View Full Version : Epiphany Acoustics EHP-1 Headphone Amplifier

Epiphany Acoustics
13-06-2011, 08:50
Hi guys,

Pre-order price: £180 for the first 20 orders.


A new benchmark for headphone amplifiers - the EHP-1
I have just set up a hifi manufacturing company with a very different ethos to many others out there. I believe that hifi should be more accessible to the masses, and I hope to achieve that by offering really high quality products designed with solid engineering principles at genuinely competitive prices. The first (hopefully of many!) product to shake this industry up a bit is the EHP-1 headphone amplifier.

The EHP-1 high power, high fidelity solid state headphone amplifier based on dual mono, highly optimised audiophile shielded operation amplifiers followed by a MOSFET output stage. This amplifier is biased to run in pure Class A mode because it is simply the topolgy which offers the lowest distortion characteritics.

The EHP-1 includes a very high quality power supply in built - not a cheap, low quality wall wart. We use a large bank of low ESR Panasonic capacitors to filter the DC power which is then sent on for regulation. This is much more expensive than a wall wart supply, but high quality, high power amplifiers need very high quality power supplies to avoid any distortion or clipping. In fact, this design principle is found in flagship Naim products.

In simpler terms, it is a design where quality and fidelity have been put first. We use some of the best components available - all of them premium through-hole parts. They include:

* Large toroidal transformer
* 8000uF of filter capactitance using premium low ESR electrolytic capacitors
* Specially optimised 'audiophile' op amps in shielded metal can cases (you won't find better... anywhere!)
* 0.1% tolerance, 15ppm (in the most critical places) resistors
* 1% tolerance resistors used everywhere else
* Polypropylene caps used in critical places
* Polyester and ceramic bypass caps used everywhere else
* Alps RK27 'Blue Velvet' pot

If you don't fully understand all of the component choices, I'd be more than happy to explain them in more depth! Rest assured, though, that they are absolutely top quality and you really won't get much better.

This all comes wrapped up in a custom steel enclosure (steel enclosures protect the circuitry from picking up noise from external sources) finished with a beautiful solid walnut coated in Danish oil, adorned with a black solid aluminium volume knob and a high polish brass nameplate. I have a photo of the front panels - unfortunately it'll be a few weeks to a month before a fully complete photo.


In the above photo you can see the recess for the brass nameplates, the small hole above that for the power LED and holes for the headphone socket and the recessed volume knob.

But why is the EHP-1 so much better value than other big name branded gear? Simple - because you are buying direct from me, the manufacturer. I don't have all the costs of stocking, retailer mark ups, running a shop etc which (necessarily) inflate prices of other 'bigger brand' hifi. Buying direct from the manufacturer also offers a much more personal approach with feedback, questions and queries all being resolved by me personally rather than a sales assisstant who may or may not know about the product in any depth.

Pre-orders and reviewer applications
Pre-orders are now open. To place a pre-order, simply send an email to orders@epiphany-acoustics.co.uk and we will add you to the list. Those on the pre-order list receive regular progress updates and are among the first to know about the latest news regarding development. If you place a pre-order, you will only have to pay £180 - a dramatic saving from the £225-£250 (to be finalised) RRP.

We are looking for people to review the first two units we make. If you are interested, please send an email to me at oliver@epiphany-acoustics.co.uk with your name, any credentials that may be relevant etc. Reviewers only have to pay £157.50 if they choose to also add their names to the pre-order list. This discount is conditional on the writing of a well written review and applied at my personal discretion.

The Environment
The Class-A design, although being the absolute best for high fidelity amplification, is inefficient and uses more electricity than other designs. We are conscious of the environmental impact of hi-fi, so for each sale, we will make a donation on your behalf to Carbon Footprint to offset one tonne of carbon.

A one tonne offset equates to over one full month of the average carbon footprint of a household in the developed world. If you want to offset more, let us know because we have a Carbon Offset Booster scheme, where will add to your donation.

And more...
There are a couple more details on the website if you are interested in reading more.

I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have either here, PM or on email.

Thanks for reading,
Oliver Freeborn
Founder of Epiphany Acoustics

Epiphany Acoustics
26-06-2011, 17:37
Things are moving along and I've now got a couple of pics of the front panels with the nameplates.

As for overall development, the first 2 review units will be ready on Wednesday, perhaps plus a day or two as the gain is tested and tweaked for the final time.

Performance measurements are also going to be ready soon.



Reid Malenfant
26-06-2011, 19:04
Lovely looking fascia Oliver, i'm guessing you may well be using brass screws to bolt it to the chassis?

26-06-2011, 19:13
I am looking forward to read the reviews

Epiphany Acoustics
26-06-2011, 19:42
Haven't decided between brass or black - I'm going to do a bit of testing when the rest of the enclosure gets back from the silk screen people.

