View Full Version : WTD please. Quad 12L speakers ( not 12L2's )

13-07-2011, 13:34
Hi all,

I'm looking for a pair of Quad 12L in very good condition. Preferably Black or Rosewood.
I have 21L's ( in Birdseye Maple ) to which I have recently added a subwoofer. They sound brilliant but I have so much bass on tap now that I think I can go back standmounts , to get the imagery and speed that I had with my original 11L's.

Or should I go for some B&W CM5's which i can get a great deal on ?

or something else ? I have up to £750 for speakers ( inc' stands ) but they can only be placed a maximum of 350mm from the rear wall.

13-07-2011, 23:08

I know your title said you're not looking for the 12L2's, but I have a pair in cherry if you decide to change your mind. I haven't used them in the last 12 months and they're in storage, so in no hurry to sell.



13-07-2011, 23:10
PS. The CM5's are great speakers and have a huge sound for such small speakers - good looking too. They were my second choice when I audtioned in this range