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View Full Version : IAS Beaulieu Speakers

24-05-2011, 16:51
My dads just bought these for £40 what a bargin. These speakers are huge and the sound they produce is stunning and they weigh a ton litterally. i think we better stop buying Hi-Fi its getting a bit crowded in the flat

24-05-2011, 17:09
boom, BOOM, MEGA BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just DON'T use 'em with a fruitbox, that's all I can say ;)

24-05-2011, 17:22
Not to your taste then dave !!!!!!

24-05-2011, 17:39
Not at the time, no. the rep all but moved in to our shop to try to get us to keep them.

Maybe with a clean digital source and some good stands?????????????

24-05-2011, 18:14
They do sound very nice on the end of an old trio 70'S amplifier

Techno Commander
24-05-2011, 21:19
Let me know if you ever want to sell tham. I'll double your money for you. :)

Superb speakers, but probably need the XO sorting. Alan was prone to making a bit of a pigs ear when assembling them. Sorting some decent components on a high quality board will pay dividends.

25-05-2011, 05:51
Let me know if you ever want to sell tham. I'll double your money for you. :)

Superb speakers, but probably need the XO sorting. Alan was prone to making a bit of a pigs ear when assembling them. Sorting some decent components on a high quality board will pay dividends.


never been used the front covers are missing though. i will let you know my dads thinking about selling them but he likes them so much he went 'WOW' when he heard them so i doubt it very much . Well concidering they were £500 new in 1981 he would want something like £450

25-05-2011, 11:54

25-05-2011, 12:44
why there not for sale but will upload some pics later or to view the orginal advert http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/ias-beaulieu-speakers/80434528 :lol:


25-05-2011, 12:47
£40! super bargain! I've never heard of them but they certainally look well capable

Reid Malenfant
25-05-2011, 12:50
They look like Volt bass drivers :eek: Bargain if they are :eyebrows:

25-05-2011, 13:34
why there not for sale but will upload some pics later or to view the orginal advert http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/ias-beaulieu-speakers/80434528 :lol:


Simply because I've never heard of them before and they sound interesting!

They look interesting, too..... :eyebrows:

25-05-2011, 18:28
Theyb did use Volt drivers.

Reid Malenfant
25-05-2011, 18:33
They did use Volt drivers.
He got an absolute bargain then :lolsign: There is at least £200 worth of bass drivers there :cool:

They look to me like the B220.8 as i'm fairly sure nearly every other Volt Bass driver had a black chassis? :scratch: Just had another look & they look more like 10" drivers though, even better if they are!

25-05-2011, 20:34
They weren't what I'd call svelt speakers and that would indicate the 10" bass units. Volt is the only European maker of drivers that Ashley James has any favourable things to say about, and to get a complimentary vibe from him about anything in the audio industry is something indeed.

Hmmm, crossover updates? I bet with modern sources they really would be great. Hope they get the matching system they deserve :)

Techno Commander
25-05-2011, 21:58
Yep, 10" Volts in a transmission line enclosure.
Althhough, there were a few reflex versions floating about.

Best described as "authoritive", but still very nimble. :)

26-05-2011, 05:54
Time to try them on the Quads later looking fowardto it. but a full day of collage first doh.

26-05-2011, 06:39
They weren't what I'd call svelt speakers and that would indicate the 10" bass units. Volt is the only European maker of drivers that Ashley James has any favourable things to say about, and to get a complimentary vibe from him about anything in the audio industry is something indeed.

Yes, but what value has hot air? ;)


26-05-2011, 06:41
Lots when some of it has good grounding in fact ;)

26-05-2011, 07:08
Lol - the day I take any notice of what 'balloon-boy' has to say, is the day I derive pleasure from inserting a red-hot fork up my Jap's eye.


Ali Tait
26-05-2011, 11:51
Don't beat about the bush Marco, say what you mean! :lol:

26-05-2011, 11:52
Don't beat about the bush Marco, say what you mean! :lol:

He is so reticient isn't he?:lolsign:

Techno Commander
26-05-2011, 11:58
I dont know who "balloon boy" is, but I would rate Volt bass drivers over all others.
Even their trade prices are scary, but if you want a hand made driver built to the highest tolerances, there is nowhere better to spend your money.

You do have to accept you will not get the best out of them with a 5W SET amp though. :)

26-05-2011, 14:06
Hi Andy,

I dont know who "balloon boy" is...

Lol... Ashley James of AVI: born with an oscilloscope inserted up his bum, and who's full of more hot air than a Tory party political broadcast, hence "balloon-boy".


Techno Commander
26-05-2011, 15:21

26-05-2011, 17:11
Hi Andy,

Lol... Ashley James of AVI: born with an oscilloscope inserted up his bum, and who's full of more hot air than a Tory party political broadcast, hence "balloon-boy".


In fairness, he spent years selling to recording studios, comparing his ATC wares to everything else available at the time, so did know a good bit about the pro industry that most of us here don't - in fairness. Anyway, he is quite capable of fighting his own battles so I'll say no more.

