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15-02-2014, 19:23
Yeah, but they and Marco's boat anchor are valve things - where you need half a ton of iron just to make them work properly. ;)

Ali Tait
15-02-2014, 19:26
Aye, but at least you can get them to work without negative feedback. The triode is still the most linear amplifying device yet devised by man. :eyebrows:

15-02-2014, 19:48
Yes, he's put a brick inside it.... :eyebrows:

My Copper amp weighs 40kg. Are we having a 'fat bastard' amp contest, then? :D


Kid's amp:). Just one of my valve monos weighs more than that....

15-02-2014, 22:35
Stoppit you lot, or we'll start talking power output instead of weight...

The Grand Wazoo
15-02-2014, 23:30
Well.........that lump that landed on Jerry's rack is an integrated amp is it not?
In that case, it's only fair to weigh yer pre-amp in too.

my ARC SP8 pre weighs 10 kg
the ML11 weighs 16 kg
the ML9 weighs 36 kg

62kg in total me-hearty's!!

Not an output transformer in sight!!!!

15-02-2014, 23:55
Kid's amp:). Just one of my valve monos weighs more than that....

Your wallet must've dropped inside one of them then! :D


15-02-2014, 23:58
Stoppit you lot, or we'll start talking power output instead of weight...

Yesh, but valve watts are rather different from sorry-state (oops, sorry) solid-state watts, especially when Class A is involved.... :ner:



16-02-2014, 10:26
My bruva is bigger than your bruva.:ner::lol:

16-02-2014, 11:24
Yesh, but valve watts are rather different from sorry-state (oops, sorry) solid-state watts, especially when Class A is involved.... :ner:

That just means you have a glorified heater in the room :eek:

28-02-2014, 08:20
Sometimes age-old dreams really do come true.

Ever since I was a wee nipper of an audiophile, barely knee-high to a standmount speaker, I have thought that the pinnacle of aesthetic hifi perfection were those Marantz quadraphonic receivers from the 1970s. If you are old enough you must remember them!

Well, inspired (and made insanely jealous) by new AOS member Patrick's Kenwood receiver (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?31006-Plpwheelers-classic-system!) I perused that well-known online auction site for something that would finally satisfy my 40 year craving.
And here she is, just arrived all the way from Holland ....


Isn't she a beauty :drool:

What does she sound like? I have no idea, I just plan to admire her looks. :)
Well, perhaps I'll connect her up sometime soon.

The Grand Wazoo
28-02-2014, 08:31
Nice Jerry.
Strangely, I find the Marantz stuff of that era far less exciting to look at as I used to. Like you, I would often find myself drooling over that sort of gear and I owned a few of their receivers over the years (though never a quad model), they somehow don't seem to hold the same magic for me anymore - however I still go gooey for the Sansuis!
I'm sure you'll enjoy owning it - everyone should own at least one 70's receiver in my opinion!

If you need a service manual, you'll get it here (https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&cad=rja&ved=0CEAQFjADOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fakdatabase.org%2FAKview%2Falbums% 2Fuserpics%2F10004%2FMarantz%25204230%2520Service. pdf&ei=5UcQU_TeFumO7Qa-zoCwDg&usg=AFQjCNH9d0V8_SjvMqkJySMe9IQpL2gqLA)

28-02-2014, 13:32
Lovely Jerry, I miss my 2215/2230 pair. You're now the owner of what's called the "three Martini sound" ... Makes everything sound rose tinted see :cocktail:

Their marketing was right up there with Naim IMO


28-02-2014, 14:12
What does she sound like? I have no idea, I just plan to admire her looks. :)
Well, perhaps I'll connect her up sometime soon.

More knobs than you can shake a stick at and you call it a her? Hm...:)

Around the time those were out I went for a Technics SA-200 - nice, weighty flywheel which the Marantz's never had:(

Here is one. Still nice, I think. Never did sound too good though. Partnered with Wharfedale Lintons and later Mission 710s.


28-02-2014, 14:32
Great ad there, James, thanks for sharing!

Yeah, lots of knobs, but it's still a her to me. It was love - no, lust - at first sight all those decades ago and the feeling remains undimmed now I have one on my shelves.
In those circumstances, it is defo not a her as far as I am concerned! :nono: :)

Naturally enough, I couldn't resist wiring her up :D .... just as a headphone amp for now connected to a CDP. Works A1 and sounds lovely, somewhat in a rose-tinted sense, as James says. Yum.
She's a stayin' with her new sugar daddy! :cheers:

28-02-2014, 21:07
Lovely Jerry, I miss my 2215/2230 pair. You're now the owner of what's called the "three Martini sound" ... Makes everything sound rose tinted see :cocktail:

Their marketing was right up there with Naim IMO


:lol: Hmm, the copywriter burned this guy's apartment block down with all the floors falling through to the basement, then the Marantz ard hero are re-united and then the copywriter magically re-builds the whole appartment block and our protagonist walks proudly up the stairs carrying his old friend over the threshold and plugs it in again.

Ok... there could be a time delay between the fire and the rubble clearance and the guy sorted out the new flat in between.

01-03-2014, 11:30
Sometimes age-old dreams really do come true.

Ever since I was a wee nipper of an audiophile, barely knee-high to a standmount speaker, I have thought that the pinnacle of aesthetic hifi perfection were those Marantz quadraphonic receivers from the 1970s. If you are old enough you must remember them!

Well, inspired (and made insanely jealous) by new AOS member Patrick's Kenwood receiver (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?31006-Plpwheelers-classic-system!) I perused that well-known online auction site for something that would finally satisfy my 40 year craving.
And here she is, just arrived all the way from Holland ....


Isn't she a beauty :drool:

What does she sound like? I have no idea, I just plan to admire her looks. :)
Well, perhaps I'll connect her up sometime soon.

Jerry, that beastie is exactly what I outlined in my recent thread:

You cannot beat a sexy blue backlit dial and it doesn't matter if FM broadcasts vanish it will still look gorgeous powered up with nothing to do :lol:

01-03-2014, 12:27
Ah right - I hadn't spotted your thread, Frank - now posted there with a different pic of this l'il beauty!

Who cares if the radio becomes obsolete? - I have unlistenable reception where I live for FM and DAB anyway.

It sounds great with CDs over headphones and looks just amazing. :)

01-03-2014, 12:50
You cannot beat a sexy blue backlit dial and it doesn't matter if FM broadcasts vanish it will still look gorgeous powered up with nothing to do :lol:

Good til 2020 at the earliest. Cars are the major problem. 90% of the 30 million cars in the UK can't get DAB. That means my Scott 1963 all valve 350B has plenty of life in it yet:)

05-03-2014, 08:17

Not pretty but I like the industrial-ness of it for sure! I like the well thoughtout design too with the heatsink in the centre with what looks like connection passing through the centre - guess the smaller section is for the amps, larger for the PSUs. The red screen print on the front is almost Bauhaus too (like Blaupunkt's original bauhaus design)

It's developed a hum/buzz. :(

Anyone care to take a look at it and fix it? :)

06-03-2014, 06:50


Now I know what Martin macca was on about.

Technics SL-P1200 CD player.
Remote control.
Works fine.
Sounds fab. - it really is quite similar in presentation to the equivalent Techie 1200 turntable!

06-03-2014, 07:01
And this is surprising.


Surprisingly good that is, a stonking little amp - Audio Innovations Alto - it sounds amazing into both Paul / RFC's Rhapsody speakers and my MBLs. :thumbsup:

06-03-2014, 09:17
Technics SL-P1200 CD player.

Interesting. I keep my eye on listings for these as I'll snap one up if the price is right just to try one out on my system.

06-03-2014, 09:40
The SLP1200 really does sound fab. I must take a few pics of my new set up and show you what one of these looks like in perfect nick. Got some new speaker stands in the making, I'd like to get those in there first.

Keep us posted on what you think of the SLP1200.

06-03-2014, 09:53
And this is surprising.


Surprisingly good that is, a stonking little amp - Audio Innovations Alto - it sounds amazing into both Paul / RFC's Rhapsody speakers and my MBLs. :thumbsup:

Well, I didn't hear it into the MBLs but it was certainly a "stand out" amp! Lovely sounding thing and well screwed together. I like it's quirky looks too...well done Guy, cracking amplifier! It's got to be a "future classic" on performance alone.

06-03-2014, 09:57
Ooh, nice blast from the past. Are Audio Innovations still around? What happened to them?

06-03-2014, 11:36
Nice to hear some love for these little amps.
They were so cheap and quirky looking that people never seemed to take them seriously.

Can be had extremely cheaply these days and make for an excellent back up amp if 35watts is sufficient for your needs.

06-03-2014, 14:09
Interesting. I keep my eye on listings for these as I'll snap one up if the price is right just to try one out on my system.

Was this price right? ... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111286384078?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

06-03-2014, 14:40
re; the Techie CD player ...

The sound is full-on and very dynamic. Superbly strong well defined bass. Loads of detail across the freq spectrum. Extended treble that could become too much with bright speakers or amp.

It isn't a 3D holographic imaging extravaganza, though - imaging is good and well focussed laterally but somewhat restricted in depth.

Tonality is robustly colourful, too.

Overall a great sound, imo.
The only real question mark is its reliability due to age.
But for £250 +P&P it is a reasonable risk and a really great buy. :)

06-03-2014, 14:54
Was this price right?

Good grief, yes, I'd have paid that!

06-03-2014, 15:17
Good grief, yes, I'd have paid that!

I'm glad you didn't spot it then! :eyebrows:
I was amazed I was the only bidder.

06-03-2014, 20:04
Nice one, Jerry. I'm glad that more and more people are starting to discover just how good that Technics is. Enjoy it, for as long as possible, until you swap it for something else! :eyebrows:

When you do, I suspect there'll be no shortage of buyers ;)


06-03-2014, 20:07
Good grief, yes, I'd have paid that!

Martin, with a few key mods carried out, it would worry your Ayre - I kid you not! :)


06-03-2014, 21:36
I wouldn't be bothered either way, it's a machine I've wanted to play with for a while and I would at least get my money back were I to sell it on. Just imagine what Audiocom could do with one, though.

06-03-2014, 22:12
Indeed - it was an Audiocom 'breathed upon' version I was referring to. With that, it could become something *really* special. The fact is, there's as much merit in modding an SL-P1200 as there is in doing so with its analogue relative... ;)


07-03-2014, 11:28
This is a bit silly.

System in use at the moment is along the top shelf ....


Technics SL-P1200 CDP and Audio Innovations Alto integrated amp - total cost to me less than £400.
(The speakers cost just a little bit more ;), even the cables cost me more than that! :))
And this is quite possibly the most enjoyable (does that mean the best? :scratch:) system I have ever had.

Sure, there's a bit of emphasis to the treble and imaging hasn't got huge depth 3D-wise and the bass from the MBLs can be a little bit more powerful, but .... I've had all sorts of excellent high end gear costing many £k powering my MBLs, and I'd put this budget priced electronics duo up against any of them and smile with confidence.

Funny old game.

07-03-2014, 11:47
Box swapping still had a few surprises up its sleeve for you even after all these years :eyebrows:

By the way, is the Alto mk1 or mk2 ? I believe there were some large circuit differences between the two depending on whether it was manufactured by Audio Innovations or Audio Partnership.

07-03-2014, 11:49
"Funny old game"

You are dead right Jerry.

My current system has cost mere peanuts compared to what I used to spend on the boxswapping antics, but this humble little system in my tiny listening room gives me SO much pleasure


Amp and speakers came to less than £300 and the CD player was a freebie that needed repair.

I only fire up the Puresound A30 a couple of times a week for reliability trials for Guy. It isn't my amp and will have to be returned one day.

07-03-2014, 12:18
Having just returned from Jerry's place I can attest as to just how good that little Alto amp sounds with the Techy CDP driving the MBLs. I've challenged Jerry to source some smilarly priced speakers, take the lot to Scalford next year and embarrass a few high end systems ;)

Anyone doubting just how effective a well designed and built but modest amp can be with a top flight CDP (no ultra modern stand alone 24-bit DAC needed) owes it to try something like this. Sound is excellent. The only thing lost to much more expensive kit is that the image is a tad 2-D and as Jerry says, the HF can be provoked with some recordings but that aside, it's sensational! I've known people to spend more than £400 on a handful of LPs.

