even later to this. Faint reminiscence to Robbie Robertson, but that's it. Not for me at all, I'm afraid.

12-09-2011, 16:22
Just listened to a couple of the youtube tracks and liked what i heard.

I like the experimental,jazzy,funky vibe they bring,but need to hear a decent recording of them before going out and buying,so will check out spotify later.

:cool: john.

09-01-2013, 15:03
Using my 5 hour train ride today to catch up on album club old posts. Don't think I've voted on this one previously. 3 out of 5 from me. No doubt they are talented musicians but I don't think this would get more than another spin from me. I enjoyed it for a first listen but found the production via spotify very muffled and dull sounding.

Onto the another album club now... Which to choose