View Full Version : Hello All From Newcastle Upon Tyne

Border Riever
10-04-2011, 19:39
Hello I'm Jerry
I'm a total newbie when it comes to Hi-Fi its like the yellow brick road to me but I am trying and also enjoying it at the same time.
I hope you guys don't mind me asking daft questions as I'm sure to be asking some in the not so distant future and any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.
Anyway so far my project consists of an Arcam dv27a,rDac,A38 and 2 p1's finishing off through a pair of Dali suite's (which I will be upgrading pending funds) oh almost forgot my Pure 701 Dab.
As for music I really don't mind what genre except Death metal and I don't know what its called but the speeded up rap boom bang stuff.

Reid Malenfant
10-04-2011, 19:43
Hi Jerry, welcome to AoS chap! :) One thing is for sure, the only stupid question is the one that isn't asked, i'm sure you'll eventually get answers for anything you actually care to ask so fire away ;)

ATB & i hope you enjoy your stay & benefit from it :wave:

10-04-2011, 19:46
I don't know what its called but the speeded up rap boom bang stuff.
I have a word for that Jerry, ******** ;)

Welcome to AoS.

10-04-2011, 20:43
Hi Jerry - a warm welcome from me too. I dabbled a bit with other forums before I found my home here, and I promise that no one will make you feel small for asking a "daft" question - everyone has to start somewhere, and to be honest, someone taking up hi-fi these days is probably as rare as Rocking Horse Doo-Dah and I'm sure we will do all we can to make sure you enjoy the experience, although it sounds like you've started off with some good kit. :)

I'm with you on the death metal - I appreciate most genres (yes, even Country & Western sometimes, and I was big in to rap a decade ago) but to me, most death metal is just a painful noise. I stand to be corrected, of course, if any of my learned forum members can point me and Jerry in the direction of something that actually sounds liek a tune, and not some form of medieval torture! ;)

Enjoy AoS, and please don't hold back in seeking some advice if you want it - there are plenty of experts on hand to help. (Not me, I'm just here to make up the numbers, be nice to people and occasionally raise a smile with my "court jester" antics :))

Spectral Morn
10-04-2011, 22:30
Welcome to AOS Jerry

Enjoy yourself and have fun.

Regards D S D L

Border Riever
11-04-2011, 08:39
Hi and thanks for the warm welcome guys it's very much appreciated..

Jac Hawk
11-04-2011, 19:49
Haway the lads!!

11-04-2011, 20:31
Hello Jerry, and Welcome to AOS! I must admit that I'm a bit of a death metal fan... there's always good stuff to be found in any genre. Edge of Sanity do a good line in melodic death metal ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lcX7WO06YY - the break at 7'30" is just amazing :fingers:

I hope you enjoy it here, and thanks for saying hello!

11-04-2011, 22:18
Hello Jerry, and Welcome to AOS! I must admit that I'm a bit of a death metal fan... there's always good stuff to be found in any genre. Edge of Sanity do a good line in melodic death metal ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lcX7WO06YY - the break at 7'30" is just amazing :fingers:

I hope you enjoy it here, and thanks for saying hello!

So that's what 'Death Metal' is! :eek: Sorry Nick, I couldn't get much further than 2:29.

So welcome to AoS Jerry - looks like I'm in agreement with you on your musical tastes. But as I have said on a number of occasions: "De gustibus non disputandum; suum cuique" (In matters of taste, there is no discussion; each to their own).

Welcome to the forum.


12-04-2011, 08:12
No daft questions on here, just the people that answer them.....:lol:
Have fun and be happy.......

12-04-2011, 08:39
Hi and welcome - we're all daftees here, so don't worry :lol:

12-04-2011, 09:02
Yesh, and some have even been promoted to the status of double-daftee, and in some cases, super-daftee.....! :eyebrows:

Welcome to AoS, Jerry :)
