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24-06-2011, 13:05
When building my current system I set out with the first goal of getting myself a pair of Linn Isobariks - as my parents had some when I was younger and I fondly remembered the sounds they made.

So, after some searching I got myself an early pair which had been converted so they could be used active or passive (I still have them passive at the mo.)

Then I needed an amp and being new to the scene thought to myself, 'well I've heard of Linn products...' and so set out in search of a suitable amp to drive them.

Bought an LK280+spark, then I needed a preamp and a deal came up with an LK1 and LK2-75 package that was too good to refuse. So I now have my briks bi-amped (vertically). No longer use the LK1 and have replaced it with a Caiman.

I'm now looking to purchase another LK2 or such like so I can see for myself what the Linn holy grail of 'aktiv' sounds like.

It seems to be widely agreed that Linn speakers really only sing when active. But, when you look at their new speaker lines there are so many different driver elements that in some cases (as with their 242 speaker) you'd need 10 channels of amplification to make them active. Then there is the 'Aktiv' cards you need to have installed in the amps to ensure it all works in harmony.

Is it just me, or is this way over the top??? Of course it all depends on how deep your pockets are and what you are prepared to spend - but surely there are speakers out there that require a fraction of this amplification yet still sound superb if not better?

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but the whole thing just smacks of very clever marketing to me :scratch:

Don't get me wrong, I like my speakers and have great respect for Linn products but it seems that many 'Linnies' never really seem to be happy because they are always chasing that 'holy grail' only acheivable by a select few.

But then perhaps that's just the world of hi-fi in general.....?:mental:

Neil McCauley
24-06-2011, 13:26
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but the whole thing just smacks of very clever marketing to me

And that's why some have opined that those on a similar path are viewed as proverbial "walking wallets".

As a contrast when it comes to the application of active technology, Meridian and ATC take, arguably, take a more enlightened approach.

24-06-2011, 15:27
The thing is, Isobariks active can sing well, but not with CB 135's, 250's or especially an LK280 or four (ugghh!!!!!). Give 'em bolt-up Naim 250's, Krell KSA50's or 100's of old and in active form, three or four Quad 606/707/early 909's and I reckon you could be very pleasantly surprised how good they can be.

Later 'Briks were rather better in passive form though, but you're always fighting that incredibly complex crossover and the phase issues it no doubt introduces, clouding up their "imaging" further.

I agree with Howard that ATC (and Meridian, who used the early ATC mid driver in their M1 I recall) make a far more cost efficient range, although I understand that these have now been well overtaken by newer pro models (Adam for one).

Good luck - and don't race into buying loads of Linn or Naim vintage kit as so much better is around that can easily drive a four Ohm load these days...

Neil McCauley
24-06-2011, 15:44
The thing is, Isobariks active can sing well, but not with CB 135's, 250's or especially an LK280 or four (ugghh!!!!!). Give 'em bolt-up Naim 250's, Krell KSA50's or 100's of old and in active form, three or four Quad 606/707/early 909's and I reckon you could be very pleasantly surprised how good they can be.

He's so right. I agree with his comments 100%

25-06-2011, 19:38
Give 'em bolt-up Naim 250's, Krell KSA50's or 100's of old and in active form, three or four Quad 606/707/early 909's and I reckon you could be very pleasantly surprised how good they can be.

Replacing all of my amps in one go could be a stretch too far, but rather than buying another LK280 or such, would I be able to introduce say a Quad 606 to the mix when taking the briks active?

That way, I could also try them passive with just the Quad amp to make a comparison.

Or, would there be issues with impedance? I know the LK2-75 and LK280 are the same, so I've had no problems using them together.

Reid Malenfant
25-06-2011, 19:45
No impedance issues unless driving the mids or bass drivers, more of a problem in matching the amplifiers gain. Then again the damn tweeters are paralled as well in the briks so quite possibly driver impedance might be an issue. Quad gear is a bit finicky that way, though it can be modified so it isn't (unless less than 4 ohm loads are on the cards) ;)

25-06-2011, 23:59
Yes, matching the gain is what I meant to say :). Needless to say, I don't fully understand all of these issues but it was brought to my attention when I was first looking to add my second power amp.

Does it matter so much, if for instance the amp is question is on the receiving end of an active crossover? In other words, the bass is controlled with one amp with a gain of 'x' and the mid is controlled with another amp also with a gain of 'x', but the treble is controlled by an amp with a gain of 'y'?

26-06-2011, 00:16
Yes, matching the gain is what I meant to say :). Needless to say, I don't fully understand all of these issues but it was brought to my attention when I was first looking to add my second power amp.

Does it matter so much, if for instance the amp is question is on the receiving end of an active crossover? In other words, the bass is controlled with one amp with a gain of 'x' and the mid is controlled with another amp also with a gain of 'x', but the treble is controlled by an amp with a gain of 'y'?

No, you can't match power amps in an active system that way. You will need to use power amps with the same gain or very close to same.

26-06-2011, 10:27
The Quad 606 was the first of their models that could drive a 4 Ohm load without severe current limiting, hence my recommendation for a cheaper trio of power amps. In active mode, the crossover nasties are removed, so they'd be even happier I feel.

Of course, there are other amps out there quite happy to drive a 4 Ohm load without committing suicide, but the 606's, especially the mk2's with their larger reservoir supply, are far better than audiophools give them credit for.

Reid Malenfant
26-06-2011, 16:58
You could quite easily alter the gain of a single amplifier with a judiciously placed resistor to make it match the others. That's all it would take, one resistor per channel.

27-06-2011, 09:29
(and Meridian, who used the early ATC mid driver in their M1 I recall)

They use an I.T.T mid-range, just to correct a common mis-conception (that gets repeated too often and so has become 'truth'). Also used in the Tandberg Studio Monitor (another great speaker) and B&O M100. I currently have my 3rd pair of M1s (not owned at the same time!) albeit currently needing an amp repair but the x-overs have been put in a seperate box for use with other amps.