View Full Version : SPDIF as interconnect

31-03-2011, 22:00
I've been mightily impressed by using this cable as a SPDIF between my Squeezebox Touch and Caiman DAC http://www.microdirect.co.uk/Home/Product/50228/Belkin-Digital-Coaxial-Audio-Cable-3-6m .
I spent a fiver (oh, extravagant me ;) ) last time I was in Microdirect, so obviously came away with 5 of these cables.
I decided to try a couple of them as analogue interconnects, with excellent results.
Give 'em a whirl and then sell off all of your expensive boutique cables, 'cos these hit the spot for sure :)

31-03-2011, 23:06
They are rather good aren’t they.
I still prefer the RCA twin shield audio but I have a couple of these and I’ve been using them for SPDIF on my server test build.

01-04-2011, 10:21
I jumped on the Belkin bandwagon a couple of months ago, and bought 2 Pure white 1m coax coax cables for £9 each (inc P&P), damn the expense! :lol:

They work so well as SPDIFs I don't want to use them for anything else

Would I be able to tell the £4 difference? Who knows, but Belkin seem to be remarkable value for money. I also bought a pair of the pure grey RCA interconnects for £3.75, if you melted them down for scrap there'd be more than £4 worth in raw materials alone :eyebrows:

Are they clearing out old stock? :scratch:

wee tee cee
01-04-2011, 10:49
I was running a red and blue insert twin sheilded grey belkin silver AVs, to great effect.I installed two quad sheilded yellow insert grey cables last night to great effect.The yellow is sold a a SPDIF connector.My system sounds the best it has,with two yellows.They are 99p plus postage.I now have a bag of cables to go on e bay.

20-04-2011, 16:17
some thing is wrong here ... you've been sold standard coax as a digital ic ..digital ic's should have an impedance of about 110ohm

and although two will work as analouge ic's ...they should not sound that great ...ie even the humblest of ic's should be there equal

that said if it works for you then ...whats the problem !

20-04-2011, 16:57
Consumer SP/DIFF is 75 ohm, Balanced AES is 110 ohm. Neither will have any electrical impact at audio frequencies. I don't know of any amplifier that has a input impedance anywhere close to 100 ohm.