07-03-2014, 13:19
Indeed - it was an Audiocom 'breathed upon' version I was referring to. With that, it could become something *really* special. The fact is, there's as much merit in modding an SL-P1200 as there is in doing so with its analogue relative... ;)


It would be interesting to get a quote from Audiocom and see what a 'breathed upon' would set you back.

07-03-2014, 13:29
My fully Audiocom modded SCD-1 cost a good bit (couple of grand if I remember correctly). However, you can do a lot less and get great benefits - often just the clock and op-amp upgrades.

Anyway, having just pushed the button on an SLP-1200, I shall find out soon :)

07-03-2014, 13:39
My fully Audiocom modded SCD-1 cost a good bit (couple of grand if I remember correctly). However, you can do a lot less and get great benefits - often just the clock and op-amp upgrades.

Anyway, having just pushed the button on an SLP-1200, I shall find out soon :)

As Andy / Tarzan would say ... :popcorn:

07-03-2014, 13:52
Hi Paul,

Having just returned from Jerry's place I can attest as to just how good that little Alto amp sounds with the Techy CDP driving the MBLs. I've challenged Jerry to source some smilarly priced speakers, take the lot to Scalford next year and embarrass a few high end systems...

Now that would be fun! Trouble is, Jerry most likely won't have the same kit by then!! :doh: :eyebrows:

The only thing lost to much more expensive kit is that the image is a tad 2-D and as Jerry says, the HF can be provoked with some recordings...

Nothing some re-clocking and/or judicious attention to optimising PSU arrangements wouldn't cure - and I can say that from experience of comparing the 'before & after' effects of Audiocom modifying those areas of my (equally ancient) Sony CDP and DAC... ;)


07-03-2014, 13:56
Anyway, having just pushed the button on an SLP-1200, I shall find out soon...

Love it - now THAT will be interesting!! Question is, if the Technics shows serious potential, would you consider having it modified, in order to compete with your Ayre, or is this simply just a bit of fun? :)


07-03-2014, 14:35
I think I shall wait on Martin's verdict on any Audiocom mods and perhaps take his advice on a cost-effective way ahead. :)

07-03-2014, 14:48
Love it - now THAT will be interesting!! Question is, if the Technics shows serious potential, would you consider having it modified, in order to compete with your Ayre, or is this simply just a bit of fun? :)

It isn't straightforward, unfortunately. I have a sizeable collection of SACDs and a few DVD-As. Without the Ayre, I couldn't play them. So if I go down the modded Technics route, I'll have to see what I can do about having those discs file-based. Easy with the DVD-As, much more problematic with SACDs.

Still, I'm really looking forward to receiving the (ASC BBC spec) SLP-1200 :)

07-03-2014, 15:30
I think I shall wait on Martin's verdict on any Audiocom mods and perhaps take his advice on a cost-effective way ahead. :)

I'm with you on that one!

07-03-2014, 16:30
By the way, is the Alto mk1 or mk2 ? I believe there were some large circuit differences between the two depending on whether it was manufactured by Audio Innovations or Audio Partnership.

I'm 94.53% sure that the chrome ones were the later Audio Partnership version only - the easy way to tell is if there's an RJ45 socket on the rear panel for remote control - if so, then it's a later version. This is based around a Cambridge Audio circuit if so and is a fine performer, but the original Audio Innovations one is quite a big leap better.

Lovely SL-P1200 Jerry! I really must find myself another one, although it's the SL-P50 I really lust after. Never even seen one, though...

07-03-2014, 18:16
It isn't straightforward, unfortunately. I have a sizeable collection of SACDs and a few DVD-As. Without the Ayre, I couldn't play them. So if I go down the modded Technics route, I'll have to see what I can do about having those discs file-based. Easy with the DVD-As, much more problematic with SACDs.

Ah, gotcha. However, I'm sure that both could happily co-exist in your system, if you can find the shelf space! ;)

Could you post the link to where you bought the Techincs, so we can see some piccies - I presume it was an ebay purchase? :)


07-03-2014, 18:34
It's this one (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Top-End-Professional-Studio-ASC-Version-Technics-SL-P1200-CD-Player-Deck-RC-/191082833844?ssPageName=ADME:L:OC:GB:3160).

07-03-2014, 18:52
I'm 94.53% sure that the chrome ones were the later Audio Partnership version only - the easy way to tell is if there's an RJ45 socket on the rear panel for remote control - if so, then it's a later version. This is based around a Cambridge Audio circuit if so and is a fine performer, but the original Audio Innovations one is quite a big leap better.

Hi Adam - this is the ebay auction - photos of amp rear there. :)

.... no RJ45 socket so I guess it's "quite a big leap better" :) It certainly sounds good!

07-03-2014, 18:55
As Andy / Tarzan would say ... :popcorn:

Did someone call?:)

07-03-2014, 19:01
This is a bit silly.

System in use at the moment is along the top shelf ....


Technics SL-P1200 CDP and Audio Innovations Alto integrated amp - total cost to me less than £400.
(The speakers cost just a little bit more ;), even the cables cost me more than that! :))
And this is quite possibly the most enjoyable (does that mean the best? :scratch:) system I have ever had.

Sure, there's a bit of emphasis to the treble and imaging hasn't got huge depth 3D-wise and the bass from the MBLs can be a little bit more powerful, but .... I've had all sorts of excellent high end gear costing many £k powering my MBLs, and I'd put this budget priced electronics duo up against any of them and smile with confidence.

Funny old game.

Jerry you are spot on (again), l too have a "little system" that cost next to nothing ( well the electronics anyway) that simply blows away any mid to high end kit l have ever had in terms of musicality and pure enjoy of music rather than sound quality, will do a review of it one day- great music making equipment does not have to cost the earth:eyebrows:

07-03-2014, 19:30
Jerry you are spot on (again), l too have a "little system" that cost next to nothing ( well the electronics anyway) that simply blows away any mid to high end kit l have ever had in terms of musicality and pure enjoy of music rather than sound quality, will do a review of it one day- great music making equipment does not have to cost the earth:eyebrows:

I'm proud (ashamed?) to say my 'little system' is my main system. :o

07-03-2014, 19:56
It's this one (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Top-End-Professional-Studio-ASC-Version-Technics-SL-P1200-CD-Player-Deck-RC-/191082833844?ssPageName=ADME:L:OC:GB:3160).

Nice... I shall follow your progress with interest. More people should be made aware of how good these players are!


07-03-2014, 20:34
The earlier Alto with the "hammerite" case sounds better :eyebrows:


07-03-2014, 20:41
Damn :( - so mine sounds crap after all.


07-03-2014, 20:51
Damn :( - so mine sounds crap after all.


I can't remember if you were at my bakeoff or not when we did the blind mains cable test Jerry? :scratch:

We used the grey Alto amp for the test and Guy said it was way ahead of the later chrome version

07-03-2014, 20:58
I used a £20 cd player at scalford last weekend.
Sounded fantastic i thought.
Still of the belief if your using a digital front end only it is well worth throwing the majority of money at the speakers.

07-03-2014, 21:07
I'm 94.53% sure that the chrome ones were the later Audio Partnership version only

The early ones were available in both black and chrome.
The later ones have a series of lights around the volume control which gives them away.

07-03-2014, 21:46
The early ones were available in both black and chrome.
The later ones have a series of lights around the volume control which gives them away.

No lights and no RJwotsit remote socket -- So mine might not be crap, after all?

Does my system sound great or not? :scratch: Oh, the suspense :D

07-03-2014, 21:50
btw - the Techie SL-P1200 CDP has the same sort of footers that hold back the performance of the SL-1200 turntable.
Bypass those with metal cones and lo & behold we have a 3D soundstage! :thumbsup:

07-03-2014, 22:09
I used a £20 cd player at scalford last weekend.
Sounded fantastic i thought.
Still of the belief if your using a digital front end only it is well worth throwing the majority of money at the speakers.

I dunno.. depends how cheap you can pick stuff up! There are no rules when it comes to bargain and obscure item hunting, you just roll with it..

07-03-2014, 22:20
btw - the Techie SL-P1200 CDP has the same sort of footers that hold back the performance of the SL-1200 turntable.
Bypass those with metal cones and lo & behold we have a 3D soundstage! :thumbsup:

I was looking at those, Jerry. Have you tried the cones, then? I was thinking of trying my Isonoes on it.

07-03-2014, 22:43
Yup, the cones under the Techie CDP have largely sorted the imaging issues I previously mentioned.
And going one step closer to the AG1500 power regenerator by bypassing an Audio Friendly extension block has helped a lot with the tendency for treble over-enthusiasm. (AF mains cables tend to be a bit bright, ime.)

07-03-2014, 23:40
No lights and no RJwotsit remote socket -- So mine might not be crap, after all?

Does my system sound great or not? :scratch: Oh, the suspense :D

You almost certainly have an original AI version. Heres the internal difference:



Rubbish Richer Sounds version:


The original is basically a "passive preamplifier" feeding a single rail power amplifier with output coupling capacitors... Very similar to some of the old ION/Nytech amps I've fiddled with but much nicer execution on the AI. Richers model is a shambles that has nothing in common with the AI model other than its funky chassis.

I'm not surprised you like it... there's something about the old cap coupled designs that sound "nice" - Also used in the Quad 303 power amp & lots of the Marantz amps/receivers of the 70's amongst others ;)

08-03-2014, 07:17
I'm not surprised you like it... there's something about the old cap coupled designs that sound "nice" - Also used in the Quad 303 power amp & lots of the Marantz amps/receivers of the 70's amongst others ;)

I've one of the Marantz quadraphonic receivers from the 70s (as reported previously on this thread) and it looks fab and sounds wonderful as a headphone amp (as Paul Refc can attest). I've not linked it up in speaker driving mode (yet) - perhaps I should! - I'd need to get bare wire speaker cables, though.

Here it is again. :drool:


EDIT: I've just come across this eBay auction - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-Marantz-4230-Stereo-2-Quadradial-4-Receiver-Tuner-Amp-Rare-/271416630709?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF i_Amplifiers&hash=item3f31b11db5
:eek: Same model, mines in top nick, too. But cost me £200 on eBay a few weeks ago! That's the power of better pics and more/better text, I guess!
-- mind came from Holland, maybe that makes a difference? :scratch:

08-03-2014, 08:43
btw - the Techie SL-P1200 CDP has the same sort of footers that hold back the performance of the SL-1200 turntable.
Bypass those with metal cones and lo & behold we have a 3D soundstage! :thumbsup:

Yes, I was going to suggest that, so nice one! It's yet again proof how much the stock Technics feet inhibit the musicality of whatever they're connected to.

Btw, if you guys are getting serious about the SL-P1200, I would advise you to source some spare transport mechs, as the originals defo won't last forever...


08-03-2014, 09:00
You almost certainly have an original AI version. Heres the internal difference:



Rubbish Richer Sounds version:


Aha! - Peering in through the thin grille slots on the top of my Alto with a carefully aimed torch I can defo see the white on black printing on the left hand side.

Yay - it's the original. :yay:

So my system is officially sounding AOK. :D

08-03-2014, 09:37
I never rated the original Alto and I was going to say that the issues Jerry was having with the soundstage and the top being a bit bright were down to the amp not the cd player but he appears to have sorted it now. Even so I'd like to hear Jerry's opinion on the Technics combined with a clean sounding power amp and a passive pre, my experience has been that combo will get the best out of it. The Alto circuit is designed to emulate a valve sound by adding even order distortion, also its power supply is not very stiff (all according to Hi-Fi World test results).

re the laser mech - talking to the engineer in the local pro shop apparently the mech is pretty bomb proof, it is the logic chip that is most likely to fail and there is no cure or replacement save getting a donor unit.

08-03-2014, 09:50
I never rated the original Alto

Fair enough, Martin!

It sounds fabulous in my system. Astonishing clarity, musical presence, speed, dynamics, bass depth and control, image focus. What's not to like? - well, OK, it's not a sound for those who like to relax in a smooth ambient haze, and some folks do which is fair enough, but it does me very nicely indeed. :thumbsup: - Paul Refc rated it very highly, too, so it's not just me kidding myself.

System synergy? Personal taste?
Who knows? - not me! :)

You're in Staffs - not a world away if you travel round a bit - come visit the lovely Forest of Dean and you're welcome to pop in for some choons and a pizza and hear for yourself!

