View Full Version : Valve questions

The Black Adder
13-07-2011, 14:39
Hello there.

I'm just after some advice to collecting a spare set of valves for my amps. Equivalents too if you could suggest any.

Each monoblock currently has this set of valves:

1x 6AS7G Brimar (Foriegn)
2x KT88 Genalex (Russian)
2x EF86 Mullard (Gt. Britain)
1x 85A2 Mullard (Gt. Britain)
1x ECC807 Brimar (Gt. Britain)

The Brimar 6AS7G's are a strange one as I can't find anything about them as all of what I can find are branded RCA? Can anyone shed any light on this?

Also, the ECC807's seem to be a bit rare these days too and so far I've not found an equivalent to these due to their high gain.

Any advice is appreciated.


Ali Tait
13-07-2011, 14:46
No 807 equivalents that I know of unfortunately Joe. Not sure about.the Brimars, possibly just relabelled?

13-07-2011, 14:56
6080 should be an equivilant for the 6AS7.

Ali Tait
13-07-2011, 17:20
Quite right, I'd forgotten that. :doh:

Langrex do Mullard 6080's for a tenner each Joe.

The Black Adder
13-07-2011, 17:47
Cheers fellas...

Hey, thats a pretty good price! Think I'll get some of those.

Infact, just done a search.. Watford have them in for £15.. same things but they do mension Croft's upgraded Quad II's there too as well as Concordant's versions using these.


Ali Tait
13-07-2011, 19:13
Joe, these are cheap and good-
