View Full Version : Tannoy Berkeley's Resurected

05-05-2011, 17:55

The berkeleys have returned and looking sweet if i must say there not in there final situe place yet just using the pictures to show you there back

Beer Time :cool:

05-05-2011, 18:25
Looking fine ! Who did the work ? Lovely speakers

05-05-2011, 18:27
My local engineer in poole (ICP Electronics) did the job for £130. we love the speakers what an astonishing sound the produce the neighbours aint gonne like us

05-05-2011, 19:13
Not in corners PLEASE.... A Rega right next door as well - with all that bass nearby :eek:

05-05-2011, 19:17
There not fully in the cornersand there moving place into another room in the flat. the rega will soon be moving from the speakers Loving the sound of these speakers so smooth and neutral


05-05-2011, 20:13
What did you get done surrounds or cones?
Did you get original tannoys parts.
Look good.

05-05-2011, 20:34
What did you get done surrounds or cones?
Did you get original tannoys parts.
Look good.

The surrounds the cones are in superb nick and all original tannoy parts.

06-05-2011, 13:31
I'am hoping to stumble on a cheap pair of berkeleys or ardens.

06-05-2011, 13:56
Not in corners PLEASE.... A Rega right next door as well - with all that bass nearby :eek:

Actually, Dave, if the Berkeleys are anything like my Lockwood Tannoys, then them being in the corner will not matter a jot - in fact they often sound best that way, depending on the room.

That's precisely where mine are in my room (and right up against the wall), and they kick out much more bass than the Berkeleys.... IME, vintage Tannoys tend to boom when placed in open space.

Good point about Dan's T/T, though. That should be moved for best results :)


06-05-2011, 16:07
Marco, the Berkeleys and associated HPD models are TOTALLY DIFFERENT in terms of bass and damping compared to the corrugated surrounds of the earlier and very recent models, the foam surrounds and "girdacoustic" cone re-inforcements put there in the mid 70's to lower the bass resonance, make the cone less damped than yours and the audible effect of this was reduced sensitivity (by a couple of db, so not really an issue), slightly more extended bass but of a "looser" quality and although these models (I sold them all from this generation) can be used close to a rear wall, NO speaker really works properly when jammed in a corner, although the best ones cope surprisingly well. Even your Lockwoods would be better if given some room around them - one fortunate client had a huge manor-house with a large reception room including minstrel gallery. His old Tannoys sounded splendid up there and firing into the room/hall and could have been purpose made for such a use :)

Reid Malenfant
06-05-2011, 16:48
Marco, your Tannoys will be ok near a wall/corner due to the low driver Qts & big enclosure which will no doubt be creating an EBS (extended bass shelf). What this means is that the bass will roll off from a higher frequency but gradually, as it gets into deep bass about 50Hz & below the response will probably be anywhere between 4.5Db & 6Db down on the 200Hz output.

Sticking it near a wall is simply bringing it back to somewhere near where it should be if it had a flat response. It won't boom because of the low driver Qts (stronger magnetic field) & consequent much better control by the amplifier driving it ;)

Rock on bro :fingers:

The same can't be said of most Tannoy drivers though with high Qts :ner:

06-05-2011, 16:56
Thanks for the infomation guys most helpfull. turntable has moved away from the speakers.

06-05-2011, 16:58
Hi Dave,

That's cool, hence why I said:

if the Berkeleys are anything like my Lockwood Tannoys...


I've never used Berkeleys.

Even your Lockwoods would be better if given some room around them...

Perhaps - although experience so far of trying them in that scenario has been less than conclusive.

At the Scalford Hall show last year, we had a freakin' huge room in the Rutland Suite (think three or four times the size of your average UK living room), and after much experimentation, guess where the Lockwoods sounded best?

Yup, you guessed it - in the corners of the room, up against the back wall, and sharply toed in towards the listening position! :eyebrows:

Admittedly, at home, I use them that way to maximise the available width of my small room (where they are also sharply toed in towards the listening position), which of course maximises soundstage width. So I can't really experiment with them being any further away from the corners, as then they end up too close to each other.