08-03-2014, 10:18
Jerry, thanks for the offer but as I don't run a motor I am restricted to going to the same places as the railway tracks ;)

As amps go the Alto is a very quirky design but that's no reason why it cannot work well in context. They were quite highly rated by the press with the exception of HFW. Your MBL speakers seem to be very forgiving of amplification in any case. Anyways try swapping in a pre-power at some point, just for me :)

I'm interested to hear what the Technics will do in Martin T's system, I reckon it will be totally killer but we'll see I guess.

08-03-2014, 10:43
Jerry, thanks for the offer but as I don't run a motor I am restricted to going to the same places as the railway tracks ;)

Well, there are stations at Lydney, Gloucester ... :)

They were quite highly rated by the press with the exception of HFW.

Aha! - so you chose the one source that agreed with you! :eyebrows:

Your MBL speakers seem to be very forgiving of amplification in any case.

That is very true - they are astonishingly easy to drive for any amp, ime.

Anyways try swapping in a pre-power at some point, just for me :)

I plan to. :)

08-03-2014, 10:51
Well, there are stations at Lydney, Gloucester ... :)

Aha! - so you chose the one source that agreed with you! :eyebrows:


lol - yes but I have heard the Alto a few times although not in any of my own systems.

08-03-2014, 11:12
Fair enough, Martin!

It sounds fabulous in my system. Astonishing clarity, musical presence, speed, dynamics, bass depth and control, image focus. What's not to like? - well, OK, it's not a sound for those who like to relax in a smooth ambient haze, and some folks do which is fair enough, but it does me very nicely indeed. :thumbsup: - Paul Refc rated it very highly, too, so it's not just me kidding myself.

System synergy? Personal taste?
Who knows? - not me! :)

You're in Staffs - not a world away if you travel round a bit - come visit the lovely Forest of Dean and you're welcome to pop in for some choons and a pizza and hear for yourself!

Yes. Cracking amp for the money Jerry. It doesn't matter a fig which magazine has said what about it. If it sounds good in your system, then it is good in your system and that's all you need to know. The sound stage was a little 2-D and 5kHz upwards-ish could be a little strident but only with some recordings, so that may not have been attributable to the amp. No piece of kit is perfect. I've heard Naim pre/power amps costing many times more sound a lot worse when it comes to upper HF than the Alto in some systems. It's not bad by any yardstick.

08-03-2014, 13:08
It's not bad by any yardstick.

Considering they can be had for £80ish these days I'd rate them a lot better than 'not bad' in the sound per pound stakes.

08-03-2014, 13:17
I'm interested to hear what the Technics will do in Martin T's system, I reckon it will be totally killer but we'll see I guess.

I simply don't know what to expect, Martin, and that's fine with me. I'm glad it has balanced outputs as that will make for easier comparison with my Ayre. Hopefully it'll arrive well packed, that's my usual concern.

08-03-2014, 20:58
I simply don't know what to expect, Martin, and that's fine with me.

I think you'll hear the potential, but it'll be a little rough around the edges. Given the sheer resolution available from the Ayre, I'm pretty certain that the presentation of the Technics will need to be refined more before it could become your primary digital source.

The important thing when contemplating upgrading such a component (as indeed you know all too well yourself) is in identifying its main strengths and having the confidence to implement the right plan, in order to address its weaknesses.

Talk to Mark Bartlett first about what is possible, in terms of modifications (and don't dismiss the effectiveness of Bybee filters, which he's keen on, and that I use inside my Sony) and then agree on your plan of action.

Incidentally, what DAC chips does the SL-P1200 use? I don't think it's TDA-1541s, is it? :)


08-03-2014, 21:11
It's a Burr Brown chip, Marco

08-03-2014, 21:31
Cheers, Martin, that's what I suspected, and it should be capable of really good results.


08-03-2014, 22:42
If it's comparable to the Burr Brown DACs inside my old Pioneer PD-91, then it'll have all the right ingredients for greatness.

09-03-2014, 08:30
I have every confidence of that, Martin.

I first heard one of the beasts in the 80s, when I used to sell them (ironically along with SL-1200s and 1210s) and all manner of (now desirable) Japanese kit at an upmarket section of Arnotts, called 'Sound & Vision'. Arnotts was a major department store (part of the House of Fraser chain) in Paisley, just outside of Glasgow, and during the 80s and 90s it was the place in Paisley to shop.

I remember that we received an SL-P1200 in error, as it was meant to go to the Glasgow branch in Argyle St, which was a busier, 'higher grade' store (in terms of our stock lists), and so always got the more interesting and expensive items for sale, whether it was TVs, VCRs or hi-fi equipment. However, I convinced the manager then to keep it, as I just fell in love with the player as soon as I seen it! :eek:

We put it in the shop window, heading up an all-Technics system (T/T, pre/power amp - the power amp was one with the big illuminated VU meters on it - graphic equaliser, tuner and tape deck), including a huge pair of speakers, which were as tall as the stack of Technics kit that they stood alongside, and even though the boxes were simply just stacked on top of each other on a kind of 'platform', supplied by the manufacturer, with no attention to optimising set-up, it sounded amazing (well, at least it did to me in those days)!

I think we only sold one SL-P1200 (as it was expensive, probably too much so for the type of buyers we had), but it brought a lot of people into the shop who loved its looks, along with the dudes who were buying pairs of SL1200s and 1210s. Anyway, eventually we had to change our stock and the Technics had to go, so the manager bought it at a reduced price and took it home with him. I'd have loved it, but I simply couldn't afford it at the time.

The second time I heard one, some years later, was when a friend, who worked as a service engineer for Radio Clyde in Glasgow (they used them in their broadcasting studios), brought one home to work on, and I got to hear it in his system. As he had some really good kit that sounded even better than what we used in the shop at Sound & Vision, the thing that stuck in my mind most was the incredible depth and solidity of the bass and how it drove rhythms along with tremendous verve and 'pace' - for years later I tried to replicate that sound from the systems I had at the time, but failed miserably.

The last time I heard one, was when I worked for Bill Hutchinson Hi-fi in Glasgow City Centre, in 1991, and amazingly they had two, brand new in their boxes lying in their stock room, discovered during a stock-check, which the owner had forgotten were there!! Anyway, prompted by my enthusiasm to hear it once again, we hooked one up to a system (which I remember contained a Pioneer A-400 amp with Monitor Audio speakers), and the guys there were blown away by the amazing sound it produced.

Unfortunately, I didn't get on with the owner of the shop, and only worked there for 6 months, so I never found out what happened to the SL-P1200s, but those memories of it are still impregnated into my head today.. Sorry for waffling on, but the player conjures up some unforgettable feelings of nostalgia! :)


09-03-2014, 08:35
Marco on a nostalgia trip :)

I suspect the Techie is one of the best sources I've had, maybe the best overall.
If I put it up for sale can someone pop round and hit me over the head with a brick to try and knock some sense into me. :lol:

09-03-2014, 15:25
I have every confidence of that, Martin.

I first heard one of the beasts in the 80s, when I used to sell them (ironically along with SL-1200s and 1210s) and all manner of (now desirable) Japanese kit at an upmarket section of Arnotts, called 'Sound & Vision'. Arnotts was a major department store (part of the House of Fraser chain) in Paisley, just outside of Glasgow, and during the 80s and 90s it was the place in Paisley to shop.

I remember that we received an SL-P1200 in error, as it was meant to go to the Glasgow branch in Argyle St, which was a busier, 'higher grade' store (in terms of our stock lists), and so always got the more interesting and expensive items for sale, whether it was TVs, VCRs or hi-fi equipment. However, I convinced the manager then to keep it, as I just fell in love with the player as soon as I seen it! :eek:

We put it in the shop window, heading up an all-Technics system (T/T, pre/power amp - the power amp was one with the big illuminated VU meters on it - graphic equaliser, tuner and tape deck), including a huge pair of speakers, which were as tall as the stack of Technics kit that they stood alongside, and even though the boxes were simply just stacked on top of each other on a kind of 'platform', supplied by the manufacturer, with no attention to optimising set-up, it sounded amazing (well, at least it did to me in those days)!

I think we only sold one SL-P1200 (as it was expensive, probably too much so for the type of buyers we had), but it brought a lot of people into the shop who loved its looks, along with the dudes who were buying pairs of SL1200s and 1210s. Anyway, eventually we had to change our stock and the Technics had to go, so the manager bought it at a reduced price and took it home with him. I'd have loved it, but I simply couldn't afford it at the time.

The second time I heard one, some years later, was when a friend, who worked as a service engineer for Radio Clyde in Glasgow (they used them in their broadcasting studios), brought one home to work on, and I got to hear it in his system. As he had some really good kit that sounded even better than what we used in the shop at Sound & Vision, the thing that stuck in my mind most was the incredible depth and solidity of the bass and how it drove rhythms along with tremendous verve and 'pace' - for years later I tried to replicate that sound from the systems I had at the time, but failed miserably.

The last time I heard one, was when I worked for Bill Hutchinson Hi-fi in Glasgow City Centre, in 1991, and amazingly they had two, brand new in their boxes lying in their stock room, discovered during a stock-check, which the owner had forgotten were there!! Anyway, prompted by my enthusiasm to hear it once again, we hooked one up to a system (which I remember contained a Pioneer A-400 amp with Monitor Audio speakers), and the guys there were blown away by the amazing sound it produced.

Unfortunately, I didn't get on with the owner of the shop, and only worked there for 6 months, so I never found out what happened to the SL-P1200s, but those memories of it are still impregnated into my head today.. Sorry for waffling on, but the player conjures up some unforgettable feelings of nostalgia! :)


Aye those were the days Marco. I remember all those shops and bought gear from most of them. Maybe you served me mate :)

09-03-2014, 15:43
Jerry this-box-ain't-for-swapping ;)

09-03-2014, 16:15
Aye those were the days Marco. I remember all those shops and bought gear from most of them. Maybe you served me mate :)

Hi Brian,

There's every chance, mate, as I served plenty of customers! :)

Do you remember the Sound & Vision part of Arnotts, on the corner of Gauze St in Paisley? If you do, I'm impressed, as it wasn't there for very long before it was closed down, as it wasn't paying (simply because the equipment stocked was rather too 'specialist' for the Paisley punters). I have lots of fond memories from there - including hearing an SL-P1200 on a number of occasions!

Chris, TGW, reckoned I served him in Bill Hutchinson's, LONG before AoS was born, which of course couldn't have happened if the blinkered ramblings of a certain amp-bodger elsewhere are to be believed!! Anyway, the least said about that DUNNderheid, the better! :eyebrows: ;)


09-03-2014, 16:49
Can't remember the Arnotts in Paisley but I do remember the one in Glasgow . I also bought quite a few pieces of gear from Bill Hutchison when the shop was open.
Edit : If memory serves me properly I took my aunt over to Arnotts Paisley years ago because they were doing a special deal on a Sony TV.
Do you remember the old TV adverts for Glens , Hutchison , Robertson and Stepek :)

09-03-2014, 17:12
Sure do, matey! :)

Arnotts was a large, high-quality, department store in Paisley, the front of which was situated on Gauze St, and the rear, Smithhills St. Before that it was called Cochran's, but you'd probably have to ask your parents about that one. It was much like the Arnotts store that used to be in Argyle Street in Glasgow, but smaller. I got my first job in sales there, after leaving secondary school in 1982. Here's a pic of before it was demolished about 4 years ago:


'Sound & Vision' was an off-shoot of the electrical department (situated on the 1st floor), which had been opened in a separate shop adjacent to the main entrance in Gauze St (its old location is just about visible on the far left of the pic shown above), and sold more upmarket items than those stocked in the main electrical department. Some of the kit they got in was fab - the sort of stuff, now classified as vintage, that we all drool over these days on ebay! That's where my education in hi-fi started (although I had been a customer of The Music Room in Bath St Glasgow, Stereo Stereo and Hi-Fi Corner in Glasgow before that).

