View Full Version : Better Interconnect

05-07-2011, 07:20
Courtesy of Martin T of this parish I started upgrading.
Ebay is a cheap way to try out mains leads and interconnects and I have been happy with each Kimber upgrade.

I currently use a KCAG between my Naim CDX and Naim 82 Pre Amp.
Wondering about a Kimber Select, but hear that Mark Grant has cables that can rival these for a lot less money
Anyone compared Mark's cables to the Kimber ?
I've looked and so far cannot find

05-07-2011, 08:30
Hi Mike, just my two peneth worth, l use the MG1000HD and for VFM they are off the chart, warm, full,beautifully balanced and very well made, these could be all the interconnect you will ever need and oh the tonal colours- yummy:)

05-07-2011, 08:45
Thanks. Did you compare with any in the Kimber range ?

05-07-2011, 08:58
Err no sorry.

05-07-2011, 11:08
I haven't compared to the Kimber, but have compared with Van Den Hul and Nordost, and found the MG's to be the best. I found the 2000's to be better. Depending upon the other bits of kit in your system, you may prefer others. If your kit is a bit bright, the VDH will warm it a touch ( I find). The Nordosts are clean but a touch bass light (IMHO). The MGs get the balance bang on and move you nearer to the stage.

Try them from MG,if they don't suit send them back. I don't think you will send them back.

Peter Stockwell
05-07-2011, 12:29
I currently use a KCAG between my Naim CDX and Naim 82 Pre Amp.
Wondering about a Kimber Select, but hear that Mark Grant has cables that can rival these for a lot less money

Mark made me a special din G1000HD for CDX to 282, it was easily as good as a naim Hiline. It was however stiff and dificult to route.

Another choice for naim kit is the AR Sound cables. I haven't used this between naim CD and naim pre, but have used it betwee phonostage and naim pre. Once again, a good cabel for the money. Since a 282 will take RCA's I settled on a G1000HD and subsequently G2000HD.

I've since sold all my naim gear, all that remains are some Greenlink cables for a hicap.

Have no real experience of Kimber, sorry.

05-07-2011, 17:39
Just my two pennorth, you could do a lot worse that try Silver High Breed Quintessence, I have had ic's up to £600 a metre, and these give 'em a good run for their money at around one tenth of the cost, and Wilf who makes them is a nice guy too......dont like 'em? just send em back for a refund!

06-07-2011, 07:04
All of my comparisons were good - better....
Except comparing a Naim standard lead to a rare Mana Stealth then a Kimber.
The Mana was better than the Naim, but seemed to have something missing. The Kimber filled the gap. Comparing Kimbers of different price levels the more expensive was always better - confirmed by the other half who had no idea which was which.

06-07-2011, 07:10
As good as a Hiline .... quoted as untouchable by at least one Naim dealer - but they do seem to have a slight bias
I may have been given tunnel vision by the many upgrades to Kimber, and to Naim
Vaguely heard of AR cables

06-07-2011, 07:10
Don't think I know that one, thanks. More to think about !

06-07-2011, 07:51
Hi Mike

The knotty question of what to do about increasingly expensive Kimbers in my system has been the object of some thought. Most of my system is balanced and only two runs are unbalanced: SUT to phono preamp and DAC to preamp. I use MG G2000HD for the former and G1000HD for the latter. They are superb - very transparent midrange, tonally neutral with a very non-harsh presentation and especially deep and punchy bass.

All my balanced runs are expensive Kimber Select KS-1121 except for one run of MG Canare between phono pre and preamp. I simply cannot afford another run of Select to replace this one. Therefore I await with baited breath Mark's first run of a G1000HD-like balanced cable to hear what it's like. If it's as good as I suspect it will be, then I will cable all my balanced runs with it and sell the Kimbers at a profit. The proceeds I will put into better power cables.

I don't foresee ever swapping my KS-3035 speaker cables, they are superb - and fantastically expensive now.

06-07-2011, 08:49
I think what you're proposing to do, Martin, is a smart move, and not likely to result in any loss of performance :)

However, when you hear what G2000HDs sound like with solid-silver WBTs, trust me, you'll want them! :eyebrows:


P.S Mike, you may also like to try these!

06-07-2011, 14:30
Life was so much easier with me hunting for Ebay bargains for ever increasing spec. Kimbers !

06-07-2011, 14:34
This is all so daft

Except when you put on the music and hear so much that wasn't there before - from some different bits of wire

I'm old enough to remember the original questions about
"Do speaker cables make any difference ?"
Let alone interconnects, mains, supports, rooms.....