View Full Version : Headphone advice for Beresford Gatorized TC7520?

23-05-2011, 18:01

I have a Gatorized Beresford TC7520 that I would like to use with a headphone.
Till now I used some lower end Sennheiser HDR-120 wireless headphone but I would like to upgrade to something decent:)
I'll be using my system more often with an headphone so I'd like something good.
Input for the TC7520 comes over optical signal from my Apple TV2 and Apple computer.
First ideas where the AKG K701 or the Sennheiser H600 but according to what I've found written around the web they are not that good with what I play most, and more suitable for classical and pop.
I play classic heavy metal, symphonic metal, progressive rock and (black) metal and stuff like that;)
Music with sound ranging from double kick bass, opera parts, classical pieces and roaring guitars.
Subtle in parts but other parts hard and heavy.
So I need some advice for something else.

The Beyerdynamics DT990 600 Ohm should be nice with that kind of music...
Budget is around $375,- or €300,- and the idea is to eventualy upgrade my DAC to a Beresford TC7520SEG as a dedicated headphone setup.
Again optical input from my Mac but now over Airport Express.

Any advice?


23-05-2011, 18:18
Here you go,this would be my 1st chioce at a reasonable price.
They are even closed back so your black/death metal won't annoy others.

If you want to move up in quality. http://ultrasone.com/ http://ultrasone.com/index.php/en/products/hfi-580.html

Werner Berghofer
23-05-2011, 19:24

The Beyerdynamic DT-990 600 Ohm should be nice with that kind of music

that’s right; according to everything I’ve read about this headphone it seems to be a very good match for the kind of music you like. But I’m not sure if the high impedance 600 Ω model is the best choice for the DAC’s headphone plug. The 250 Ω model might be a better match. If in doubt contact Stanley.

the idea is to eventualy upgrade my DAC to a Beresford TC7520SEG as a dedicated headphone setup. Again optical input from my Mac but now over Airport Express.

If your budget allows this I highly recommend to upgrade to the TC-7520SEG, which does not only overall sound better than the TC-7520 but offers a better performance in its headphone amp section. I’ve been using the combination Airport Express → Beresford Caiman → AKG K701 for quite a while and was very happy with it. More than two weeks ago I added a Schiit Valhalla (http://schiit.com/products/valhalla/) dedicated headphone amp, which raised my headphone listening experience to a new level.

As an OTL tube amplifier the Valhalla should make a perfect supplement to the Beyerdynamic DT-990 600 Ω model. Including express shipping from the USA to Austria and import taxes I paid € 373.–/£ 326.– for the headphone amp.