Apart from there and Bill Hutchinsons, the other hi-fi shop I've worked in is Acoustica, in Chester, which is still there today, when helping out the owner of the shop (Geoff Coleman), during my days as a Naim user. I learned much there too, but of a rather different category than I did whilst working in S&V or Bill H! ;)


09-03-2014, 18:28
Sure do, matey! :)

Arnotts was a large, high-quality, department store in Paisley, the front of which was situated on Gauze St, and the rear, Smithhills St. Before that it was called Cochran's, but you'd probably have to ask your parents about that one. It was much like the Arnotts store that used to be in Argyle Street in Glasgow, but smaller. I got my first job in sales there, after leaving secondary school in 1982. Here's a pic of before it was demolished about 4 years ago:


'Sound & Vision' was an off-shoot of the electrical department (situated on the 1st floor), which had been opened in a separate shop adjacent to the main entrance in Gauze St (its old location is just about visible on the far left of the pic shown above), and sold more upmarket items than those stocked in the main electrical department. Some of the kit they got in was fab - the sort of stuff, now classified as vintage, that we all drool over these days on ebay! That's where my education in hi-fi started (although I had been a customer of The Music Room in Bath St Glasgow, Stereo Stereo and Hi-Fi Corner before that).

Apart from there and Bill Hutchinsons, the other hi-fi shop I've worked in is Acoustica, in Chester, which is still there today, when helping out the owner of the shop (Geoff Coleman), during my days as a Naim user. I learned much there too, but of a rather different category than I did whilst working in S&V or Bill H! ;)


All this talk of Paisley makes me regret not going to visit more often. I used to work in Inchinnan and only ever visited paisley once or twice.

10-03-2014, 00:37
I never rated the original Alto and I was going to say that the issues Jerry was having with the soundstage and the top being a bit bright were down to the amp not the cd player but he appears to have sorted it now. Even so I'd like to hear Jerry's opinion on the Technics combined with a clean sounding power amp and a passive pre, my experience has been that combo will get the best out of it. The Alto circuit is designed to emulate a valve sound by adding even order distortion, also its power supply is not very stiff (all according to Hi-Fi World test results).

re the laser mech - talking to the engineer in the local pro shop apparently the mech is pretty bomb proof, it is the logic chip that is most likely to fail and there is no cure or replacement save getting a donor unit.

Many magazines loved it but Noel Keywood in Hi-Fi World was not impressed. Wasn't this product the one that caused AI to fold ?

The Grand Wazoo
11-03-2014, 00:54
There seems to be a fair bit of interest stirring in the Technics CD player. There was a review in at least one of the magazines at the time, which I'll certainly have. I'll take a look for it in the next couple of days and maybe give a quick precis of what the verdict was. I'm sure I remember it being much liked.

11-03-2014, 07:22
There was a review in at least one of the magazines at the time, which I'll certainly have. I'll take a look for it in the next couple of days and maybe give a quick precis of what the verdict was. I'm sure I remember it being much liked.

That would be excellent, Chris. I'm going to start a new thread about the SL-P1200 so that we can gather our thoughts and ideas about it, rather than leave them spread across several threads.

The Grand Wazoo
11-03-2014, 07:50
Yes, well the fact that it took me ages to decide on a good place to state the above testifies to that!

11-03-2014, 08:35


12-03-2014, 10:04
Hi Adam - this is the ebay auction - photos of amp rear there. :)

.... no RJ45 socket so I guess it's "quite a big leap better" :) It certainly sounds good!

Jerry, excellent news - I stand corrected!

As to all this guff about which colour sounds better, I'm afraid you're all wrong. The best sounding one was the original AI final prototype that was unearthed whilst I was working at Audio Partnership, as it had a couple of upgrades that didn't make it into production models. It was also the only one ever made in a unique colour, therefore I can categorically state that the best sounding colour for an Alto is......bright red!


23-03-2014, 19:12
New amp! :)


23-03-2014, 19:23
New amp! :)



23-03-2014, 19:26
Mind your NADs on those heat sinks Jerry.

23-03-2014, 19:50
You're "resting" equipment list will be longer than that in use soon Jerry!

23-03-2014, 20:14
Hmm - yep, I am getting a bit carried away with amps at the moment. :scratch:

23-03-2014, 20:19
Made for NAD by Gryphon IIRC ?

23-03-2014, 21:46
Well, something like that - certainly a remarkable likeness internal and external to a Gryphon Tabu Century - which is why it's been on my Want List for quite some time!
I understand that Gryphon was owned for a short time by NAD, and the S300 came into being as a result of that union.

At first blush, it certainly sounds very good. :)

27Kg - so 2Kg better than my Technics integrated amp. ;)

24-03-2014, 13:34
Ahh I knew there was some connection. Certainly looks the part... Very pretty :stalks:

24-05-2014, 06:03
Well, the NAD S300 came down with the Dreaded Lurgi :( and is currently undergoing hospital treatment.

But this little baby is happily filling The Spot and has done so for the last few weeks, alternating with the excellent AI Alto Mk1 integrated. :thumbsup:


A Chameleon Ruby power amp fed by my old faithful Restek Consens pre.
200wpc of lovely high rez, dynamically nuanced, beautifully focussed and non-fatiguing sounds from this solid state pairing. Do I really need more amp than this? :scratch: It sounds very good indeed! :)

--- the 2 light grey 'spots' on the front are dabs of blu-tac which cover up the 'signal' LEDs which flicker wildly and irritatingly when high level signals are encountered. They are a lot less obvious when not highlighted by camera flash. ;)

02-07-2014, 07:26
My 2nd system ....


Usher X-719 speakers, Sony FB-940R amp, and a set of Denon midi-sized sources - CDP, MD and cassette. There's an analogue tuner, too, but the location is way out in rural areas and reception is very poor.

And not forgetting my spare Amptastic Mini-T, it's always handy to have one around. :)

A rather special view from the listening chair, too ....


It sounds pretty good, nicely articulate with good imaging. I think it's the extensive slabs of glass behind the speakers that lead to congestion and confusion if the volume level is pushed too high, but for up to moderate levels it does a nice job.

02-07-2014, 07:32
Nice system Jerry and what a beautiful view . Give me the countryside over the city any time . Bugger the convenience for the shops etc. If I've got running water , a loaf of bread in the freezer and a tin of beans I won't never starve :lol:

02-07-2014, 07:34
Thanks, Brian.
Yep, nearest shops are about 7 miles away! There are a couple of farms about half a mile away. We are talking Deep Rural Wales! :lol:
It's nice and peaceful here, though. :)

The Grand Wazoo
02-07-2014, 07:36
Nice Jerry.
That view needs a woodland - get out there and plant some trees!

02-07-2014, 07:39
We're a bit nearer the shops mate , however we have only fields ( and cows and all sorts of critturs ) to the rear of the house and we absolutely love it . If I could afford it I would love to live in a rural setting .
You have PM BTW.

02-07-2014, 07:45
Love the view, Jerry! Quality :respect:

PM me with a few dates, convenient for you, and we'll rearrange the sesh we had planned :cool:


02-07-2014, 07:49
Nice Jerry.
That view needs a woodland - get out there and plant some trees!

Yes, trees are good, there are a few trees to be seen, including a small woodland area at the left end of the property.

02-07-2014, 07:52
Love the view, Jerry! Quality :respect:

PM me with a few dates, convenient for you, and we'll rearrange the sesh we had planned :cool:


Great stuff - I'll dig my diary out and send a few dates. :)

03-07-2014, 17:29
Hi Jerry,

Sent you a pm regards your Chameleon Ruby amp.


06-07-2014, 17:03
New toy! :yay:

System as is today ....


New toy close-up ...


And a couple of AOSers were kind enough to come a-visiting today. Good time - good company, good music. :thumbsup:

07-07-2014, 09:30
Great sesh yesterday, Jerry! Nice seeing you again and really enjoyed listening to your system - especially your superb MBLs! :) Your tweaked Techy CDP is none too shabby either... ;)

Good choice of choons, too - liked all the stuff you played. Do you remember most of it? A playlist would be good, so I can compile a shopping list :eyebrows:

Nice munchies too, so thanks for that. Nice to meet your good lady as well. I think she made a good job of the gardening! Anyway, you'd both be welcome to pop round to our place anytime, so give us a shout next time you're in the area :cool:


07-07-2014, 11:06
Thanks Marco, it was very nice seeing you and the friend who may not wish to be named. Lots of interesting music! :)

Yeah, the MBLs aren't too shabby, are they. Quite possibly the perfect speaker for me.

Yesterday's playlist --- oo-err --- from my collection ---

The Essential Dougie McClean
Philip Glass Akhnaten
Nazareth "Hair of the Dog"
The Buggles "Age of Plastic"
Elizabeth Valletti - Innocenti
Eddy Louiss - Sang Mele (Blues for Klook)
Caroline Lavelle - Brilliant Midnight
Shostakovich Piano Trio
Perotin Beata viscera (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Leonin-Perotin-Sacred-Notre-Dame-Cathedral/dp/B0009SQC8W/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1404730936&sr=1-1&keywords=naxos+perotin) (the girl in the cathedral in the rain ;))
Loreena McKennit Nights from the Alhambra (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nights-Alhambra-2Cd-Loreena-Mckennitt/dp/B000RK73LW/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1404731030&sr=1-1&keywords=mckennitt+Alhambra) DVD live concert
Yello Touch - virtual concert DVD & CD

--- I may have missed some :scratch:

07-07-2014, 11:39
Nice one, Jerry. What about the blues dude, Marvyn Taylor, or something? That was top notch! :)


07-07-2014, 11:55
New toy! :yay:

System as is today ....

And a couple of AOSers were kind enough to come a-visiting today. Good time - good company, good music. :thumbsup:

Thanks for having us round, really enjoyed the visit, system was sounding excellent.

Thanks Marco, it was very nice seeing you and the friend who may not wish to be named. Lots of interesting music! :)

Yeah, the MBLs aren't too shabby, are they. Quite possibly the perfect speaker for me.

Yesterday's playlist --- oo-err --- from my collection ---

--- I may have missed some :scratch:

Mervyn/Marvyn Taylor?

07-07-2014, 12:00
Thanks for having us round, really enjoyed the visit, system was sounding excellent.

Mervyn/Marvyn Taylor?

Of course! How could I forget introducing you to a great guitarist! :D

Melvin Taylor & the Slack Band

07-07-2014, 12:13
Ta Jerry. Great guitarist indeed.


22-08-2014, 08:57
Magnetic levitation - aka Floating on the Flux :smoking:

A recent eBay purchase - 4 footers with opposed magnets which allow kit to literally float on air. :eek:

See details and review here http://www.stereotimes.com/acc083109.shtml

I got heavy duty ones, designed to support 5-8Kg per footer.

Under my vintage Techie cdp they didn't do much really. And I had to weight the CDP down or the player wasn't heavy enough to push the top magnet down! :(

There's not enough shelf headroom for them placed under my Mingy Dah valve amp, so that was a no-goer, too. :(

But a couple of days ago the Minging One was set aside as I felt a sandy urge and my NAD S300 amp was re-installed.
It floats perfectly on 3 of the footers. :D


Look closely at the footer on the left in the next pic and you can see a small gap between top and bottom parts - that's the air the amp is floating on - amazing! :D


Lightly touch the amp and it rocks. :eyebrows:
Just floating on air, man, floating on air. :smoking:
OK - the internals of the footer have to be exerting lateral pressure and touching, but it must be very well isolated from shelf borne vibration.

Soundwise, unlike the Techie cdp I hear a big improvement with the amp. Imaging is way more 3D and err, hanging in space - like the amp! Everything sounds a lot more real and present and solidly grounded. There's a more subtle and detailed portrayal of small scale dynamic changes. Dare I say that it makes the NAD sound a lot more like a valve amp?

Although why it seems to have an effect on kit without moving parts (the amp) but little or none on a wildly vibrating CD spinner is a matter worthy of some thought! :scratch:

22-08-2014, 09:42
Pretty cool jerry...no danger of it shooting off the rack I take it?

22-08-2014, 15:46
Nah, those 3 footers are supporting 27Kg - once in place, I think it's staying. :)

22-08-2014, 17:25
Interesting Jerry
Do you have an eBay link ?

22-08-2014, 18:14
You could probably achieve the same thing by suspending the amp with some string. :eek:

23-08-2014, 06:15
Interesting Jerry
Do you have an eBay link ?



13-09-2014, 06:53
And my new amplification has arrived and been installed ....


A Virtue Audio "Sensation" (luv the name :eyebrows:) M451 class D integrated amp, see it sitting under the rather larger Minging Da valve amp. Cute, innit. :)

It came with the standard (i.e. cheap!) PSU box - but without proper cabling to connect the two :doh: . That's now sorted, at least temporarily, and the amp is up and going.

