View Full Version : Audio Technica Precept cartridge

20-06-2011, 10:35
I've gone an bought the PC110E precept cartridge with a brand new precept 220EX stylus ! A complete step into the dark for me and a vintage cartridge to boot.

I was wondering if anyone on the forum has any experience with these cart's , good or bad ?

I'm not unhappy with the AT95HE , its a great value budget cart , but i really want to try this precept ! I know replacement styli is getting scarce , but not bothered about that , just want to be different i guess :)

22-06-2011, 10:40
Got it in the post this morning , no import duty or fee's to pay:dance:

Marvelous ! But the cartridge sounds shite :lol::mental:

Just joking :eyebrows: still looking at it , could be a fiddly fit :scratch:


23-06-2011, 10:54
"Precept" now fitted and playing music !


23-06-2011, 10:56
Any good then, Chris? It's a funny looking bugger! :)

What made you go for it, as it's a bit of an unknown quantity?


23-06-2011, 11:21
Any good then, Chris? It's a funny looking bugger! :)

What made you go for it, as it's a bit of an unknown quantity?


Hi Marco

I'm mad don't you know :eyebrows: Well actually Richard suggested it as a cheapish upgrade over the AT95HE , and there is no doubt the 95HE does have a balance issue ! The "precept" sounds perfectly balanced.

As to how it sounds , well straight away i would say it needs a few hours on it as the stylus is brand new , but also it does sound like a much more refined cartridge than the 95HE , and seems to be full of pizzaz and has a get up and go about it .

One reservation so far is the 'stylus guard thingy' if i tap it, it comes through the speaker's :scratch: bit dodgy .

Sounds very good so far though , must admit i had my doubts but i suspect Richard knew it would work well in the 309 and on the Techy of course .

24-06-2011, 21:04
Can you not carefully lever the stylus guard off ?
I detest the bloody things, and usually remove them if they're fitted. I've yet to hear a cart where the swing down stylus guard makes the cartridge sound better.

Anyway, when you posting some needledrops of your new nail in action ? :eyebrows:

24-06-2011, 21:55
Can you not carefully lever the stylus guard off ?
I detest the bloody things, and usually remove them if they're fitted. I've yet to hear a cart where the swing down stylus guard makes the cartridge sound better.

Anyway, when you posting some needledrops of your new nail in action ? :eyebrows:

Took the stupid guard off ! It sounds better for it , too soon for any drops , sounds a bit fluffy and vocals seem a bit distant at times , I'm hoping its going to improve over the next few days.:)

24-06-2011, 22:06
Took the stupid guard off ! It sounds better for it , too soon for any drops , sounds a bit fluffy and vocals seem a bit distant at times , I'm hoping its going to improve over the next few days.:)

I'm not surprised that it sounds better with the guard off - it's just another part flapping in the breeze and just waiting for the right vibration coming along to set it off resonating in sympathy.

Hopefully things will tighten up sound wise as mechanical parts are flexed and worked.
Fingers crossed for ya, matey ;)

24-06-2011, 22:21
I'm not surprised that it sounds better with the guard off - it's just another part flapping in the breeze and just waiting for the right vibration coming along to set it off resonating in sympathy.

Hopefully things will tighten up sound wise as mechanical parts are flexed and worked.
Fingers crossed for ya, matey ;)

Thanks Chris

Its an interesting cartridge and it does have something going for it :)

03-07-2011, 10:36
An update is due on this "precept" cart , well i can't say I'm overwhelmed to be honest.
it digs out a fair bit of detail but when the music gets complex, it has a tendency to harden up and shout at you , not very pleasant alas , as it stands the AT95HE even with the balance issue is the better option for me.

I think its time to go MC ?

03-07-2011, 12:01
I wish there was someway you could get to hear the Goldring 2500 chris.
I got to the point of trying various mm carts and never really satisfied and thought it was time to spend more on a coil but since getting the Goldring i dont think of it anymore.

03-07-2011, 13:55
I wish there was someway you could get to hear the Goldring 2500 chris.
I got to the point of trying various mm carts and never really satisfied and thought it was time to spend more on a coil but since getting the Goldring i dont think of it anymore.

Hi Colin

Well i tried the 1042 ! Not for me though , the 2500 is virtually the same as a Linn Adikt is it not ?

Is the 2500 a good match for the 309 ?

I know the AT33EV is a dream match for my 309 , so they say , but it is 450 rags give or take , along with the 2M Black ! Probably the best choices but I'm just not sure about spending so much on something that will last only 2-3 years , maybe more if I'm lucky.

A cartridge that interest's me at the moment is the Ortofon Vivo Blue and at £200-220 is more appealing price wise .

03-07-2011, 14:56
Dont know about arm matching chris, ltd experience that way. Most people say the 2000 series sound competely different to the 1000 series. I had the 2m blue and i read on a forum the 2500 was as good as the black for a lot less so i took the gamble. Luckily for me it paid of. No surface noise which is a relief.
That ortofon sounds interesting but i find myself agreeing with dave (DSJR) that their price mark up is to high. I wouldnt want to pay for a 2m black when for the same price you could but a nice Audio technica mc if you get my drift.

03-07-2011, 15:00
Just as an aside, i have just bought Neil youngs le noise for £30 :eek: and its got a horrible warp on the outer edge but the goldring tracks it fine.

03-07-2011, 15:43
Dont know about arm matching chris, ltd experience that way. Most people say the 2000 series sound competely different to the 1000 series. I had the 2m blue and i read on a forum the 2500 was as good as the black for a lot less so i took the gamble. Luckily for me it paid of. No surface noise which is a relief.
That ortofon sounds interesting but i find myself agreeing with dave (DSJR) that their price mark up is to high. I wouldnt want to pay for a 2m black when for the same price you could but a nice Audio technica mc if you get my drift.