I bought some limited edition Celef speakers from HiFi dave twenty years ago, rebuilt the crossovers and enjoyed them for a while. these used an 8" Volt bass driver in a 25L or so ported chamber, a 5" white coned SEAS or Peerless (can't remember) midrange unit in a separate internal chamber and I think, an Audax tweeter. Once the crossover was repaired, the sonics were very like I have now and similar to the better B&W's - upper mid laid back in balance with a sort of "saddle-back" response, which so many Pro-Acs (same designer) exhibit, along with the Beuleau's I suspect :)

26-05-2011, 19:15
They were the best speakers Celef/ProAc ever made. They weren't intended to be a 'limited edition' but a very poor review in one of the mags of the time, sealed their fate. Only ten pairs were made and most of the customers who bought them, still use them.

Your brain cells are failing you about the drivers - they used a 12 inch Volt, an 8 inch Peerless and a 1 inch Peerless dome which I used to augment with a Piezo tweeter tacked on. They were very good indeed and I should never have sold them...:doh:

26-05-2011, 21:45
They were the best speakers Celef/ProAc ever made. They weren't intended to be a 'limited edition' but a very porr review in one of the mags of the time, sealed their fate. Only ten pairs were made and most of the customers who bought them, still use them.

Your brain cells are failing you about the drivers - they used a 12 inch Volt, an 8 inch Peerless and a 1 inch Peerless dome which I used to augment with a Piezo tweeter tacked on. They were very good indeed and I should never have sold them...:doh:

Was it really a 12" driver? Blimey.............. :stalks:

LS5/9's secured and coming as soon as I can get them :eek:

26-05-2011, 22:27
Looking forward to hearing them in AUGUST..:read:

04-07-2011, 12:37
The IAS cabinets in question were 1/4 wave horn loaded, not a transmission line! They used no dampimng in the line at all!
The bass driver was a Volt B250, 8 ohm type.
I know a lot about these cabinets as I used to be part of the R+D team!

04-07-2011, 12:38
The IAS cabinets in question were 1/4 wave horn loaded, not a transmission line! They used no damping in the line at all!
The bass driver was a Volt B250, 8 ohm type.
I know a lot about these cabinets as I used to be part of the R+D team!

04-07-2011, 16:25

Did you ever visit my shop in Radlett ?

04-07-2011, 23:43
Dave I cant remember visiting your shop.......................but there again I have difficulty remembering my own name.

05-07-2011, 09:17
We had a few visits from someone at IAS but I can't remember his name (an age thing).

The speakers were interesting, as I recall but IAS seemed to disappear too soon.

05-07-2011, 11:03
IAS was in business for about 15 years, untill Alan Willis died in a car accident in Germany. I couldnt carry on alone so the company was wound up.

05-07-2011, 11:37
15 years !!! Time flies..:doh:

Yes, it was Alan Willis we used to see and I did hear that he died. Great pity.

05-07-2011, 12:51
Yes Allan Willis was proly one of the most talented crossover designers this country has ever seen.
But his cabinet building skills were very poor. He also couldnt solder!!!!
He was my very best freind and I miss him a lot.
I remember the FUN we had when building loudseakers and the arguments, they make some of the more interesting threads on the net look very tame.
He was an individual that could argue for weeks and then shake hands and invite me for tea at his house.
I could talk for hours about Alan, but I will always remember him.

05-07-2011, 18:47
I remember the cabinets but never dived inside to inspect the soldering. The speakers were always good value though.

I too am missing a few people who can never be replaced - Tom Fletcher, John Michell and my mate Mick who worked with me for over twenty years. Gone but never forgotten.

06-07-2011, 09:19
After a couple of years Alan was banned from any assembly line work! He didnt like it, but he did what we asked him to do. Although his pre production prototypes were a sight to behold! LOL

20-08-2011, 18:39
Hi lads these are now on Ebay take a look.



21-08-2011, 00:43
Hmm, Volts. Nuff said. ;)

Actually, maybe not.

Just to clear a few things up.

These look like early Volt 10” drivers with the original ABR grills.
To the best of my knowledge Volt didn’t make a 12” unit until they produced the radial chassis.

The early Volts B250 came with a natural finish Aluminum chassis and a grey, coated paper cone. The later Volts under the same model number but with a .1 suffix had a couple of revisions.
The later chassis came in black and the cone coating was changed giving a slightly stiffer cone and a black finish. The roll surrounds also changed with an increase in thickness making for a slightly less compliant suspension. (I used the new roll surrounds when I last rebuilt my Volts)
If anyone is interested in the original specification sheet for these, drop me a PM and I’ll copy one up for you.

I’ve been very gentlemanly and edited out my response to Dave’s Boom Boom comments.
All I can say is you either know, or you don’t.

Volt drivers will with a suitable crossover work just fine with a valve amp but as Andy points out, probably not with some 5 watt SET amp. With a resonant frequency of 20 Hz a little care is needed with enclosure design but in general Volts are less likely to boom than most other bass drivers currently in production, commonly with resonant frequencies of between 60 and 100 Hz, given a sympathetically designed enclosure.