It turns out to be very dependent on power cable into the PSU box - I started off with a Naim mains cable that just happened to be lying around untried.
Oh dear, what a disappointing amp - it was "OK", but not much more than that, kind of bland and a fair bit uninteresting. :(
It was only after a few hours of hoping the amp would warm up and improve that I remembered the power cable being used was not one of my regulars. Swapped it over and ..... light and life and MUSIC!! :yay:

A friend had recommended the £30 Naim mains lead a few months ago and I'd never got around to trying it. Sheesh. What a load of crap. :rolleyes:
Anyhoo - my usual Nordost Magus power lead worked its magic and brought the amp to life.
I sense the sceptics rolling their eyes heavenwards - :D - but no, I'm a firm believer in the benefits of mains cables, although it's rare in my experience for differences to be this obvious.

Early days yet, but as usual I am enjoying class D sound - it is quite distinctive, there's a 3D roundness to the imaging that seems real, and a palpability and presence to the sound that just hits the right buttons for me.
As usual, it lacks the ultimate in rez, rapid runs on a geetar, for example, tend to blur together. And with the Sensation amp the bass is just a little woolly - quite a contrast to the almost stark tautness of the bass from Amptastic class D amps, for example.

But the Word is that the more expensive PSUs available for the amp provide worthwhile improvements, so I'll be investigating those, I think - I've been particularly recommended the battery PSU option. Yep, I may well put in an order.

13-09-2014, 08:51
Nice one Jerry . Like you I'm a big fan of T amps and use my Amptastic Mini- 1 on a regular basis . When I saw this amp for sale my finger was hovering over the ' purchase ' button . Unfortunately other things have to take precedence at the minute. Although I know that mains cables can and do make a very audible difference I'm quite surprised at the extent of the change different mains cables have made to this amp. I now use a 12V car battery with my Amptastic and it does make a big difference so everything is worth investigating I reckon.

09-10-2014, 19:24


09-10-2014, 19:31


:eek: Pure Filth :cool:

How Are They Sounding?

09-10-2014, 19:35

09-10-2014, 20:48


thats a proper hifi

09-10-2014, 20:59
I'd be lying if I said they sounded as good as they looked - cos they look bloody perfect! :D

But they sound mighty fine. :thumbsup:

I've had the receiver for a while and use its phonostage for my vinyl rig and also the headphone socket for all headphone listening. Both capabilities are more than good enough.
I received the cassette deck today. I've been lusting after one ever since I got the receiver.
Ain't they purdy together. :)

09-10-2014, 21:00
Really do look good mate! They make my hifi look shite.

09-10-2014, 21:15
I remember as a spotty teenager staring lustfully and hopelessly through upmarket hifi showroom windows at these beasties - way beyond my means at the time!
These 2 are pretty much immaculate and look just perfect to my nostalgic eyes.

08-11-2014, 06:29
Well, this CDP arrived as a perfect match for my current amp de jour ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5755_zps06587c96.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5755_zps06587c96.jpg.html)

A NAD S500 CD player.
Sadly, it was not to be.
It sounded seriously good. But only when it managed to read a disc, which was rarely.
Must have been bumped and jostled by the courier or something.
On its way back for a refund. :(

But this has now arrived to brighten up my day ...

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5763_zps672d594a.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5763_zps672d594a.jpg.html)

A Wyred4Sound DAC1.

WOW :eek: it's a hi-rez device!
Yet another veil has been discarded from my system's sound.

A friend popped around and brought with him a TOSLINK cable he had been on about.
Meh, they always sound drab. :rolleyes:
But this little beastie was a glass TOSLINK cable. Ooo - another ballgame entirely! Allowed even more hi-rez texture through. Yum. I am now on the lookout for some glass optical cables to try. See classifieds for my Want ad. :eyebrows:

13-11-2014, 09:26
Well, one channel of my lovely Marantz receiver (used as a headphone amp :)) has developed "the rustles". :( I'll probably have it checked out one day, but I only really bought it as an ornament anyway and was surprised and pleased how well it performed as a 'phones amp and as a phonostage.

So, after a quick peek at ebay this beastie has arrived ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5778_zps67498371.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5778_zps67498371.jpg.html)

Sexy and kool, as long as you like lots of knobs and buttons. :eek:

It's been recapped so should be fine.

Very pleased with it so far and have even hooked it up to my MBL speakers where it did not disgrace itself at all, a little on the forward side, ballsy and with really good bass.

And it sounds genuinely good as a headphone amp.

I seem to be turning a bit vintage these days, in more ways than one. :wheniwasaboy: :lol:

13-11-2014, 10:02
Yup I seem to have developed a taste for older gear . Not quite vintage but probably 20 or so years old . IMO it offers better sound and VFM (within my budget envelope ) . Problem is you're always taking a chance here that the unit may fail unexpectedly . Hope you can get it fixed cheaply Jerry :)
The HK looks like a bit of a beast . Nice though :)

25-11-2014, 07:50
Boxswap update. :popcorn:

I do like Pioneer DVD players as CD transports.

For a while now I've been using a Pioneer DV-636D, bought for a few tens of £ on ebay with very fine results.
But a Pioneer DV-737 appeared on the Wam classifieds last week - and as the ad said, 'battleship build', so I thought I'd give it a go having in the past had excellent results from a DV-717.

And here it is, top left, all nice and shiny and champagny ...

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5795_zps3db831b9.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5795_zps3db831b9.jpg.html)

That's my current line up of electronics .... Pioneer DV-737 via a certain co-ax cable into Wyred4Sound DAC1 via Epiphany Atratus 3 cables into NAD S300 integrated amp.
Bottom left is my Arcam DV29 DVD player, this actually used for DVDs! And under the Arcam my AG1500 mains regenerator which powers the whole setup, all fed with Nordost Magus / Blue Heaven power cables.

Sonic differences between the 636D and the 737? - simply more vivid, more presence and higher rez. The 636D is no slouch and imho beats most CD-only players/transports and the 737 simply takes this further.
Very pleased. :cool:

25-11-2014, 08:14
Loving the 737 Jerry.

I bought one of them new in the late 90s and would still have it today if the laser hadn't failed.
Great sound quality and one of the best backlit remotes ever.
The Arcam that replaced it never sounded quite so good.

I still have the matching champagne Pioneer VSA-E07 amplifier.

25-11-2014, 18:13
audio wise it is supposed to be the same as the 717. Great players and transports

15-12-2014, 14:53
I've been curious about one of these cartridges for a long time, loads of folk saying how good they are. Well, I just had a hankering to try one and one came along at a sensible price on eBay last week.
And here it is installed and playing.

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5855_zpse4b149b3.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5855_zpse4b149b3.jpg.html)

A Denon DL-110 high output MC.
Very early days yet - postie delivered it today and it's only been playing a few minutes, but it sounds open and lively and quite bubbly and enthusiastic. Very promising.

15-12-2014, 14:59
i like mine...in fact i have 2

15-12-2014, 15:23
Oops - I see I have a bit of boxswap blog catching up to do ....

It's cute.
And it's little.
And it sounds very good.
The new toy is on the right.

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5842_zps89ca7fee.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5842_zps89ca7fee.jpg.html)

After falling madly/deeply out of love with my analog LP system, a mega charity shop LP haul* has reinvigorated my love for the dang things. :doh:

* Actually, this was a big donation at the charity shop where I do some volunteer work - it turned out to be dozens, maybe a 100 or so, of minty classical LPs. Yum! I've been selling them off here on AOS (and a bit on the Wigwam) on behalf of the charity (Cancer Research UK), Anyone interested, see my FS threads on AOS music classifieds. ;)
Of course, I get first dibs on any that I fancy buying - which has been quite a lot! :D

Anyway, where was I? - ah, yes, I'd been using the phonostage in my Marantz vintage receiver, then the one in my Harmon Kardon amp ... but with the arrival of a whole load of new LPs I thought I'd invest in a pukka stand-alone 'stage again. Hence the arrival of the above-pictured Musical Fidelity V90-LPS phonostage.
It got some very enthusiastic user reviews on Amazon, and the MF V-series has a good rep for vfm, and I picked up a discounted new one from a dealer in Germany, via ebay.

Open sounding, with very good 'presence' and palpability, good rez and soundstaging - what's not to like? Good solid bass line, too. I know you can get faster, slammier dynamics from more expensive 'stages, but it's still pretty good and does me fine for my 99% classical listening. A def step up from the 'stages in the vintage amps, although they were good, too.
Very very pleased with it. :thumbsup: I think you'd have to spend a lot more to get to the next sq level.

Such is my revived enthusiasm for vinyl, I've also invested in a new turntable for a 2nd system I have in a different location, so I can play records there as well. That hasn't arrived yet, though. It's a bit different, to say the least. :whistle: I'll post about it once it gets here. :popcorn:

15-12-2014, 23:37
Some tone-arm porn ...

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5860_zps0baf5d55.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5860_zps0baf5d55.jpg.html)

Audio Technica's top of the line arm, the AT-1010 - silver wired, built for them by Audiocraft.
There's something exquisitely 'oddball hi-tech' about the look of this arm to me. :)

15-12-2014, 23:41
That vinyl bug, she never stops biting…. :eyebrows:

Also, now you know why I love buying vintage classical recordings on vinyl - because the best ones, on the right labels (condition permitting), sound so bloody good, and way better than the majority of what’s produced today!


16-12-2014, 06:21
Yep, t'is true, Marco - and I just love rummaging through charity shop LP bins!

And the engineering tech is just so appealing, there's a Heath Robinson nuttiness to it with all the bits sticking out here and there! :lol: .... here's some more pics of my tonearm .... OK, so I'm obsessed! :eyebrows:



16-12-2014, 08:34
The underslung counterweight balance is a good thing :)

Which cartridge are you using on it at the moment?


16-12-2014, 09:52
Such is my revived enthusiasm for vinyl, I've also invested in a new turntable for a 2nd system I have in a different location, so I can play records there as well. That hasn't arrived yet, though. It's a bit different, to say the least...


16-12-2014, 13:28
I've been curious about one of these cartridges for a long time, loads of folk saying how good they are. Well, I just had a hankering to try one and one came along at a sensible price on eBay last week.
And here it is installed and playing.

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5855_zpse4b149b3.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5855_zpse4b149b3.jpg.html)

A Denon DL-110 high output MC.
Very early days yet - postie delivered it today and it's only been playing a few minutes, but it sounds open and lively and quite bubbly and enthusiastic. Very promising.

That takes me back. Use to use one with an Acoustic Research EB101 nearly 30 years ago. VFM high, didn't rip your ears out with piercing HF like an AT-F3 used to.

Vinyl? Hm... not listened to ANY since I got my B7. Relatively, it is a bit crap TBH (Marco wind up):)

16-12-2014, 13:50
Vinyl? Hm... not listened to ANY since I got my B7. Relatively, it is a bit crap TBH (Marco wind up):)[/QUOTE]

Ye cant say that . You'll get :donk:

16-12-2014, 13:59
Actually the real reason (and I am being perfectly honest about this) is the B7 is so huge I can't find any space to put my TT! So it is on the floor, out of the way.

TIDAL makes my LP collection largely redundant and the streams win SQ wise 90% of the time anyway.

That last bit must be a DEATH SENTENCE!!!:lol:

16-12-2014, 14:05
Excuse my ignorance Justin but what is a B7 ?

16-12-2014, 14:16
A very good DAC with a triode output stage Brian.

16-12-2014, 14:34
A very good DAC with a triode output stage Brian.

lamp-ee-zay-tOr ;)

16-12-2014, 14:37
The underslung counterweight balance is a good thing :)

Which cartridge are you using on it at the moment?


I'm currently being a bit bowled over by quite how good the leetle DL-110 is.

16-12-2014, 14:53
A very good DAC with a triode output stage Brian.

Ah !! Ok , I've read a lot of good things about them . For myself , I haven't used a turntable for over 30 years . I now use a file based audio system with a Rega DAC and I'm very happy with it.

Enjoy your vinyl Jerry :christmas:

16-12-2014, 20:13
I'm currently being a bit bowled over by quite how good the leetle DL-110 is.