So, the jury's out on that one until we move to a bigger house (with bigger rooms), but I *suspect* that they'd still end up in a similar position... Therefore, as usual, one can get bogged down with absolutes.

I find it's best to throw the 'rule books' out of the window and experiment with speaker positioning, as there are too many variables to consider, and so results with the same speakers will very much vary from room to room :cool:


06-05-2011, 17:04
Hi Mark,

How's your back? Hope you're feeling better, bruv! :)

Marco, your Tannoys will be ok near a wall/corner due to the low driver Qts & big enclosure which will no doubt be creating an EBS (extended bass shelf). What this means is that the bass will roll off from a higher frequency but gradually, as it gets into deep bass about 50Hz & below the response will probably be anywhere between 4.5Db & 6Db down on the 200Hz output.

Sticking it near a wall is simply bringing it back to somewhere near where it should be if it had a flat response. It won't boom because of the low driver Qts (stronger magnetic field) & consequent much better control by the amplifier driving it ;)

Interesting... That certainly confirms what my ears are telling me :cool:

If I move the Lockwoods out from the rear wall, they start to boom like hell!! Even a few inches makes a huge difference. Up against the back wall, and the bass of the Lockwoods is tight as a gnat's arse, tuneful and rhythmic, and with massive weight and extension.

The same can't be said of most Tannoy drivers though with high Qts

Cool. In that case, Dan should pay attention to the advice.


Reid Malenfant
06-05-2011, 17:10
Hi Mark,

How's your back? Hope you're feeling better, bruv! :)
It's improving but i'm still on very heavy painkillers, i'm just lucky to have a friend whos' other half works in a hospital :eyebrows: That or i'd still be laying flat on my back :rolleyes:

06-05-2011, 18:11
Nightmare, mate. There's nothing worse than severe back pain :(

Get better soon, or I might have to send Tabatha round in her high heels... :eyebrows:


06-05-2011, 18:11
My Sterlings sit up against the wall nearly in the corners, they sound fine and dandy ;)

Reid Malenfant
06-05-2011, 18:40
Nightmare, mate. There's nothing worse than severe back pain :(

Get better soon, or I might have to send Tabatha round in her high heels... :eyebrows:

Don't i know it :doh: My back has been stuffed since about 1990 :( It's not always too bad though so i just put up with it & take it as it comes...

I'm not sure if i'd get better or worse with Tabatha here, probably the latter :lol:

Have a good weekend Marco :cool:

06-05-2011, 19:30
Cheers, dude - and you. I've got Chris (Stratmangler) coming round tomorrow for a sesh, showing me how to do needle drops, so that should be fun.

And... We'll be listening to the (now 60W Class A) copper amp, recently fitted with KT120s... :wowzer: :wowzer: :eek:



Reid Malenfant
06-05-2011, 19:37
We'll be listening to the (now 60W Class A) copper amp, recently fitted with KT120s... :wowzer: :wowzer: :eek:
I look forward to reading about the upgrade & what it does above & beyond the amp i heard at Scalford ;)

4465 :eyebrows:

Let us all in on it fella, i for one am interested :please:

Sorry for the thread crap, i'm just getting carried away (on a light beam :eyebrows:)

06-05-2011, 19:38
Did you see these (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=180655213414&si=ZW55VLXSvO99K7M32QtXbC3wFS4%253D&viewitem=) Bob Carver Amps Marco 305 watts from KT120's :eek:

06-05-2011, 19:41
Hi Jon,

Indeed I did - freakin' awesome! I like (and indeed share) Bob's views on transformers. But I'd still rather have me copper amp - this thing is scaring the shit out of me at the moment! :fingers:


06-05-2011, 19:41
Nightmare, mate. There's nothing worse than severe back pain :(

Get better soon, or I might have to send Tabatha round in her high heels... :eyebrows:




06-05-2011, 19:44


P.S Got ya 'thang' ;)