View Full Version : WTD - Gryphon integrated

21-06-2011, 23:16
Hi all, looking for a Gryphon integrated amp - either Callisto 2100 / 2200 or Diablo.


Spectral Morn
21-06-2011, 23:33
Welcome to AOS.

As a rule this forum requires its new members to make their first post in the welcome section saying hello to the community by tell us a wee bit about themselves, system and taste in music.

Thank you in advance.

Regards D S D L

The Grand Wazoo
21-06-2011, 23:44
Hello there & welcome to The Art of Sound.

Please forgive me for not using your real name but you haven't supplied one yet (we like to be able to address folks in a friendly way here and that usually means we share our first names).

We also prefer that people don't join just to make use of a free advertising platform.............but we're very welcoming to anyone who may have an interest in sharing the odd thought or two and offering the benefit of their experience. We're equally warm towards folks who want to learn something new.

If this sounds like something you'd like to do, then perhaps you wouldn't mind starting a new thread over in the Welcome section in order to say hello to the natives & to tell everyone a little bit about yourself, your hi-fi and your taste in music. That's the very best way to be sure of a very warm welcome!

However, if it's just the advertising space that you're after, then the post above will likely be removed.

A little while back, someone here said something which summed up the philosophy and the community here rather well:
If you want to sit round the fire, then every now & then you should get up & put another log on it.

22-06-2011, 22:07
now worries guys - thanks for the warm welcome.... I will start a thread in the welcome section (nice touch btw!)