It's a good little cartridge Jerry. I always liked the 110 and the 160 even more (sadly discontinued now). Welcome back to the vinyl fold by the way. Will you be staying? :ner:;)

17-12-2014, 07:45
Welcome back to the vinyl fold by the way. Will you be staying? :ner:;)

Hmm, good question. :hmm:

For some reason LP playback really brings out the obsessive side of my nature ... I tend to get hooked on just playing LPs, and that wears thin after a while due to both LP defects and music collection limitations. The key for me, I think, is to be music-led rather than technology-led and give myself a healthy mix of minty-LP and CD listening. I'm getting it sussed reasonably OK at the moment. I suspect a good balance for me is about 1:3 LP:CD.

17-12-2014, 09:00
Such is my revived enthusiasm for vinyl, I've also invested in a new turntable for a 2nd system I have in a different location, so I can play records there as well. That hasn't arrived yet, though. It's a bit different, to say the least. :whistle: I'll post about it once it gets here. :popcorn:


It's arrived ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5878_zpsc86f540d.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5878_zpsc86f540d.jpg.html)

Sadly, and not as advertised, the stylus seems to be largely lacking a diamond tip. :doh: So very distorted music emerges. But it seems to work OK apart from that so I've ordered a new cart for it - my 1st ever T4P p-mount cartridge!

It was this article on t'web that made me decide to go for it - the guy's a definite fanboy for the beastie!

No, I'm not expecting audiophile quality sounds ;) ... but as a 2nd system 2nd source it looked like a fun thing to try. :)

17-12-2014, 09:10
Ah, very cute! I'll be interested to know what you think of it - some of those little linear trackers were surprisingly good.

17-12-2014, 09:17
I very briefly owned a Technics SL-7 - a very similar beast in concept - and that sounded pretty crap, tbh. Others seem to like them, though, and rate the SL-10 as much better.

Yep, I'll see how it goes with the new cart, hopefully it will turn up today/tomorrow. A fun thing to play with for a few tens of £. :)

17-12-2014, 10:17
I very briefly owned a Technics SL-7 - a very similar beast in concept - and that sounded pretty crap, tbh.

Really? The SL-7 is one of the best of the breed IMHO!

17-12-2014, 10:19
Really? The SL-7 is one of the best of the breed IMHO!

Oh dear - that does not bode well. :eyebrows: Maybe mine was off-colour :scratch: ... it was "OK" just kind of bland and uninspiring. Maybe I should look into an upmarket p mount cart? I've a £40 Audio Technica with elliptical stylus on the way.

17-12-2014, 13:11
Kudos and top marks to Juno Records - I placed order for new AT p mount cartridge at 4.30pm yesterday, it has just been delivered. Astonishing service!
http://www.juno.co.uk/ :thumbsup:

And I have to say that the little Akai turntable sounds very fine indeed. A league better than my memory of the Technics SL7 - maybe the latter had a worn stylus?

Anyway - this will go very nicely indeed in my 2nd system. :)

17-12-2014, 13:17
i use juno too and theycare always fast

19-12-2014, 07:16
Battle of the cartridges ...

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5855_zpse4b149b3.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5855_zpse4b149b3.jpg.html) vs http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5759_zps79a46515.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5759_zps79a46515.jpg.html)

The Denon DL-110 was always going to have an uphill battle as of the dozens of cartridges I have owned and heard the Orty MC25FL is by far my fave. It just hits the spot for me with its musical sophistication and focussed 3D imaging. Despite my gear-swapping ways I keep going back to it, this is the 3rd one I have owned. Generally it's a mistake for me to return to a previously owned component - its idiosyncrasies become immediately recalled and stick out like a sore thumb. But, like my MBL speakers, the Ortofon MC25FL just seems to suit me - I kind of settle back and think 'yeah, that's how it should go'.

The DL-110 put up a sturdy and commendable struggle, mind, but class will tell in the end. It took quite a few hours for significant differences to become evident - both are fine music transducers - but then the Orty got into its stride and ended up the clear winner for me. It's worth bearing in mind that even at used prices the Orty is twice the Denon's price, so it wasn't really that fair a comparison.

And of course tonearm compatability comes in to the equation and a somewhat different electrical circuit is used in my phonostage for hi-output (Denon) and lo-output (Ortofon) MC carts, so it was never going to be a level playing field.

Anyways, come the New Year the Denon DL-110 will be up for sale. Start the queue here. ;)

30-12-2014, 06:54
Pic of current 2nd system setup ... sounding rather good. :)

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5897_zpsf7b1b79a.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5897_zpsf7b1b79a.jpg.html)

30-12-2014, 07:05
How can the pig sleep with all that racket going on? :lol:

30-12-2014, 07:05
Nice collection of Sony gear there Jerry, is that a transport and DAC or CDP and tuner? Also, wossat on top of the DVD player, cassette or DAT? :)

30-12-2014, 07:12
Ah, no, not all Sony gear.

From the bottom .... :booty:

Sony 940R amp
Pioneer 575A DVD player used as CDP
Denon minidisc player.
Denon tuner and cassette deck
Akai AP-M7 turntable

And Usher X-719 speakers.


30-12-2014, 07:23
My component identification skills are consistent I see... :lol:

30-12-2014, 14:07
I know what Jerry's next amp is and it is almost certainly more powerful than yours:fingers:

30-12-2014, 17:11
I know what Jerry's next amp is and it is almost certainly more powerful than yours:fingers:

Now, now :nono: - it may not be my next amp, at the moment it is merely the next contender for the much sought after accolade of being my current amp of choice. :eyebrows:

30-12-2014, 18:55
Now, now :nono: - it may not be my next amp, at the moment it is merely the next contender for the much sought after accolade of being my current amp of choice. :eyebrows:


30-12-2014, 19:30

It doesn't arrive til Tuesday next week, Andy. ;)

30-12-2014, 19:42
It is one very lucky amp. First it hits some MBL 116Fs and then Apogee Interstellas only days later...

30-12-2014, 19:51
Despite the tumultuous mystery buildup - don't worry fellow AOSers - it's not a SLIC amp. :nono: :lol:

30-12-2014, 20:01
Some nameless person preferred it to his Audio Research Ref 110:eyebrows:

08-01-2015, 10:01
And here it is --- the plush velvet curtains sweep back, a fanfare of trumpets tada-tadaaaaa --- the amazing SLIC amp --- no, wrong! :doh: :lol:

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5944_zps8433b1c1.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5944_zps8433b1c1.jpg.html)

Accompanied and ably fed by my lovely Restek Consens pre-amp it's a Crown 300wpc class D semi-pro power amp jobbie. :)

Irritating flashing power LEDs neatly (?) covered by some blu-tac. :eyebrows:

I've had it a day and a bit and haven't yet even tried approaching its outer dynamic envelope to see if my windows warp at high SPLs. I suspect they will - 300wpc should do a lot of shoving. But at low to moderate volume it is very very fine sounding amp indeed. I could live with this in the longer term, I have no doubt about that.

Better than my beloved NAD S300 integrated amp? :scratch: - there's a smidgeon more high freq 'zing' to the NAD that makes things sound a touch more sprightly, there is a touch of class D smoothness to the Crown. And the Crown perhaps lacks just a bit in the spatial magic of the NAD/MBL pairing - the NAD is by far the best match to my speakers that I've yet heard. So do not waste your time watching the classifieds for the NAD. :nono:

With the pots wide open there is some noise through the speakers (curiously, I found the same with Behringer A500 amps) so they are at half setting, it's fine then.

Early days yet, but I suspect the Crown may be a medium term keeper as it sounds mighty fine indeed and it is just so nice using my Restek pre again - I do love that pre madly/deeply/irrationally!
Lessee how it gets on when the music steps up a pace or 3 dynamically.

I'll be taking it along to Justin's at the weekend to let it play with his new Apogee Interstellas. :)

08-01-2015, 14:15
Had me worried for a minute there Jerry :lol: How on earth do you find these things . Did you have any information prior to buying this ? I usually read something on the forums about components which are well thought of , however I've certainly never heard of this . Kudos to you mate for bringing some exceptional , previously unheard of , gear to the masses :)

08-01-2015, 14:43
So Jerry, are you in6ending to purchase the rest of the USS Enterprise in instalments? :D An interesting choice of power amp sir... :respect:

Ali Tait
08-01-2015, 15:26
Had me worried for a minute there Jerry :lol: How on earth do you find these things . Did you have any information prior to buying this ? I usually read something on the forums about components which are well thought of , however I've certainly never heard of this . Kudos to you mate for bringing some exceptional , previously unheard of , gear to the masses :)

Dave (DSJR) has used Crown amps for years mate.

08-01-2015, 15:30
Didn't know that Ali . I've heard of Crown amps before but they're usually from years ago . The one Jerry has looks quite modern .

08-01-2015, 18:03
A guy who came to visit recommended the Crown - better than his Audio Research Reference 110, he said. :eek: A month or two later a pro dealer had a sale on with these at a knock down price, Justin let me know, and I couldn't resist having a go! I bought the last one. :D

08-01-2015, 18:17
Is this the same amp Jerry : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CROWN-XLS-1500-Drivecore-Power-amplifier-NEW-/221590385042?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item3397d0f192
If so I'd be interested in your final assessment of it .

08-01-2015, 18:30
A guy who came to visit recommended the Crown - better than his Audio Research Reference 110, he said. :eek: A month or two later a pro dealer had a sale on with these at a knock down price, Justin let me know, and I couldn't resist having a go! I bought the last one. :D


08-01-2015, 18:46
Is this the same amp Jerry : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CROWN-XLS-1500-Drivecore-Power-amplifier-NEW-/221590385042?pt=UK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL&hash=item3397d0f192
If so I'd be interested in your final assessment of it .

Yup, that's the one, Brian. I'll keep you posted - I'm sure Justin will also chime in in a few days time once he's heard it with his Apogees.

It's much more my sort of animal than the Virtue Audio Sensation that briefly made my acquaintance recently, that was a bit too smooth, comfortable and downright amiable for me. The Crown (and my NAD) have more of a 'tang' to them, a sense of presence, that keeps me interested in the musical proceedings.
But hey, we all have different tastes. :cool:

08-01-2015, 18:55
It's interesting checking out the user reviews on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Crown-NXLS1500-0-US-Power-Amplifier/dp/B003HZV2JS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1420743209&sr=8-1&keywords=crown+xls+1500

Mostly from DJs - but a few audiophiles in there as well.

I had a good skim through those before hitting the Buy Button! :)

08-01-2015, 18:56
Thanks Jerry .

11-01-2015, 08:54
Crown XLS 1500 update ....

Much more listening has ensued over the last few days, and (a bit to my surprise) I have not yet been tempted to re-install my lovely NAD 300 amp! The Crown is a fine and enjoyable amp to listen to.

Power delivery is not a problem with the Crown. It sounds simply immense on big music. 300wpc would seem to be adequate. ;) It's also remarkably rhythmic - especially for a class D amp; a lot fall down a little on this aspect of the music ime. My toes were a-tapping with the rhythmic beat so ably supplied by The Buggles "Age of Plastic" album. Bass is seriously deep, fast, powerful and well controlled - I don't think I've heard James Blake's 'Limit to your love' sound more awesome - you can count the Hertz! :eek: Great fun.

Overall just a tad smooth in its delivery of rez, there is also a hint of sting in the higher frequencies. A lot of class D amps do this, ime.

I can't quite figure this out, but on some music rhythmic swagger is presented in huge swathes as mentioned, but on some tracks the magic is a bit reduced - I'm thinking particularly here of Dream Theatre's "Pull me under" where the raunchy left/right bass guitar riffs simply didn't sound as raucously driving laugh-out-loud fun as they do with my NAD amp. :scratch:

Imaging is good, but my initial feeling that a bit of the NAD Magic is missing remains - I've never heard a better imaging amp than the NAD S300; it is 3D in spades, a step ahead of any other amp I have heard.

More listening to do, but I'm enjoying the Crown a lot. :) ... it's stupidly good for the money, as well.

11-01-2015, 16:26
I used to own a Crown DC-300A and that was a really nice sounding bomb proof powerhouse too.

Stewartwen rates them as well, so can't be bad :)

16-01-2015, 07:02
Interesting (?) update on the Crown XLS 150 amp (my most recent purchase).

To paraphrase my verdict previously - "close but no cigar", aka "pretty damn good, but not up with the very best I have heard" - well, I have now received a pair of very nice balanced silver interconnects courtesy of eBay, and using an all balanced chain - DAC > Restek preamp > Crown XLS 150 - has rather raised the game of the whole thing. There seems to be more rez and immediacy (which it has to be said is not everyone's cup'o'char, but I likes it!).