Thanks for the excellent input Colin :) really got me thinking now :scratch: Yes if i was to blow 450 rags of my hard earned , i would plump for 33EV i think.

So the 2500 was quite a big leap up from the 2M blue ? Sounds promising , but the Vivo Blue is cheaper ! I quite like the idea of the Lexan body but its a budget MC .

03-07-2011, 16:23
That vivo is a good price but it has a nude elliptical stylus, to noisy for me. My experience with the blue 2m is those nude stylus pick up every bit of dust pops.

03-07-2011, 16:33
Superfi has an internet offer on the ortofon mc rondo red. That gets great write ups by users. £319 from the usual £390 price.

03-07-2011, 16:43
That vivo is a good price but it has a nude elliptical stylus, to noisy for me. My experience with the blue 2m is those nude stylus pick up every bit of dust pops.

Funny you say that Colin ' as the "precept" has a nude stylus ! There is an upgraded stylus though with a shibata tip and beryllium cantilever (550ML).

03-07-2011, 16:58
How much is the stylus upgrade? I`d bet its a significant boost.
Listening to a favorite recording , Lavender Daimond on vinyl. Listened to it countless times on cd. The cd sounds like a mp3 in comparison. This carts a keeper.:eyebrows:

03-07-2011, 17:14
How much is the stylus upgrade? I`d bet its a significant boost.
Listening to a favorite recording , Lavender Daimond on vinyl. Listened to it countless times on cd. The cd sounds like a mp3 in comparison. This carts a keeper.:eyebrows:

I must try and have a listen to the 2500 , got me going now :)

The availability of the "precept" 550ML stylus is dwindling but still some to be had at around £85-90 , something to think about but i can't say i like this "precept" enough at the moment to throw another 90 rags at it ?

03-07-2011, 17:23
The AT-33EV I believe is closely related to the AT-33PTG. If so, it's an excellent cartridge, Chris, and a step up from an OC9. However, you are wasting it if you use it straight into an MC phono amp. Cost in the price of a Bob's Devices CineMag SUT and you will have a combo that will do justice to that SME arm of yours.

03-07-2011, 17:41
The AT-33EV I believe is closely related to the AT-33PTG. If so, it's an excellent cartridge, Chris, and a step up from an OC9. However, you are wasting it if you use it straight into an MC phono amp. Cost in the price of a Bob's Devices CineMag SUT and you will have a combo that will do justice to that SME arm of yours.

Thanks Martin :) That's the thing , at the moment I'm thinking the 309 just seems wasted ! May as well have the stock arm with these cheap carts , well I've learned something here i guess .

03-07-2011, 18:48
Some people find buying a cart blind and the mystery of its sound part of the fun i find it a pain.
Good luck Chris hope you find audio nirvana. For what its worth i have a feeling judging by your posts that vintage carts are not for you.

Sent you a pm chris.

03-07-2011, 18:59
Some people find buying a cart blind and the mystery of its sound part of the fun i find it a pain.
Good luck Chris hope you find audio nirvana. For what its worth i have a feeling judging by your posts that vintage carts are not for you.

Sent you a pm chris.

Not quite the case Colin , this afternoon while viewing AOS on caren's laptop , i have been enjoying Jeff Buckley and the Cars on my SL-QL1 which has a 28 year old cartridge ! The P22 :) yes it has the Jico SAS:) but i love it .

I may still try the 550 ML stylus .

04-07-2011, 09:50
This morning i had another go with the vta , lowering the 309 and its starting to sound very encouraging ! The tonal balance is on the brightish side but i prefer that .

The main thing is its holdng my attention and not sounding so harsh , a relief ! This could be a suprising little cart after all.

04-07-2011, 09:54
This morning i had another go with the vta , lowering the 309 and its starting to sound very encouraging ! The tonal balance is on the brightish side but i prefer that .

The main thing is its holdng my attention and not sounding so harsh , a relief ! This could be a suprising little cart after all.

Sounding more encouraging Chris :)
If you run out of downward adjustment you could always try a spacer between the cart and headshell.

Fingers crossed.

I'm continually pleased with the 1042 in the tricked up RB250, although I'm going to have to pull the Reson Reca off the Thorens and give that a whirl soon.
The Reson is a much better performer.

04-07-2011, 10:19
Sounding more encouraging Chris :)
If you run out of downward adjustment you could always try a spacer between the cart and headshell.

Fingers crossed.

I'm continually pleased with the 1042 in the tricked up RB250, although I'm going to have to pull the Reson Reca off the Thorens and give that a whirl soon.
The Reson is a much better performer.

Thanks Chris

Yes put Reson on ! I would love to know how that sounds, and a few needledrops.:)

05-07-2011, 21:20
I'm finding this "Precept" cartridge to be a little bit inconsistent , some recordings sound very good , others a bit here and there ! Bass seems a bit thumpy on occasion and i am concerned about the stylus assembly being a little micro phonic , if i grip it with two fingers , i can feel some movement and a popping sound coming through the speakers :hmm:

07-07-2011, 09:01
Right folks , i think this precept is a pretty decent performer with some minor quibbles , but i want to hear it at its absolute best ! So I've gone an ordered the top stylus for it , 550ML shibata/berrylium .

May as well , the 220EX stylus is nice but i want a bit more than nice :)

09-07-2011, 12:40
Spec sheet for the Precept
