View Full Version : Just missed out on a SONY CDP-2700

22-07-2011, 15:20
I know nothing about it and could only find scant information on the web. But I guessed that since it was a broadcast machine that it would be worth a punt, missed out by 2 quid.

Was this a good thing or a bad thing I wonder. Anyone know anything about the Sony CDP-2700. There are some proper sony fans here, so I'd say some one has an opinion.

I am very much thinking of flogging my old linn Majik and Mimic and getting a decent Sony or such like and a nice pre-amp such as an AudioNote Zero.

22-07-2011, 15:23
Don't worry there are loads and loads around, passing through Ebay all the time..

I think they are supposed to be well made but nothing amazing in sound terms - could be remembering wrongly of course..

23-07-2011, 10:41
Don't worry there are loads and loads around, passing through Ebay all the time..

I think they are supposed to be well made but nothing amazing in sound terms - could be remembering wrongly of course..

That is what I had feared, that it built like a tank but not up to much in the music department.

Thanks Nat

23-07-2011, 11:36
Besides, just cos it sold for 2 quid more than your last bid doesn't mean it wouldn't have sold for more had your last bid been 3 quid higher.

Am I making sense?

23-07-2011, 12:18
Indeed - the person who won it may have been prepared to pay £100 more than the bid that bagged it.