Reid Malenfant
26-06-2011, 19:46
Either would look quite nice going by the brass & black monika in the centre. See how each looks at the end of the day :)

Epiphany Acoustics
26-06-2011, 19:56
The volume knob is black as well, so the black screws will match that as well. But as you say, I'll see how each looks and then decide.

Reid Malenfant
26-06-2011, 20:02
Unless you are going to coat the brass screws with some kind of lacquer to prevent oxidisation i think that blacked screws may well be best then.

Brass & wood looks good together though, likewise copper & wood :) Decisions, decisions :eyebrows:

Epiphany Acoustics
04-07-2011, 12:12
Okey doke, so a little delay in getting measurements done (were supposed to be taken last week, but the machine packed up). However, they should be done THIS week after which the review units will begin to be sent out to those who signed up.

Thanks for your continued patience. I assure you unreservedly that it will all be worth it in the end! I'm very excited about releasing this amp to the critics soon.

07-07-2011, 18:07
We are looking for people to review the first two units we make. If you are interested, please send an email to me at oliver@epiphany-acoustics.co.uk with your name, any credentials that may be relevant etc. Reviewers only have to pay £157.50 if they choose to also add their names to the pre-order list. This discount is conditional on the writing of a well written review and applied at my personal discretion.

Thanks for reading,
Oliver Freeborn
Founder of Epiphany Acoustics

Good luck with promoting the new amp, it sounds like your on track for release soon, also offering a price incentive like that in return for a good review will no doubt bring instant results ;), everyone likes to get something a little cheaper.

Epiphany Acoustics
07-07-2011, 18:30
That is simply to encourage reviewers to step forward and take a chance with a new manufacturer. The discount only applies to 'well written reviews' to stop people applying writing half a dozen words on it as a review and then walking off with a bargain. No shady business here :)

One or both of the review units should be posted out the beginning of next week...

08-07-2011, 06:34
That is simply to encourage reviewers to step forward and take a chance with a new manufacturer. The discount only applies to 'well written reviews' to stop people applying writing half a dozen words on it as a review and then walking off with a bargain. No shady business here :)
As someone who has been offering a discount to AoS members, I have found that even a one line review can be well written, and have a strong sales impact. Not everyone on AoS is confident enough to write a long review.

Epiphany Acoustics
08-07-2011, 10:36
If that is the case then they would receive the discount.

Seeing as these are the first reviews, though, I wanted to encourage longer ones so that readers learnt more about the background of everything and the ccompany as a whole. I believe the people I have lined up as reviewers (noth hobbyists) will be able to do that.

Epiphany Acoustics
12-07-2011, 15:31
About time for proper photos, methinks!

Here we go:






Unfortunately I am not looking for reviewers anymore at the moment.

However, there are still places left in the £180 offer - better get in quick! ;)

An independant review should be out by the end of this week or so.


Epiphany Acoustics
14-07-2011, 09:09
A couple of details I can confirm (and have upadated on the website) regarding the enclosure and the knob:

* The enclosure will be slightly modified so that the sides and top are formed from one continuous piece of steel, as is more conventional in enclosure design, rather than the current 'top plate' design.
* The screws on the top will be removed.
* I hope to design a shorter version of the knob, as well as making a brass version. If you place an order for a unit before this knob is available then worry not because you will be offered to switch knobs completely free of charge.

So basically, the overall look from the enclosure mods will be much smoother and flusher. Please bear this refreshed design mind when thinking about placing your order :) Also, no need to worry if the knob isn't to your taste because as mentioned I'll get some alternatives made up.

Seems like a jolly good time for some more pics, to me:





14-07-2011, 10:38
About time for proper photos, methinks!

Here we go:


Wow it really looks lovely. The wooden fascia is really nice.


Epiphany Acoustics
14-07-2011, 10:39
Thanks, Nathan. I'm glad you like it :)

14-07-2011, 10:54
I really liked the front fascia but I must admit I was a bit disappointed when I saw the rest of the case and volume knob. So it's good to hear that the final version will have a nicer case and smaller knob. I look forward to seeing the final version as from what you've described it should look very nice. Good luck with the release and reviews. I don't really need a headphone amp at the moment but I'll be interested to read the reviews for future reference. :)

Epiphany Acoustics
14-07-2011, 11:02
Indeed, I was a bit peeved when I first saw the enclosure - it isn't exactly cheap to develop custom enclosures but as you say it will look a lot better once the mods have been made to the production version!

Thanks for your support :)

Epiphany Acoustics
17-07-2011, 16:11
Geoff Dedman, one of the reviewers, has got back to me after a couple of days with the amp with his initial impressions. He concluded that:

"...I can say that it's at least a match, if not better than, any headphone amp I've heard at it's price point..."

I'm seriously looking foward to reading and publishing his full review which should be out in a few days time!