I’ve built 4 sets of speakers using Volt drivers now (B220, B250 x2 and RV 3853) usually accompanied by Scanspeak mid and hi range with excellent results.

While as Andy mentions they are expensive, for those interested in quality and “out of the box” thinking in loudspeaker choice Volt drivers are about as good as it gets.
As Mark mentions, at the current price its worth taking a punt just for the Volt drivers which new would now cost in excess of £500.

Techno Commander
22-08-2011, 11:55
**Watching Intently** :eyebrows:

22-08-2011, 12:02
Hmm, bought for £40, ebayed with a starting price of £250 - with all due respect, that's quite some mark-up.....

Still, best of luck with the sale - were they not to your liking sonically?

22-08-2011, 12:18
Hmm, bought for £40, ebayed with a starting price of £250 - with all due respect, that's quite some mark-up.....

A man's gotta make a living...

Agree with John the Welder's comments re Volt 100% they are high quality Bass drivers perhaps the best you can get.

22-08-2011, 13:15
Mr Welder sir,

Back in the day, a gent from IAS all but moved in to the shop to promote and hopefully sell some Beaulieu's to us. This was just as Linn had launched the Ittok and all but ruined the LP12 sound bass wise (we didn't think so at the time, but history says this is what happened). The IAS speakers were set lowish on the ground and the mid to low bass took off in a very negative way, compared to the many other big speakers we had in the dem room at the time.

What I tried to indicate in the early post on this thread, was that using modern, less boomy sources, the Beaulieu's may have faired very much better, but with an early 80's issue LP12, they sounded horrible, as did many/most full range(ish) speakers out there. Why do you think the Kans, Saras and 'Briks got a foothold in the first place? Their bass was either non-existant (Kans), one-note thud (Sara) or over-damped('Brik) and these were the only way an LP12 of the period worked at all.

Loads of late 70's and early 80's speakers killed off by the "terrible two" sound really good now. Even my late 60's Wharfedale Dentons sang well for me this morning :)

Reid Malenfant
22-08-2011, 17:39
Hi Dave, i wish i knew a little bit more about this so called quarter wave loading :scratch: It looks like a sealed box, after all i can't see any sort of end to the line, which suggests it might well be some kind of attempt at a stuffed sealed line?

No idea in all honesty, perhaps they'd have been better off in a good old sealed box, but in effect it wouldn't be too dissimilar except for the line length might have made things a tad lumpy? :scratch:

Mr Welder sir,

Back in the day, a gent from IAS all but moved in to the shop to promote and hopefully sell some Beaulieu's to us. This was just as Linn had launched the Ittok and all but ruined the LP12 sound bass wise (we didn't think so at the time, but history says this is what happened). The IAS speakers were set lowish on the ground and the mid to low bass took off in a very negative way, compared to the many other big speakers we had in the dem room at the time.

What I tried to indicate in the early post on this thread, was that using modern, less boomy sources, the Beaulieu's may have faired very much better, but with an early 80's issue LP12, they sounded horrible, as did many/most full range(ish) speakers out there. Why do you think thge Kans, Saras and 'Briks got a foothold in the first place? Their bass was either non-existant (Kans), one-note thud (Sara) or over-damped('Brik) and these were the only way an LP12 of the period worked at all.

Loads of late 70's and early 80's speakers killed off by the "terrible two" sound really good now. Even my late 60's Wharfedale Denons sang well for me this morning :)
Do you mean Wharfedale Dentons? ;)

In about 1985 i purchased an as new JVC QLY5F from Hifi Consultants in Cowgate Peterborough. This was equiped with a rather nice JVC MC2E moving coil cartridge, i payed £65 cash for it... The previous owner had just "upgraded" LOL to an LP12 that he had to spend a total of £1000 on including the LP12 to better the JVC :mental: :lol:

Some mothers do ave em :eyebrows:

22-08-2011, 19:59
Thanks for the replys guys interesting :eek:. someones offered me £200 buy it now what planet are they on:rolleyes:

22-08-2011, 20:09
Yep, Denton W20D's. I couldn't easily get the grilles off, but the backs unscrew and I'm surprised frankly. The wiring is a slightly heavier gauge than my Spendors were until recently, the chipboard box looks flimsy but goes together well and doesn't sound too hollow and the crossovers are hard wired and only an 8uF cap looks like it could be upgraded possibly. Sonically they're a bit dry, but nowhere NEAR as bad as I thought they'd be and they're suprisingly big for a "miniature," although the Linton's may have a better bass to mid balance due to the bigger box.

The LP12 DOES do good things to 1970's and many 1980's pressings, but it did sound coloured and got worse before it began to get better. Current ones I still maintain are consistently good sonically, but cost the earth and it's this latter which I feel prevents them from being taken seriously, especially when a "Heavy" AceSpacedeck with WaveMechanic will almost certainly equal it on all counts - IMO....