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View Full Version : Caiman SEG at last :)

28-06-2011, 15:43
At last I was able to fetch the camain seg and it sound beautiful :):):)

The only thing i wondered about was if it is normal that when i have it connected to the preamp and the dacs volum pot is at max the right speaker is suddely much lower? having a jack to 3,5mm adapter inserted in the HP output removes this problem though.
The same problem comes up when i use the preamp outputs into my integrated amp though the HP jack doesnt fix this prob, just closes all sound to the speakers. Havent tried it with a dedikated poweramp yet so dont know if the prob is only because I send preamped signals to an Integrated amp, but I will try in a few days as my neighbour has a pre/power combo and not integrated.

Tnx in advance from
Espen Behrens

28-06-2011, 15:55
No, that is not normal Espen - Stan may have an idea what the problem is (might be the Gator board is not seated in pins properly?)

28-06-2011, 16:15
..... LOL why is it almost everything I buy has a defect of some sort :S
I have sent a pm to Stan and asked for help. I dont want to open up the dac cause of the warranty sticker.... :S not at least before I have spoken to Stan

Im wondering if it is my amplifier,since when i forgot to turn down the volum when i disconnected the rca kables from the caiman(turned off), there came this buzzing noise when i touched the red cable but not when i touched the white cable. Both was connected to the amplifier... The buzzing noise also came from the speaker that had the louder sound in the problems that i wrote about earlier... The amplifier is a basic Phillips cd player with integrated 70w6ohm that i bought 5 years ago from a electronic consumer store, im just using it while I save money for a diy hypex/coldamp combo power amp.

21-07-2016, 18:55
Any news about the new caiman seg ?

21-07-2016, 19:03
The PCB needed to be fitted completely flat, which is something that was discussed on AoS a couple of years ago. The socket on the PCB is a bit too low down in on the TC-7520 Caiman. So if the Gator PCB is not perfectly horizontal, you can get loss of sound one one or both channels.
The TC-7520 Caiman SEG should not be confused with the TC-7535 Caiman SEG.

21-07-2016, 19:28
The Caiman SEG has arrived at my house and to say I am pleased is an understatement.
It looks better with the gold controls replaced in silver and it sounds superb. Got it connected up to an Anker battery. A huge amount of information retrieval and a wonderful soundstage. I think it will take pride of place in my system for a good few years.

21-07-2016, 19:28
How TC-7535 Caiman SEG is different from TC-7534 Caiman MKII Gfu?

21-07-2016, 19:30
A discrete buffer stage I believe. Stan will explain no doubt.

Wakefield Turntables
21-07-2016, 21:33
Got mine.

22-07-2016, 01:06
I would be very interested to hear about Aos members impressions about Caiman II GFU vs the new Caiman SEG in terms of sonic performance

22-07-2016, 06:17
Since this thread is about a completely different issue and the first ever version of the SEG, let's not hijack it to discuss the latest version of the SEG. So I'll start a new thread in order to avoid any confusion, or upset the OP.