View Full Version : Budget integrated amp mains conditioning

02-07-2011, 11:51
From what i've read, most people suggest plugging the amp straight into the wall socket. Does this mean that the amp's cable should not be upgraded at all? If the cable was replaced with a screened cable, and still plugged into the wall socket, would it alter the amp's sound? Should I just leave the amp with it's own cheapo cable intact? Or leave the cable intact and plug the amp into a mains conditioner? Or replace the cable and plug into the mains conditioner? Or as it's a budget amp, will it not make much difference either way? Any thoughts please? Thanks guys :)

02-07-2011, 16:21
Well for me personally I use a better than free but cheap mains cable (can't remember where I got it from but about £30 from memory) direct into the Belkin PF30 conditioner (which has a special "Amp" socket) but when I had the Tacima one it sounded better direct into the wall - the Tacima squashed the dynamics a smidgen. Try both options and see - and most cable sellers will give a money back trial if you don't like it I believe.

02-07-2011, 16:41
You could improve the mains lead. Get a IEC male adapter, connect to the shortened mains lead on your amp and then you will be able to use a higher quality mains lead.

02-07-2011, 16:47
Thanks guys. I'm a little apprehensive about changing the cable in case the sound changes and i don't like it! But at the same time, the current mains lead is just a cheap wiry thing that probably only cost 50p to install. Also i've started to bypass the Tacima mains conditioner thingy and now plug the amp straight into the wall as this seemed to be the general consensus from what i've read. But i have to say I can't hear any noticeable difference, which half leads me to just leave the amp mains cable well alone. Jeepers, some of us are a right crazy bunch huh, :lol:

04-07-2011, 14:09
well i did it and i'm pleased with the extra half teaspoonful of treble crispness and clarity i'm getting. next thing i'm looking into getting a sparky to fix/upgrade the earth to the flat........ :cool:

04-07-2011, 14:17
well i did it and i'm pleased with the extra half teaspoonful of treble crispness and clarity i'm getting. next thing i'm looking into getting a sparky to fix/upgrade the earth to the flat........ :cool:

It SHOULD also add a touch of firmness in the bass with less overhang and boominess. Get someone to swap the cables over while you are out of the room.

09-07-2011, 11:16
I'm going to buck the trend here, having recently plugged the amp straight into the wall socket, I did not detect a jot of difference, and yet when I first had the Tacima, I noticed a definite increase in SQ as opposed to plugging my kit into a cheapo extension block. :)

09-07-2011, 11:45
Upgrading the amp's cable from a freebie made a noticable difference, taking it from the Tacima and plugging it into a standard wall/xt connection has not revealed any noticable difference to my ears either :scratch: