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View Full Version : Sad, and almost true - and that's why it's sad

Neil McCauley
23-10-2008, 10:29
Said Marco:

"I always laugh when I hear people saying that such-and-such a dealer is "my friend". Utter bollocks - he or she is only 'your friend' because (ultimately) they want your money!"

]Oh dear. I know this to be true - but Marco, I though we were/are friends!? Was it all just a ghastly illusion? Be kind to me Marco; let me down gently.

And he continued ...

"That's not to say though that some dealers aren't perfectly nice (and often helpful) people who will try and do their best to provide you with what you want. But quite simply you're deluded if you're under the impression that your dealer is your best buddy... :mental:"

Steady on Marco. You're sounding a bit like me at my pontificating best.

Please don't view all of us as reprobates, charlatans, snake oil salesmen and so on. Some are, some aren't and ... there are very many in between. But then you know that I guess – and you are having a bit of fun, and no, I'm not taking this personally.


23-10-2008, 10:41
LOL, Howard! You know exactly what I mean, and you know I love you ;)


I'm not saying you necessarily come into the category I've described. Stripping everything else away, at the end of the day, the fact is business is business. I think some people get too carried away and are easily 'lulled into a false sense of security', if you get me.


Steve Toy
23-10-2008, 10:57
Well yes. It depends on the type of relationship. If the dealer takes money off you now and again in return for an improved musical listening experience then that is a good business relationship.

If he happens to be a hi-fi dealer and you drink with him in the pub then he's your mate.

I'm not sure about when both the above apply though.

Neil McCauley
23-10-2008, 15:06
LOL, Howard! You know exactly what I mean, and you know I love you ;)

Oh alright then. Just as well 'cos The Samaritans have been engaged all afternoon. Sniff. (cue sound of nose blowing at hurricane levels, and then vigorous rubbing with a handy fresh Keenex to dry the tears) - but the internal pain remains.

I'm not saying you necessarily come into the category

Interesting application of the word 'necessarily'. Hmm!

I've described. Stripping everything else away, at the end of the day, the fact is business is business. I think some people get too carried away and are easily 'lulled into a false sense of security', if you get me.

True, very true. Should this be a catalyst for a fresh thread I wonder?


23-10-2008, 16:12
How Upsetting!! Earlier today I had determined that I had over 600 friends in my database.
Now I read this and I feel used.:lolsign:
I will now go forth and buy some more friends from outsiude of the hifi world.:lol:

23-10-2008, 17:02
LOL what are you guys like! :lolsign:


23-10-2008, 17:06
Have any trademembers on this forum have had professional sales training ?

I thought one of the techniques was to make the potential customer make you feel that you are his friend...

23-10-2008, 17:50
Tell him that all your friends are swingers and that you'll like him and his wife to go to the swingers club that night.

He'll either admit he's not really your friend or you'll be in for an interesting night!

Neil McCauley
23-10-2008, 18:46
[quote]Have any trademembers on this forum have had professional sales training ?
I was a sales trainer for many years, mainly in car showrooms. Does that count?

I thought one of the techniques was to make the potential customer make you feel that you are his friend...

No. Wrong, wrong, wrong and dare I say it - WRONG!

Empathy is one of the most powerful motivational forces. True friendship requires empathy - but empathy does not require nor imply friendship.

Truly effective salespeople (and the ONLY litmus test that counts is REPEAT business i.e the customer returns because he/she wants to) use empathy. Some of us have it as part of our DNA and others can learn it via NLP . Friendship as a substitute for the ability to help the prospect (the generic term for a person who has yet to metamorphose into a customer) get what they want, when they want it and within their budget (this being universal technique appropriate for pimps, hookers, car salesmen, lawyers and yes even doctors) is blatantly obvious both conciously and subconciously.

I have studied this for years. Telling the truth works - even if it means helping the prospect walk away without spending a penny.

Year by year, at least 40% of my encounters result in me carefully, sympathetically, kindly and without resentment directing the prospect to a superior solution i.e one I cannot provide. If their requirements suggest that Richer Sounds can provide what we (the prospect and I, that is) conclude they need, when they need it and withing their budget, I get a real kick by helping them achieve that result.

Admittedly I can afford to do this as I made my stack from selling out of the company I started in 1998 that – guess what – offered a software that enable users to make better quality decisions. Thus if I were stuck on a high street with silly fixed costs and so on, I very much doubt if I could survive and offer the same degree of truth that I do.

Sermon and trumpet blowing over.



