View Full Version : 60mm Black Granite Isolation Slabs

03-04-2011, 17:21
Through my job I managed to get hold of a pair of 300x300x60mm Black Chinese Granite slabs which made brilliant isolation plinths for my Quads. I mentioned them in my intro when i joined AOS and a couple of people expressed an interest in them. I said I would see what I could do.

Well 3 months later a have 7 pairs of 450x300x60mm and 7 pairs of 300x300x60mm. They are Black granite, flamed top with 4 smooth saw cut sides. They arrive in the natural grey finish you see on granite "in the wild". The ones in my photos were given 3 coats of Halfords clear laquer by me and I think they came up really well. Some people have said they would prefer them "buck nekked" and will polish them themselves.

The 450x300x60mm are £49 and the 300x300x60mm are £45.

If you want 3 coats of laquer on them I would need £8 a pair extra but you would have to give me a week of so to get them done.

Anyone who has tried to buy granite or marble isolation plinths will confirm I am not doing this to get rich. I am doing this because I have the right contacts to get them and it seemed like a nice thing to do. Whenever I have posed a question on AOS I have always had lots of people, who don't know me from Adam, ready and willing to help. They have saved me a lot of teeth gnashing. That's why they are on here and not ebay..... "Do 1 favour, get 2 back"
( 30mm purpose-made plinths cost twice as much as this )

Sorry but at about 20kg a piece it has to be collection only from Hinckley, Leicestershire ( near Nuneaton ) and will have to be on a first come first served basis. ( Mark & Synsei, yours are put to one side )

I may be able to get more but these took 3 months and only because they came in with other gear.

pm me if you want any.





03-04-2011, 22:00
Hugh - great gesture, to offer them here and not seek to make a profit from them - much appreciated by everyone on the forum I'm sure.

Rare Bird
04-04-2011, 06:42
Hi Hugh
Is that some kind of conglomerate?

04-04-2011, 07:46
Alex - I didn't say I wasn't making a profit, just not what I could make on the open market. I should clear about £8 a pair, which, should make me enough for a 2nd hand MF X-can V2. Seemed fair ?

Once our members a have had 1st dibs on them I will put them on AVForums and Ebay at a proper price.

Andre - sorry, a bit blonde this morning :scratch: don't get the conglomerate bit ?

04-04-2011, 08:18

by conglomerate do you mean the stone/resin worktop type material ? "Corian" is it ?

if so then no, these are solid igneous granite. Chinese Black Granite. Very hard & very heavy.
The minerals you see showing through on mine are, .......a natural feature on intrusive igneous rock, formed through the slow cooling process beneath the earths crust......

my geography teacher would be so chuffed.......:lol::lol:

04-04-2011, 08:41
I'm really interested in these, but living in Dorset the cost of collecting them makes it a problem :scratch: I live in a flat that has wooden floors so I expect they would be great, at the moment I have granite composite chopping boards, but they are not very substantial. Just a thought, how quickly would you need them collecting?

Rare Bird
04-04-2011, 08:53
Hi Hugh
No i'm refering to a conglomerate granite

btw: love the cast iron fireplace

04-04-2011, 09:03
Hi Hugh, I'm interested in a set of the larger ones please! I'll not be able to come up and get them until later in the month (let me know if thats a problem).

Also, Tim (or anyone else), I live about 15 miles southwest of Oxford (Wantage). I could collect as set for you to collect from me if it helps???


04-04-2011, 09:20
Ian and Tim

As long as I know you want them then it's no problem holding them till you are able to get up. i'm sure I can find somewhere safe to put them.

Andre, it looks like conglomerate granites are mainly a product of south america. This is igneous granite from Asia. If you need any more info we will have to consult a geologist, not a drainage engineer.:scratch:

04-04-2011, 10:26
Hi Hugh, I'm interested in a set of the larger ones please! I'll not be able to come up and get them until later in the month (let me know if thats a problem).

Also, Tim (or anyone else), I live about 15 miles southwest of Oxford (Wantage). I could collect as set for you to collect from me if it helps???

Fantastic Ian, I go to Wales often to visit my Dad, so could pick them up on the way back in that case...... :cool:

Hugh, will confirm the size I would like when I get home tonight?

You guys are tops :)

04-04-2011, 21:54
I sent you a PM Hugh! :-)

NP to collect for Tim too :-)

04-04-2011, 22:10
I sent you a PM Hugh! :-)

NP to collect for Tim too :-)
Hugh, PM from me too and Ian thankyou very much for your kind offer and I would like to take you up on that - PM on it's way too. :)

06-04-2011, 09:54
Hi Hugh,

You have a PM ;)

06-04-2011, 18:53
If anyone from the north of England had been considering these but had been put off by the distance to collect, I will be collecting my daughter from Preston University on the 17th of April. I am already meeting someone at Junct 23 of the M6 ( Liverpool ) at about 10.00am so if you wanted to you could collect from there ? just a thought.

I then take her down to Bristol 2 weeks later but i suspect the car will be full of shoes.

Reid Malenfant
06-04-2011, 18:58
I then take her down to Bristol 2 weeks later but i suspect the car will be full of shoes.

06-04-2011, 19:15
Hello again all,
when I put these I was surpised when they weren't all gone in a day ??

but something just happened that may explain why not. Someone just tried to reserve some and wanted to confirm the price as 2 No. 300x300x60mm @ £90

I would have loved to have took it but I just couldn't do it to him.......

its £45 and £49 PER PAIR ( natural not laquered ))

Reid Malenfant
06-04-2011, 19:32
They'll go Hugh don't you worry ;) Once people start getting them & waxing lyrical about them i should imagine they'll go much faster :)

By the way, a friend has been helping me (well doing most of the work :eyebrows:) sort out my back garden. He found a huge slab (must be 3ft wide) by 1ft+ but we don't quite know yet as we haven't dug down deep enough of black marble :scratch:

It's about 2" thick as well, what a find :eyebrows:

06-04-2011, 20:03
Hi Hugh,

Pm sent



06-04-2011, 23:24
I'll have a pair of the larger ones please . PM sent .

07-04-2011, 12:43
Hi Hugh,

PM sent.


07-04-2011, 14:14

can you try pm again. Don't seem to have had anything.


07-04-2011, 14:15

can you try pm again. Don't seem to have had anything.

I'm not sure, but I don't think you can send PM's until you have 5 posts? As he has 4, that could be the problem?

Reid Malenfant
07-04-2011, 15:15
Well Dave (synsei) brought round my slabs this afternoon - cheers Dave :)

I'm very happy with them indeed, i'd have no hesitation at all having some more if i actually needed them :)

Cheers Hugh, very much appreciated - thank you! :cool:

07-04-2011, 15:32
Hi Hugh,

I now have 5 posts to my name:)
PM sent


07-04-2011, 19:22
I wish I could make use of some, but wouldn't really fit in with my system. However I am going to Hinckley next Tuesday, so if that fitted in with being able to collect them from Hugh , I could get some to Ipswich if that was easier for anyone else interested to collect from there?

07-04-2011, 19:48
thanks for the offer Alex. Jolly D...
I'm afraid the 450x300 's have all gone. ( I've got a couple of guys in waiting just in case someone changes their mind )

Still got some 300x300x60mm left. Look pretty mustard under Quads ( Synsei approved ). I will keep them available for another week or so then put them on flea-bay at a more profitable price. Might even make enough for Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie 3 LP and Diana Krall Night in Paris,

Well maybe not enough for Diana Krall. Why is that so dear, I'm sure she's still alive ?? :cool:


07-04-2011, 19:52
Well Dave (synsei) brought round my slabs this afternoon - cheers Dave :)

I'm very happy with them indeed, i'd have no hesitation at all having some more if i actually needed them :)

Cheers Hugh, very much appreciated - thank you! :cool:

Sorry Mark just spotted your posting. Hope they help your system as much as they did mine.
Just help me out with answers to my occasional dumb questions and we'll call it quits :)


Reid Malenfant
07-04-2011, 19:55
I'll do my best :eyebrows: They really are quite nice, perfect for the suspended floor in the other room ;)

07-04-2011, 20:26
thanks for the offer Alex. Jolly D...
I'm afraid the 450x300 's have all gone. ( I've got a couple of guys in waiting just in case someone changes their mind )

Hugh, a cheque is on the way for the 450x300's and I have sent a PM to Ian re collection.
Thanks again :)

12-04-2011, 11:48
If anyone is still mulling over whether to have these or not I still have 4 pairs of 300x300x60mm left but they will be going on F%&-bay at the weekend @£70 a pair and that will be the price from then on. So if your are even only minutely considering osme tell me know and I will hold some just in case ( at todays price )

.........and laquered looks so much better


you have pm

13-04-2011, 11:27
I picked my pair up yesterday and decided to pay Hugh the extra 8 quid to have them finished in the lacquer.
I'm glad I did, as they look excellent even though there's not too much to see once my Turnberry's are sat on top of them.:lol:

Nice to meet up Hugh and many thanks for a smooth deal:cool:



15-04-2011, 14:45
Just collected my pair from Hugh.

Delighted with the granite plinths.

Many thanks Hugh for making these available at such a great price.



15-04-2011, 15:28
My pleasure Dennis,

I think I'm gonna follow your lead though.

Going to get another box of these in from China later this year but this time I'm going to sell them on f&*-bay for £100 a pair and make enough to buy some 2nd hand PMC's. They are a bit of a pain as they take over her "Gym" ( the garage ) but if she gives me any grief I'll say Dennis made me do it.


Reid Malenfant
15-04-2011, 15:41
In all honesty Hugh you'll have to figure out some way of getting them shipped if you plan to flog them on ebay (imo) as there are already people doing the very same.

Ok, so they are more expensive but they do ship them ;)

15-04-2011, 15:47
probably right but as they take 3 months to get here I've got a day or two to figure it out,

but good point, well taken

03-05-2011, 09:59
Met up with Hugh yesterday and collected the plinths. Bloody heavy and very nice! Should do the trick nicely. I'm going to have a go at polishing the fronts and sides. Not sure how it will go, but Hugh gave a small bit to practice on :)

I will say that compared to the commercial equivalents I've seen, these represent exceptional value for money and are Considerably more substantial.

Nice to meet up with another forum member, thanks Hugh ;)