My feeling is that the Crown is happier with a balanced input. Whether or not the Crown is a true balanced design I have no idea.
Only a few hours on it so far, but it has most definitely earned further listening.

19-01-2015, 07:52
You wanted updates, didn't you? :eyebrows:

Well, with my lovely and excellent NAD S300 semi-behemoth amp available at the easy switch of some cables, it's 3 days later and much music has been played and I am still using the Crown amp. And really enjoying it!

It's actually quite difficult to get analytic and nerdy about it, and get off on a stream of comments about 3D imaging and transient palpability. It just plays music very enjoyably across a wide range of musical genres, I could happily live with the little blingy beast for the long term if I had to.
Of course, I don't have to and I am sure my inner boxswapper will come out of hiding sometime soon! :D

27-01-2015, 06:25
This is a bit of a puzzler.

An eBay purchase from a few weeks ago. I first put the auction on my Watch list as I thought from the name that it was a MC cartridge.
GAS - Great American Sound - a bit of an iconic blast from the past for me. Used to read about the brand in the old US hifi mags. Founded back in 1977 by (some would say the legendary) James Bongiorno. Well known for their amps, one of which was called Ampzilla, another Son of Ampzilla !! And also a moving coil cartridge called Sleeping Beauty - which the eBay item turned out not to be!
Interesting site here - http://www.davidsaudio.com/html/gas_line.html

Instead, what I won was this ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5994_zpsd0aa1116_1.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5994_zpsd0aa1116_1.jpg.html)

.... here set up and installed in my AT-1010 arm.

It's a GAS 2-MF.
Which Google searching the various forums turns out to be a re-badged Micro Seiki LF 7E mm cart!

... so back to the puzzler bit from above ... how on earth can this mm cart sound so bloody good?! :drool: :scratch:

I've owned dozens of cartridges in my time, up to a £K or so's worth of moving coil Dynavector.
Having tried quite a few mm-type carts in the past (e.g. Goldring 1042, Nag MP30, Grado Statement etc etc ...) I'd unhesitatingly call myself a moving coil kind of guy! :lol:

But this GAS / Micro Seiki mm cart has me revising my views in no small way.
I could live with this - in fact, I am! :D

Of course, box-swapper that I am :mental:, I now cannot leave the thought alone and it's made me wonder about whether other mm carts might also float my boat. So 2 more are on their way Jerry-wards as I type. :)

27-01-2015, 07:30
Nice, Jerry. Some of the best vintage MMs can really surprise you…

Anyway, what about your new power cable? ;)


27-01-2015, 07:37
Hey, yeah, you're right - the new power cable!

Well, that's only been here a few days while the GAS cart has had 3 weeks or so to settle in and inform me of its charms. ;)

OK - new power cable courtesy of Marco.
Bargain of the year? - a £399 as new Tellurium Blue for £90. :scratch:

It's up against some fearsome competition, mind. My medium term fave - a couple of years or more, I think - Nordost Magus / Blue Heaven.
I just love the Magus for the sense of focus, presence and immediacy-without-hype that it brings to music.

I've plumbed the Blue into my Crown power amp, so it can benefit (or not) the entire system, regardless of source.

Well, I am kind of happy to report that the Tellurium Blue has the same sort of effect on the sound as the Nordost Magus, but more so. There's an improved feeling of in the room tangibility to the sound that impressed initially and is continuing to grow on me.
I say "kind of" happy - as I am unlikely to come across this sort of bargain price again and no way Jose am I forking out for more at £399 a pop for a bloody mains cable! :nono: :lol:

Thanks, Marco!

27-01-2015, 09:38
Nice one, Jerry. Glad that it’s hitting the spot - we aim to please! :eyebrows:

In all seriousness though, you *have* got a real bargain there, so I wouldn’t be letting that cable go too soon (in your ‘box-swapper mode’), if I were you… ;)


P.S How about a piccy of your new ’snake' in situ? :)

27-01-2015, 10:01
Nice, Jerry. Some of the best vintage MMs can really surprise you…


Very true. Even modestly priced examples can turn in a very musical sound. I have thirty five year old JVC Z1S moving magnet cartridge and it always surprises me with its transparency, depth and detail. I was fortunate enough to find a NOS elliptical stylus in the US which is on its way to me right now. Could be interesting.

Excel also made some lovely sounding MMs that nobody seems to know about. Still some NOS of those about I believe.

27-01-2015, 13:55
Nice, Jerry. Some of the best vintage MMs can really surprise you…

Anyway, what about your new power cable? ;)


I am a power cable believer too!:sofa::sofa:, just purchased a Nordost Vishnu with fancy pants connectors and it sounds ace.:cool:

27-01-2015, 17:13
Nice one, Jerry. Glad that it’s hitting the spot - we aim to please! :eyebrows:

In all seriousness though, you *have* got a real bargain there, so I wouldn’t be letting that cable go too soon (in your ‘box-swapper mode’), if I were you… ;)


P.S How about a piccy of your new ’snake' in situ? :)

No worries, the Nordost Magus leads have been with me for a couple of years I like them so much - so I fully expect the Tellurium Blue will have a similar length of tenure.

I explored the higher reaches of the Nordost mains cable range into Shive / Vishnu territory, but for me the Magus / Blue Heaven hits the sweet spot.

OK - new mains lead in situ, a pleasantly vivid blue weave! .....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5996_zps8d339292_1.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5996_zps8d339292_1.jpg.html)

Note how much shallower and smaller the 300wpc Crown power amp is than the Restek pre below it - the wonders of class D efficiency! :thumbsup:

The Barbarian
27-01-2015, 17:18
Very true. Even modestly priced examples can turn in a very musical sound. I have thirty five year old JVC Z1S moving magnet cartridge and it always surprises me with its transparency, depth and detail. I was fortunate enough to find a NOS elliptical stylus in the US which is on its way to me right now. Could be interesting.

Excel also made some lovely sounding MMs that nobody seems to know about. Still some NOS of those about I believe.

Really good carts those JVC 'Z1S'

27-01-2015, 17:23
Really good carts those JVC 'Z1S'

I believe you can still find stocks of them. I'm hoping the Z1E stylus makes a worthwhile difference.

The Barbarian
27-01-2015, 17:24
I believe you can still find stocks of them. I'm hoping the Z1E stylus makes a worthwhile difference.

Try find me one then Geoff. I let mine go years ago when i was selling on a Townshend 'Avalon'/'RB250'

The Barbarian
27-01-2015, 17:28
Can you still get JVC 'X1'/'X2' Carts?

27-01-2015, 18:17
Can you still get JVC 'X1'/'X2' Carts?

If you could I'd have one (at a sensible price).

The Barbarian
27-01-2015, 18:28
Aye. However been looking for a Philips '412/II' & '422/II' for some time. These would work well in your Misson arm Geoff.

27-01-2015, 18:30
Aye. However been looking for a Philips '412/II' & '422/II' for some time. These would work well in your Misson arm Geoff.

I know. I'd sooner have an X-1 though.

27-01-2015, 18:32
Dutch site:


The Barbarian
27-01-2015, 18:37

28-01-2015, 02:10
Very true. Even modestly priced examples can turn in a very musical sound. I have thirty five year old JVC Z1S moving magnet cartridge and it always surprises me with its transparency, depth and detail. I was fortunate enough to find a NOS elliptical stylus in the US which is on its way to me right now. Could be interesting.

Excel also made some lovely sounding MMs that nobody seems to know about. Still some NOS of those about I believe.

I can remember hearing a JVC X-1 MM cartridge fitted to my SME 3009 II on a Thorens 124/II TT, back in the mid '70s Designed to replay CD4 quadriphonic LPs it had a frequency response that extended to 50kHz. Not surprisingly the speed and attack were excellent (though not in the same class as a Decca)!

03-02-2015, 06:59
Analogue/LP system update ....

Following the mega-surprise of the GAS / Micro Seiki moving magnet cart becoming upstream LP playing component of choice (still usurping my lovely Ortofon MC25FL in that role :eek: ) I thought I'd investigate a couple of well-regarded mm alternatives.

First up was ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6002_zpseff2fff0_1.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6002_zpseff2fff0_1.jpg.html)

Classic A&R P77.
Tracks superbly and very, very cleanly.
A lot of folks I know would love this. But warmer, less focussed than I like.
So now sold.

Then came ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF5999_zps25395b96_1.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF5999_zps25395b96_1.jpg.html)

A Roksan Corus Black.
Whoa - this one don't take no prisoners. :nono:
Very high rez and upfront and just fab-u-luss on rock :rock: but oh my gosh, way too forward on classical. :doh:
So the Corus should by now be with its happy new owner.

So the GASsy one remains supreme.
For the moment. ;)
I have a low-mileage Shure V15iii on its way - that's been an itch I've wanted to scratch for quite a while.

And just a few days ago, this pretty pair arrived ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6047_zpsd298853a.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6047_zpsd298853a.jpg.html)

Jasmine Audio LP2.0 mkii phonostage.

Here's a stock shot of her rear ...

Good sound, very pleased with this. My old (about to be posted) MF V90-LPS was good, the Jas is better commensurate with price - well over double. A bit more presence focus, dynamics. Just that bit better all round really.

Jas will see me nicely through the coming months of my latest LP Revival phase. :thumbsup:

--- mind you, I've an integrated amp with on board phonostage that I'm picking up in a couple of days .... :whistle:


03-02-2015, 07:58
Very nice looking phono stage there Jerry, tidy internals as well.
Looking forward to your longer term impressions of it :)

:cool: Alan

03-02-2015, 10:48
yes ive heard they are good....quite pretty too.

22-02-2015, 08:18
Just to keep my system blog up to date ...

Recent arrival.

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6075_zps70ae8f64.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6075_zps70ae8f64.jpg.html)

Linn Asak cartridge retipped by VdH.

Very nice indeed. Might even oust my Orty MC25FL as fave cart.

Full story so far here http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?36834-Linn-Asak-VdH-good-buy-bad-buy

25-02-2015, 16:41
As recommended by Marco, a new small toy has arrived ....

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6078_zpsvmgjigrp.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6078_zpsvmgjigrp.jpg.html)

A Lentek battery powered MC stepup doodad to feed between my VdHed Asak cart and Jasmine phonostage.
New audiophile-approved Duracell 9V battery inserted. ;)

Oo-er --- it got off to a wobbly start :scratch: -- dropouts on 1 or 2 channels for a while, but now seems to have settled down. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

But the sound.
Yes! :yay:
Marco is right - super-duper. Bucketloads more presence, clarity, dynamics - and, ooo, the bass. Sounds like it's dropped another half octave and is strong and taut.
The Lentek was a little thin-sounding from the off, but got into its stride after 30 minutes or so.

Yum, an excellent upgrade - thanks for the tip, Marco. :)

25-02-2015, 16:47
Marco is not just a pretty face you know:eyebrows:

25-02-2015, 16:56
Marco is not just a pretty face you know:eyebrows:


25-02-2015, 17:23
Hi Jerry,

Oo-er --- it got off to a wobbly start :scratch: -- dropouts on 1 or 2 channels for a while, but now seems to have settled down. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

If your Lentek is stock, as I suspect it is, it’ll have kind of ‘rubbery’ style black output cables fitted, which are notorious for coming loose from their internal contacts after a while, and let’s remember that the unit will be about 30 years old, so there’ll have been plenty of opportunity for that to have happened.

My advice, if you intend to keep the Lentek, is to have the output cable replaced by someone handy with a soldering iron, who’s near you (Paul RFC?), as if the drop-outs continue, it’ll do your head in. Furthermore, you should also get a small sonic improvement by using something good but inexpensive, such as Shark cable, from Maplins. That’s what I have on my Lentek. You can even fit some ‘wanky’ phono plugs on the end, while you’re at it! ;)

But the sound.
Yes! :yay:
Marco is right - super-duper. Bucketloads more presence, clarity, dynamics - and, ooo, the bass. Sounds like it's dropped another half octave and is strong and taut.
The Lentek was a little thin-sounding from the off, but got into its stride after 30 minutes or so.

Yum, an excellent upgrade - thanks for the tip, Marco.

