View Full Version : F/S Rotel RA-01

The Vinyl Adventure
30-03-2011, 12:39
Selling on behalf of a mate ...

this thing is in new condition!

I was going to have it off him ages ago for the office in the old house but we never got round to working anything out.
I don't now and have hardly ever used it, its just been sat in its box taking up space... so he has asked me if i could sell it for him!

I have only actually used it for about a week a long time ago and when I used it i think it might have been its first outing as it was still in the plastic inside the box ... it also sounded rough for a day before it warmed up and actually sounded rather good after that ... that makes me think it hadn't been used before! especially as he bought it off a mate of his who sold it to him as unused ...

anyway im babbling as usual... this is the amp


plus shipping ... ... £15 id guess ...

The Vinyl Adventure
30-03-2011, 12:44
... sold

30-03-2011, 18:07
...in 5 minutes! That must be a record? - someone call Norris McWhirter!