23-10-2008, 20:50
I did have a friend once but his head caught fire after I persuaded him to look at the sun through a telescope. He never bothered calling me after that.

I have actually been on more sales training courses than I care to mention. I spent 10 wasted years as a sales guy in the call center industry. There I have admitted it now.


23-10-2008, 21:15
I did have a friend once but his head caught fire after I persuaded him to look at the sun through a telescope. He never bothered calling me after that.

I had one too, but 'he' popped and blew up after I left him for too long next to the gas fire :(


Prince of Darkness
24-10-2008, 07:13
Telling the truth works - even if it means helping the prospect walk away without spending a penny.

If you tell the truth, they'll probably come back and buy off you on future occasions (and recommend you to friends). Lie and you wont get any more business (if they find out) and they may warn their friends off.

24-10-2008, 10:02
Post deleted.

No offence intended to Howard Popeck at all.

My apologies to him if he thought that, and to the AOS forum.

24-10-2008, 10:31

I'm going to have to ask you to delete that. You know what our ethos dictates - no personal disputes must be brought onto the forum. I don't care if names are mentioned or not. What you've written is not acceptable. I trust that you will respect our wishes and do as I have requested.


Neil McCauley
24-10-2008, 11:05

I'm going to have to ask you to delete that. You know what our ethos dictates - no personal disputes must be brought onto the forum. I don't care if names are mentioned or not. What you've written is not acceptable. I trust that you will respect our wishes and do as I have requested.


VERY pleased to see that you are not letting standards slip Marco. What a pity you have to read the riot act though. Ho hum.




24-10-2008, 11:24
VERY pleased to see that you are not letting standards slip Marco. What a pity you have to read the riot act though. Ho hum.

Hi Howard, it's something that is completely necessary for the forum to run properly. Jerry knows the score so I'm surprised at him. I'll leave it there for another hour or so and if he's not back on-line by then to delete it I'll do it myself. I always think it's polite to give people first option :)


24-10-2008, 12:40
Thank you Jerry! :)


24-10-2008, 14:03
Not only do we have high standards of conduct on here, we have the highest standard of members too.


Neil McCauley
24-10-2008, 14:05
Post deleted.

No offence intended to Howard Popeck at all.

My apologies to him if he thought that, and to the AOS forum.

Thank you. No harm done. Water under the bridge. Just read this, and it put all the other stuff into perspective: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/south_yorkshire/7688929.stm


24-10-2008, 14:06
Creating an atmosphere of self-moderation I believe is best, Rob.


24-10-2008, 14:09
Creating an atmosphere of self-moderation I believe is best, Rob.


Without a doubt, admin deleting/editing a post is a very rare occurrence on here, due of course to the quality members.

24-10-2008, 14:13
Just read this, and it put all the other stuff into perspective: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/south_yorkshire/7688929.stm



24-10-2008, 14:20
What a f*cker. I'd snap his spine if I got hold of him!


Steve Toy
24-10-2008, 14:52
What a f*cker. I'd snap his spine if I got hold of him!

Between the second and third vertebrae perhaps, i.e. with a noose?

24-10-2008, 16:03
I'm sure he'll be very 'popular' in prison.

24-10-2008, 16:34
Yes, there's nothing like a child murderer to get inmates' fury flowing - strange how convicted criminals can suddenly come together as a group with a common cause.

24-10-2008, 16:56
Sometimes I wonder what defines Humans the most; is it our inhumanity to others or our humanity. I hope its the latter

24-10-2008, 17:25
Its good to see that people here are a decent lot although I have noticed that a few people have been banned.

Thats the big problem with forums, you type quickly and write informally hit the enter button, read back what you put and then think SHIT!! I didn't that!!

You should have seen what I sent to my wife's friend on facebook about her dressing up in a slutty outfit and asking for photos.

At the time it seemed like a good idea and I thought I would look like a hero for being so funny. :lolsign:

24-10-2008, 17:28

Well the very few that have been banned were generally abusive and insulting really. It's not so much about restricting content, more about ensuring that members are civil and friendly. It is easy to post something that others read as offensive, but then again that's what the edit button is for and when stuff is put into context, as Howard has done on this thread, it matters not in the scheme of things. :)

25-10-2008, 16:30
Thank you. No harm done. Water under the bridge. Just read this, and it put all the other stuff into perspective: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/south_yorkshire/7688929.stm

i often think that there are people living amongst us that are not of us,if you know what i mean, this is one of those times. what an absolute ba**ard i hope he gets what he deserves...:(:(:(