No worries, matey - just glad it worked out. I’ve experimented so much with this kind of stuff you wouldn’t believe, so it’s good that the experience I’ve gained can be put to good use helping other folks improve their ‘choons’. That's essentially what AoS is all about! :)

Yup, the unit does improve after having been switched on for half an hour or so. Just be careful though, as it’s *so* easy to forget to switch it off and discover next time you go to listen to music, that you’ve got a flat battery! You need to factor it into your ‘powering-down ritual' at night, and flick it off at the same time as your amps, or whatever.

Anyway, enjoy! :cool:


26-02-2015, 09:15
Quite a lot of further, highly enjoyable LP listening last night. No further sign of intermittency from the Lentek, so hopefully it was just a warm-up glitch - I suspect it had been resting in a drawer for years.

Marco recommended Duracell 9V batteries so I picked one up in Waitrose for £5 to get me started.
Looking on eBay there are "Industrial Duracell" 9V batteries much cheaper. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4-x-DURACELL-INDUSTRIAL-9v-PP3-MN1604-BLOCK-ALKALINE-BATTERIES-REPLACES-PROCELL-/371146961150?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item566a1530fe 4 for £3.65 delivered!
What's going on here, are they better/worse/different than the standard 9 Volters? :scratch: Anyone know?


EDIT: Coo - looking at eBay listings I was right royally ripped off in Waitrose! :doh: :lol: But still more expensive than the "industrial" ones.

26-02-2015, 09:26
The Waitrose ones are edible though[emoji6]

26-02-2015, 09:47
A 9V battery should be a 9V battery, Jerry, so those ones on ebay look like a bargain. Why not snap ‘em up and try them? For the price, it’s a no-brainer! :)

Incidentally, if you decide to keep the Lentek in the long-term, there’s a lot more you can get from it by applying some judicious mods - thus done, it firmly enters the hi-end head amp territory, sonically.

If you haven’t seen this thread before, check it out: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?8431-Nick-G-modified-Lentek-Head-Amp

Skip to post #40 for my review.


26-02-2015, 10:19
:hmm: - what about rechargeable batteries? Cheaper in the long run, Dave DJSR reckons the Lentek gets thru a battery in about 5 hours! :eek:

26-02-2015, 10:33
5 hours? Not in my experience (with Duracells) :nono:

You know how much music I play, working from home, especially vinyl, and I’ve had it on all day (say from 10am to 5pm), for a few days, before noticing any appreciable difference.

You can tell when things are starting to go downhill, as the sound becomes a little soft (with the volume needing to be raised on your preamp, in order for the same dynamic impact to be retained from before), and the red test-light starts to noticeably dim. Incidentally, don’t be tempted to use the test light too often, as doing that drains the battery the most!

Some cheap no-make supermarket batteries may only last 5 hours, but not Duracells. Much depends, of course, on how hard you ‘drive’ the unit, so the louder you listen to music, the more demand is put on it, therefore battery power will be lost more quickly.

In any case, you’ll soon be able to tell for yourself now, when you’re using it, how long the battery lasts. Re-chargables are defo a good idea :)


26-02-2015, 10:45
Ah, good ol' Dave. :doh:

Yep, I think I'll invest in some Duracell rechargeables. :)

26-02-2015, 10:53
Hmm ... further research shows that the rechargeable 9 volters can hold 150 mAh, whereas those non-rechargeable "Industrials" are rated at 550 mAh and so are probably much more suitable for the application .... gosh, I wish I knew what I was talking about. :scratch: :lol:

26-02-2015, 11:15
you could get a large rechargable battery like the beresford boys do and rig it up. long term itll save a fair bit of cash and time

08-03-2015, 14:16
Hm only 136,708 hits and 123 pages.:eyebrows::lol:

08-03-2015, 17:09
:hmm: - what about rechargeable batteries? Cheaper in the long run, Dave DJSR reckons the Lentek gets thru a battery in about 5 hours! :eek:

I apologise for the exaggeration there Jerry :oops:, but it would be a good idea I think to keep a few decent grade PP3's in reserve. I did also try to make up a mains supply for mine, but got hum through the system I couldn't remove. Admittedly, this was a long time ago now and the regulator wasn't high grade.

08-03-2015, 19:05
Thanks Dave - I've bought a pair of rechargeable batteries - good suggestion from a foe on another site.
Seem to work well - one lasts at least a couple of days of normal play, so it all works OK! I've not noticed any sound quality differences compared to ordinary Duracell PP3.

08-03-2015, 19:09
Did you try those ‘industrial’ ones from ebay, Jerry?


08-03-2015, 19:15
Did you try those ‘industrial’ ones from ebay, Jerry?


Yep, that worked fine, too.

But the rechargeable ones make so much more sense, especially as I already had a suitable charger!

08-03-2015, 19:17
Oh yeah, defo… Still enjoying the little Lentek, then? :)


08-03-2015, 19:20
It is a thing of joy and wonder. :thumbsup:

--- out of curiosity, and as a sanity check, I went back to the MC input on my 'stage a few days ago --- as much as I enjoyed it before, the Lentek is just sooooo much better!

08-03-2015, 19:27
Happy days :cool:

In 30-odd years of playing around with vinyl, I’ve yet to encounter an MM/MC phono stage which, with an MC cartridge, doesn’t sound better through the MM section, via a head-amp or SUT. The closest one was the Vida, which Guy Sergeant sells, but still no cigar.

Dunno why that happens (as technically, it shouldn’t), but that’s what my experience tells me! :)


09-03-2015, 11:03
Flippin' heck. The problem with having a day off is looking through old posts I've missed and my interest being piqued by the Lentek. Oh well, one should be on its way soon :lol: And there's me thinking my system was perfectly fine last night!
Can't wait to see what all the fuss is about ;)

09-03-2015, 17:51
I bought this monster a few months ago - Rotel RA1412 - 'untested' on eBay, so of course it didn't work.

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6157_zps4uf8agno.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6157_zps4uf8agno.jpg.html)

But I only intended it as an ornament anyway. :) I think it looks amazing. :stalks:
-- a few button and switch covers missing, and only one meter light works - but hey, at my vintage I'm not exactly 100% either. :eyebrows:

But recently I wanted my big NAD amp checked out, so I took the Rotel along to the hifi doc as well to see if anything could be done ....

.... 1 week and £84.70 later it is back home and sounding fecking WONDERFUL !! :eek: There's excellent clarity, superb bass control and a simply magisterial sense of power, and while not tonally neutral it has a 'musical' colouration that would certainly impress Andy / Tarzan. :lol:

I'll now be taking the beast to Scalford this year - come and visit us - Syndicate 2, 1st floor. :thumbsup:

The Barbarian
09-03-2015, 17:55
That should sound wooley :eyebrows:

09-03-2015, 18:03
I bought this beauty a few months ago - Rotel RA1412 - 'untested' on eBay, so of course it didn't work.

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6157_zps4uf8agno.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6157_zps4uf8agno.jpg.html)

But I only intended it as an ornament anyway. :) I think it looks amazing. :stalks:
-- a few button and switch covers missing, and only one meter light works - but hey, at my vintage I'm not exactly 100% either. :eyebrows:

But recently I wanted my big NAD amp checked out, so I took the Rotel along to the hifi doc as well to see if anything could be done ....

.... 1 week and £84.70 later it is back home and sounding fecking WONDERFUL !! :eek: There's excellent clarity, superb bass control and a simply magisterial sense of power, and while not tonally neutral it has a 'musical' colouration that would certainly impress Andy / Tarzan. :lol:

I'll now be taking the beast to Scalford this year - come and visit us - Syndicate 2, 1st floor. :thumbsup:

Somebody call- mmm 'musical' colouration you say like a 770ES?:eek:


09-03-2015, 21:02
Really lovely amp. Just wondering if a 3d printing specialist could print out the missing buttons and switch covers using the existing ones as a template.

09-03-2015, 22:06
Really lovely amp. Just wondering if a 3d printing specialist could print out the missing buttons and switch covers using the existing ones as a template.

|Interesting idea! - anyone any specific suggestions as to who/where?

09-03-2015, 22:17
|Interesting idea! - anyone any specific suggestions as to who/where?

Send it to me and l will take care of it Jerry.

10-03-2015, 07:27
Whoa! - really clicked last night - there's a magical synergy between the Rotel beast and my vintage Technics SL-P1200 CD player.
The Techie had been languishing for months, unloved unwanted :( - but no longer! :D

Accurate? - no, not especially, I suspect - but the combo just latches on to the emotional content of the music like a crazed thing! In-room presence and focus in spades.
I think I'll just throw my modern high-end electronics gear in the tip - who needs it?! :scratch: :eyebrows:

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/Rotel%201412%20amp%20Technics%20SL-P1200_zpsjynyyfdv.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/Rotel%201412%20amp%20Technics%20SL-P1200_zpsjynyyfdv.jpg.html)

And the bass - mygawd, the bass from the Rotel amp. :eek: Quite astonishingly powerful and well controlled.

And the imaging - wow - hugely atmospheric and enveloping, but somehow it still remains well focussed.

This setup really is hugely entertaining. Yeah, I'm in love - again. :lol:

10-03-2015, 07:43
Send it to me and l will take care of it Jerry.

I assume that was in jest, Andy?

It would be nice to source some switch and button covers.

10-03-2015, 16:16
I assume that was in jest, Andy?

It would be nice to source some switch and button covers.

70's and eighties colouration is nice Jerry- all warm and cosy.:yesbruv:

10-03-2015, 21:15

10-03-2015, 21:28
Curious findings today vis a vis the Techie cdp and the Rotel amp ....

Sorry Damian - but I'll be hanging on to the W4S DAC ;) ... essential for when I want to rock-out. The Techie SL-P1200 does the spacious-focussed imaging thing in spades, which is great for classical and acoustic music of most sorts; amazing in-room presence and believability - but when I really want to get down and boogie the W4S just blows it away in terms of sheer hi-rez precision and slammy power - Dream Theater is awesome! :rock:
I want both! :D

21-03-2015, 07:30
Yet another fine amp arrives at Jerry Towers.

Is there no end to the things? :scratch:

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6190_zpsd3hqv8es.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6190_zpsd3hqv8es.jpg.html)

I've always wanted to try a Harman Kardon Citation series amp as they have a rep for being rather special.
Yep, this one certainly is.
Hooked up to my trusty Restek pre-amp, this Harman Kardon power amp has superb rez and the imaging seems to morph from merely good to a 3D Holographic Wonderland after about 30 minutes or so from switch-on. Or maybe it's just been unused for a while and needs to get back into its groove - I have found that sort of thing before.
It has a quite distinctive sound - difficult to put into words, but it's very transparent and clean sounding and has a feeling of gutsiness and control even on quiet passages.

See here for spec - http://www.thevintageknob.org/harman_kardon-Citation_Twelve.html

So I'm now the proud owner of 3 amps I could happily live with for the longer term ... the NAD S300, Rotel RA-1412 and this foot square+ HK Citation 12 beastlet.
It's a bit silly, really - but fun!
I shall keep them all, at least for now, and ring the amplification changes every now and then. :D

More amps on the way? -- hmm, the wife is starting to notice the amplification build-up. :doh: So I think sanity may need to be re-instated for a while. :lol:

21-03-2015, 13:42
I loved that HK amp at the time and don't think the matching preamp was a slouch either...

Audio Advent
21-03-2015, 19:39
The Vintage Knob site says Nelson Pass modified them with Mosfets as an article in a magazine (the pdf of which is available on his DIY site). That sounds interesting too - wonder how many people modified them.

Here is Nelson Pass's own assessment of the mod:

The amplifier is sonically a significant improvement over the original, particularly in the high end where the Citation 12's veiled characteristic is replaced by a detailed, somewhat sweet sound. The imaging and midrange definition are also much improved; but the bass response (one of the Citation 1 2's strongest points) remains much the same ideal for planar loudspeakers like MG II's, less so for acoustic suspension woofers.

In conclusion, I hope many of you will try this one and enjoy yourselves. No amplifier sounds as good as the one you built yourself*, and certainly no commercial amplifier will give you as much satisfaction or frustration. As careful as the Editor and I have been, there is probably an error or two; I recommend that you cross-check the parts list, schematic, and pc board layout.

My amplifier has performed well for six months, as of this writing, and I encountered no exotic problems during its construction and testing.

and the link: https://www.passdiy.com/project/amplifiers/build-a-mosfet-citation-12

21-03-2015, 19:50
That Citation Twelve looks lovely Jerry. I've always fancied trying one, but not got around to it. I did have three HK receivers though, they were nice.